sleep that is
its 12:26 here
i am leaving at 4:30-ish
GAH !!!
just a few hours til i leave
i am ready to go
all thats left is to copy the flight details down in my notebook..
i have actually broken out in small hives and muh belly is now itchy
im a nervous wreck
Convince yourself
The most challenging part of any achievement is continually convincing yourself to keep working on it. When you are truly convinced to do it, you will take the necessary actions to make it happen.
Give yourself a compelling reason to achieve, stay connected to that reason, and you will indeed achieve. You can be magnificently effective when you choose to be.
If there are things you must know, you can learn them. If there are resources you must have, you can locate them.
Convince yourself to achieve, and you will find a way. Life unfolds in accordance with your most powerful and meaningful commitments.
It is helpful to be able to persuade others, yet the most important person you must convince is you. Unless you sincerely convince yourself, no amount of persuasion of other people will be able to move you forward.
Convince yourself that what you are doing is right and worthwhile. Then delight in the fulfilling journey of making it happen.
-- Ralph Marston
some of you know this... some don't. so here is where i am reporting in lol
in the morning at 7:30 am i am climbing aboard a plane, OMG for the first time on a plane big enuff to carry more that 8 people... and i am HEADING WEST to Wyoming first and then possibly to Colorado...
My friend, RambinSoul, and when i say friend i mean REAL LIFE for the past 40 years lol.. is out there working and making killer money, and i am going to join her and her b/f and make some of that money myself DAMMIT haha
I WILL have internet access, but i WONT be around as much. Ima be working six days a week weather permitting, and those days will be 10 to 12 hours long.. and i have LOTS of plans for my Sundays.. sightseeing... cowboy hunting .... heh..
as ALWAYS.. you are more than welcomed to message me here at VR if you need anything or have questions...
im nervous lol
I have a two hour lay over in Denver Colorado, and I am going to be meeting WildChild (from VR) and HISmuse (his g/f) during that layover....
AND I already have pans for what i am calling my *VISITATION FUND* lol ... im start a separate savings account, and what ima do with that money when i get it built up .. is pay our aLUSTrious Coven Mistress and our other ACM.. a visit :) LOOK OUT MOONIE AND CM :)
so ... ima leave you with this little ditty .
good luck hun :)
about time things went your way :)
KK.. I am proud of you for going and experiencing a dream. It is not everyday that people have that ability to do so.
You have stepped up and put aside your fears and ran in head first. I admire you, respect you and love you for it.
I will be thinking of you on your plane ride over the man states that separate you from there to your new found place.
You are in my heart. Always and Forever.
I love you. ♥
oh, good luck dear! i hope that all goes well.
Good for you, have a wonderful adventure.
Be well, stay safe and enjoy yourself when you can.
Be well ,and grab it by the tail!!
1. American Express calls and says: "Leave home without it!"
2. Your idea of a 7-course meal is taking a deep breath outside a restaurant.
3. You're formulating a plan to rob the food bank.
4. You've rolled so many pennies, you've formed a psychic bond with Abe Lincoln.
5. Long distance companies don't call you to switch.
6. You look at your roommate and see a large fried chicken in tennis shoes.
7. You rob Peter...and then rob Paul.
8. You finally clean your house, hoping to find change.
9. You think of a lottery ticket as an investment.
10. Your bologna has no first name. LOL
11. You give blood everyday...just for the orange juice.
12. McDonalds supplies you with all your kitchen condiments.
14:19 Jun 08 2008
..and best of luck with the landing.