When : After each new moon. (within 24 hours)
Items Needed : Blank check and a Pen.
Fill out the check as follows:
(Your Name)
(pay to the order of)
(Paid In Full)
___________ $ (paid in full)
Memo ________ [Law of Abundance] sp
I know that looks terrible but if your familiar with the layout of a check you should be able to figure it out fairly quickly. LOL.
Just fill it out that way, No Date, and No dollar amount. Then put it in a safe place and forget about it.
Best Time : New Moon
Purpose : To Save Money
Items Needed : Green Pen and an Envelope.
Write the amount of money you want to save onto the back of the envelope. You may also want to write down what you are saving it for.
Place what money you already have saved into the envelope and then draw a pentacle onto the front flap of it for protection and say :
"What money is left goes safe into here, and under the mattress, safe and clear."
Place the envelope under the mattress where you sleep so you are quite literally sleeping on your treasure at night. Continue to tuck money away (repeat the affirmation as many times as you like) until you have reached your goal.
Goddess Hear my Plea,
I wish your love and kind heart, Bless this wretched soul with peace. My soul is twisting, fighting itself. Darkness creeps up within. Bring peace to me my goddess. Blessed Be.
*Repeat as desired. Let 1 Black candle burn to symbolize the 'evil' or 'turmoil' leaving you, then light a white one to symbolize the renewed energy.*
Write down what you wish to accomplish on a virgin piece of paper. Slowly fold, burn in the flame of a candle matched (by color) to your objective.
Allow the candle to burn itself out without interruption.
(Works best with tea lights or candles in large jars)
1/3 Salt Water
1/3 River Water
1/3 Spring/Purified Water
**If you have an underground well, using that water is fine, however leave it out in the sun for a day, and the moonlight for a night for a natural cleansing of any taints before attempting to use it during rite ceremonies**
Astral Colors - Colors associated with the astronomical horoscopes.
_Sun Sign ________Birth Date _________Colors_
Aquarius _____ Jan 20 - Feb 18 ____ Blue, Green
Pices ________ Feb 19 - March 20 ___White, Green
Aires ______ March 21 - Apr 19 _____ White, Pink
Taurus ______ Apr 20 - May 20 ______ Red, Yellow
Gemini _______ May 21 - Jun 21 ____ Red, Blue
Cancer ______ Jun 22 - July 22 ____ Green, Brown
Leo _________ July 23 - Aug 22 _____ Red, Green
Virgo ________ Aug 23 - Sept 22 ____ Gold, Black
Libra ________ Sept 23 - Oct 22 _____ Black, Blue
Scorpio _____ Oct 23 - Nov 21 _____ Brown, Black
Sagittarius ____ Nov 22 - Dec 21 ______ Gold, Red
Capricorn ____ Dec 22 - Jan 19 ______ Red, Brown
Some more information Regarding Colors :
White - Purity, Truth, Sincerity
Red - Strength, Health, Vigor, Sexual Love
Light Blue - Tranquility, Understanding, Patience
Dark Blue - Impulsiveness, Depression
Green - Finance, Fertility, Luck
Gold/Yellow - Attraction, Persuasion, Confidence
Brown - Hesitation, Uncertainty, Neutrality
Pink - Honor, Love, Mortality
Black - Evil, Loss, Discard, Confusion
Purple - Tension, Ambition, Business Progress, Power
Silver/grey - Cancellation, Neutrality, Stalemate
Orange - Encouragement, Adaptability, Stimulation
Greenish-Yellow - Sickness, Cowardice, Jealousy
1 Rose
Black pen
Blank sheet of paper
Pumpkin spice incense
Raise your circle. Call the quarters. With the pen and blank paper, write out all the traits you want in a lover/mate. Prick your left ring finger with the needle, and put a fingerprint of blood on the bottom of your list.
Light the incense and say:
God and Goddess hear my prayer, bring my love, one so rare, with (insert 2 features, ex. 'stunning eyes and golden hair'). So mote it be.
Fold the paper three times horizontally, forming a letter like fold. Then again fold that in half, and again, until you have in your hand a small square.
Pin the rose head to the paper with the needle.
hold this in the smoke of the incense for a few moments, visualizing yourself happy and in love. now pull the needle out of the rose and paper, and pick up your athame, calling quarters to close the cirlce and thank the god and goddess.
Store away your paper and disregard the rose head. Make sure the paper is in a place where it will not be disturbed and do not move it for at least a month.
I will include in this section of the journal spells and excerpts from my personal book of shadows. Most of the information I am going to include will be useless to most other people, however the experienced will find these spells and formulas to be quite accurate and workable.
I do not post these here lightly as they are all very personal works, most of which I wrote myself. Please leave a thank you or other acknowledgement if you plan to use any of them.
Blessed Be.