I do not know of any vampires around where I live except for my mother. The only other vampire I've ever spoken to besides her lives in England. That was before I joined the online vampire community. That's why I'm so glad to be on Vampire Rave. I hope I'll meet a lot of great people here.
How I first noticed I am a vampire, was when I was having a conversation with somebody. We were talking about general things, like the weather, or what was new. At a certain point, we came across a phenomenon, of which I did not know what it meant. I asked him. It was a very complicated thing to explain though, so he started a long explanation.
As he was explaining to me, I was more and more distracted, but I did not know by what. I just felt this soft, warm feeling inside of me I didn't want to let go of. In the end, I couldn't hear what the man was saying at all. I just could not pay attention anymore.
After this feeling, by which I was really overwhelmed, I started looking around for answers. Luckily, my mother has the gift too, so she was able to explain some things as soon as she recognised the situation, and that is pretty much the way it all started for me.