Kasaidia's Journal


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Luna and Black

21:52 Apr 23 2007
Times Read: 567

The story begins with the Son of Miles and the Daughter of Nerlesta. A time and place where the two meet for the very first time.

Could these two children spin a web of love? Or perhaps a tale of woe and warefare? Before we can get to the children, lets have a little recap, shall we?

With the return to Nerlesta's Castle, Piriee met her formal Master. Nerlesta senced a diffrent air about his prized lacky, one that could be vital to his cause. With not wanting his foe to have his prize, he raped her making sure he'd have an offspring and when the time came he'd raise the child to continue the war on Miles and his possible children.

A time came and Miles and Piriee met once more. This washed his sadness and lonleyness for her, away. But now he felt something was wrong, though he could not put a finger on it. Threw her tears no words came. He struggled to get her to talk, but no avail, only tears, tears he did not understand...

Time for Piriee was running short. The birth of Nerlesta's child was fast approaching and this was something she could not bring herself to tell Miles, in fear he would think ill of her. So she hid in a cave and when the time came Nerlesta's daughter was born. Feeling ashamed and not wanting the baby to be found or herself to be found by Nerlesta in that matter, Piriee stole a basket from a nearing villiage and sent the infant down the stream. As for Piriee she returned to her lonly cave where she grieved for all that had happend.

Miles once again felt alone, this had not been the first time Piriee had left without say. At first he assumed she'd return back to him and they could possibly put the battle with Nerlesta behinde them, but this would never come to be. Her scent was now stale and tracking her would be near impossible and teidous. A part of him felt very much so betrayed. She had once left his side for Nerlesta, so why not do it again? This thought very much so enraged him, his fist impacted the nearest tree...

Miles finally decided Piriee was not going to turn up and that he should move on with his life, though deep down he still urned for her. And despite his broken, damaged heart, he found a new love. A Fox, someone he tried to fill the empty void with. In time Black was born.


Black's lip curled. He knew he was being followed and the one following was doing a grade F job. His hand reached to his Blaster, unlike Miles' assortment of unupdated weapons he used a high tech Blaster.

"Show yourself!" Black demandedm saliva think in his mouth.

As before the trees rustled, a few leaves flew free from the branch. Swift invisible movement the Blaster was fired. A loud crack and sindged wood could be heard and smelt. Birds squabbled loudly as the took in frightend flight.

A moan was now heard, Black's intentions were to scare his stalker and this is what he had recieved. The Blaster had shot the exact branch the stalker had been sitting on sending them flat to the ground, could this be any more perfect? He moved forward to have a look on the one who persistantly followed.

On the ground laid flat out on their belly was a short haired feline with fair hair, and light colored clothing. The thick branch now sindged pinned the feline's legs.

Black lowered himself to eye level, his hand lifted the stalker's head, the face feminen with deep pools of blue for eyes.

"So," He growled his breath curling around her nose. "Why have you been stalking me, Feline?"

She wrinkled her nose at the stench of his breath, Dead deerm she assumed, And though she too was that of a meet eater she very much so prefered fish over deer. "I have a name you know!"She protested as she tried to pull her legs from the fallen branch and that was the one she had been sitting.

Black yanked her too her feet, the sindged branch crackling and breaking. "I don't really care if you hve a name or not! I asked you why you were following me, now answer!" His saliva spattered her face as he spoke.

With her free hand she wiped the spit from her face, Her legs then crumpled under neath her. Her legs were never strong enough to withstand her weight. As a child her father would carry her about. Im doing this she'd never learned how to walk properly. If she were not being carried she'd crawl. As for moving from tree to tree, she had gained skill at this by just using her arms and a small amount of help with her unused legs. "Black, please!" she begged.

He did not know the girl or her name, and her addressing him so made him even more suspicious. Black thrusted her into a tree. His eyes now a blood shot red, his hand tight against her throat pinning her to the tree. "How do you know my name!?!"

Luna let out a helpless, pittiful mew followed by a cough as her sourse of air was being slowly choked off.

Black dropped her unaware of the condition of her legs. "Youm your one of Nerlesta's little lackys."

Luna rubbed a hand to her face. "I'm Luna, his daughter... I-I" She began, then looked down ashamed. "I was sent out to kjill you, Black..." She looked up at him with tear filled eyes unsure he would belive the daughter of a nemisis. "But after seeing you, and knowing how much Miles loved Piriee, I can't... I want us to fall in love like they did..."

"You're a spy! How can I trust a spy of Nerlesta!?! And someone who was going to try and kill me! I should kill uoi where you cower!" Black in a snap had the Blaster pointed at her forehead just centimeters from touching the skin.

"Black, listen to me..." She began.

With Blaster still in his hand, Black looked down at her his eyes shinging with haterd twords her and her father. If it were not for Nerlesta his father Miles would have never gone through so much trouble. Luna swallowed back her fear. "Black..."She tried again.

At the sound of his name from her mouth he back handed her in the face. Luna fell hard to the earth, her hand quick to touch the redness of her cheek as she whimpered with pain.

"Next time, Spy, you won't be so lucky." And he went on his way. Leaving her with a reddend cheek and some of his saliva that he had spit down onto her in rage.

"BLACK!" She yallowed in dispair that he had just hit her and would leave, she crawled after him.

Black looked behinde him but didn't see her. She was able to catch up to him and took hold of his pant leg. "Then kill me, Black! Kill me right now and put me out of my misery if you must. I only wanted you to love me, is that so wrong?" Her deep blue eyes locked onto his.

Black pulled his leg free from her grasp. "Be gone." And he continued on his way ignoring any more of her please it was just wasting his time anyway.

Luna now remained where she was. Tears ran down her face, streaming, and hot. "Why must he be that way?" She wondered.

A rustle was heard from behinde her, so the landing wasn't as silent as they had been years ago, but was expected for a man of his age?

"So, you're the daughter of my nemisis?" He asked arms foldd as he approached. Unlike Black's silverish ears and tail. this Fox was a rust red color.

Luna looked up at him. "Miles, right?"

Miles nodded then sat down. "Hum... So, Nerlesta had a kid, who would have thought?" Miles laughed. He unlike his son wasn't so judgemental or scheptical of others. "I dont mean to be rude but, qho is your mother?"

Luna let out a sigh. Nerlesta had taught her that Piriee was a traitor and not to be trusted, as well as Miles and Black. There was something about both Miles and Black she liked but couldn't quite tell what that was. And yes, her true intentions were to dispose of Black, but now she felt so helpless and could not bring herself to do her duty to her father. "My mother is that traitor, Piriee,:She said bitterly. "She abandoned me when I was born and if it wern't for my father finding me in that cursed basket, who knows where I'd be!"

Miles felt hurt that Piriee would give into such a devil as Nerlesta. Did Piriee lie about all those feelings between them that felt so right? Miles thought back and remembered how he went to Nerlesta's castle to find her. It had appeared she had been kidnapped from what he had learned from Nerlesta's not so bright henchmen. "Rape..." He said to himself, now recalling her wordless tears.

Luna leaned forward, her fair short hair brushing her chin line. "Excuse me?"

Miles waved his hands. "Nothing, I was just thinking." There was a long pause between those two, Birds continued to be active with their chirping and flight of wings. A breeze carried the scent of forrest flowers. The sun was still high and warm.

"D-Do you know where Piriee is now?" He tried not to sound too eager or to get his hopes too high.

"Nither of us know. She tried to get rid of us and well..."

"And that makes her a traitor?" His eyebrows now raised.

"Yes, she had no right to leave us like she did!"

Miles let out a sigh. "It appears you only know one side of the story."

"Well, how would I know any other side if I've only heard it from my Father? I mean he did raise me."

He set a hand on her shoulder. "Perhaps you should hear my side, and you'll possibly see how Nerlesta misueses you."

She didnt want to believe his words, but for some reason she had a feeling that something besides words would accure and he'd be right. "Alright Miles, share your side of the story."

When he began she realized he was good at story telling. In a sence she herself could relate to his tale. Nerlesta cared for Luna when she was quite small, but when she reached the age of twelve he grew quite mean and demanded much of her, and with her condition she could only do so much.

When Miles finished his side of the story she asked, "So, he's had Piriee since she was young, but treated her diffrently as she grew up?"

"Yes, well, I can only go on what she told me. Look, Daughter of Nerlesta-"

"Please," She cut him off. "My name is Luna."

"Humm... Yes, Luna, don't feel like you're the only one hurt by Piriee's actions, she must have a good reason."

"You loved her... I know this because my Father told me so." She sort of awwed over this little fact.

"Yes, that's right. I'd give anything, anything the Great Emeralds demanded of me just to see her again!"

"Miles, is it truly worth it?" Luna asked never really knowing what the Emeralds could do or the fact of never feeling as much love for someone as he had just expressed to her.

"Yes, in my eyes its worth it, Luna. And I think if Piriee could see you now, she'd want to make up for lost time."

Luna let his words sink in, then a question accured before came up again. "Miles..."

His eyes caught hers. "Yes?"

This was the first time she noticed the scar over his right eye, and this brought up yet another question, but this she could put aside for the time being. Black was her true ambition. "Miles, I know I haven't known you that long but, you seem so nice. Why is Black so cold hearted if he's your son?"

Miles leaned back and laughed. "It must run in the McCloud Family. When I was his age I was just as distant as Black is to you."

"Really?" She asked knowing this would led to yet another story. "Will you explaine, please?"

"Yes, at the time when I met Piriee, of course she went by a fake name. I didn't learn it till I met back with her at Nerlesta's Castle. Anyway, she was being carried off by an oger and well, I wanted to be that of noble and do what I could. The battle I had with the Oger wasn't that difficult, due to the fact back then I was young and he was quite large and with largeness comes slowness and I think he didnt see so well. When he fell, I let Piriee out of the cage it had been carrying her in." Miles then laughed remembering what the Oger had said to him when they started the fight.

Luna's eyes brightend at his laughter. Miles mad her feel comfortable a releif diffrent then the one she had at her own environment. "What is it?"She too finding herself laughing.

Miles continued to laugh, then took a breath before speaking again. "He said to me; "Humans are more tasty when angry!" And I tried to explaine to the damn thing I was not Human but a Fox."

Luna laughed at the stupidity of the creature. "But Miles, how did you act twords her?"

Miles though for a second, "She followed me and insisted she could help." He laughed. "Luna, do you know what weapon Piriee carried with her?"

Luna thought for a moment. Her father never went into detail about Piriee's fighting style he just told her stories about Piriee's loyalty before she fell in love with Miles. Sometimes Luna felt like she was just Piriees replacement. Sometimes Nerlesta would have her wear her mother's old clothing. This did not interest Luna. While Piriee wore very dark elegant dresses Luna prefered a simple off white colored dress with no sleves that covered her thighs and had a hole in it for her tail. "No, I was never told. What was it?"

"She carried this little doll it had a simmilar look to her. She claimed she could control its actions and use it to fight. She made it herself. I had seen it move a few times before she gave it up to one of the Emeralds." He explained then remembered he was off topic. "Anyway, I tried all I could to get her to go on her own way but she was so persistant in following me."

"Wow." Luna said with awwe. "Father just told me Piriee betrayed him for you. So, did you decide to give in and love her?"

He laughed knowing that she might not know too much on love. Nerlesta, from the years of their rivalry, it didnt appear that Nerlesta was able to love, due to his obsession of the destruction of Miles McCloud. This battle between then had started back when James McCloud, Miles' father had stared something but Miles wasnt too sure on the details. He just knew his father had set out to fight Nerlesta and never returned. Eventually the time came when Nerlesta began to pester him and they fought the endless battle over something Miles wasnt even sure of. "Not quite. See, I was alot like Black is now, I was a loner and not particullarly intersted in having a sidekick, Piriee was so persistant, and well eventually I began to trust her. and we had our intimate moments." He began to think of the times when they were together. He placed his hand on his chin. "Quite shy she was with me at times, but I knew she liked me. A time came and I learned from lower henchmen of Nerlesta's that she was at his castle. Sure enough I found her there and I also learned... She worked for him."

"Hummm... So, she hurt you huh?"

"She betrayed my trust! I mean I senced something was wrong with her when she had asked me what I would do if she did betray me but I never put it together why she would ask, which was foolish of me to have done. Nerlesta used her against me. I felt bad when he possessed her and we had to fight. I felt attached to her emotionly even though she was his servant. I didnt want to harm her, knowing that she didnt mean to try and kill me there in the castle. I had to protect myself and I wasnt about to die, but I couldnt bring myself to strike her down either... What else could I do but knock her unconcious where she could not bring any harm to herself or me."

"Oh... So, how did you treat her after that?" Luna asked.

"Well," Miles shifted in his grass and shrub and possibly flowerd seat. "In the process of our bttle, your father sliced my left arm off." He moved his cloak that covered his left arm, revealing a black metal arm.

"A prostetic?"

" In a sence, yes. Believe it or not, when I was sitting in his dungeon with Piriee, she tried to mend me, but I wasnt myself. And well, somehow when I awoke I had this in place of my lost arm. Im not fully sure how it happend to this day."

Luna reached out and touched the mechanical limb. "Its cool to the touch..."

Miles nodded. "When I regained myself, Piriee told me I spoke of Elysium, my home and she was innsufficiant data." He covered his arm with the dark red cloak. Then shook his head. "I do not recall Elysium. Ive lived on Mobius since my teenaged years. Do you remember when Mobius was peaceful?"

She shook her head, her eyes cast down into her lap. "Ive spent my life in the confinds of the castle, Im not sure if you've noticed, but Im unable to walk."

"Why is that?"



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