I must be spoiled Reaper got me xbox one s and switch for Christmas and Gta v for xbox and minecraft thanks Reaper
Feeling back to normal finally
In those who require or wish to read to those on vampirerave. Suffering sickness or even had bad year I hope to that you all make up for it this yr and fresh new start god keeps his promises and heals all who are in dire need. I prey for those who healing vibes are needed even if the people here who did or did not are not required. So there for meaning if you have hated me in the past i do not hold grudge or do, I wish any hate upon anyone on this website only good vibes and healing that are needed! I have had rough couple patches this week with ear infection I don't know what cause it to be honest still trying to figure it out with gods promises and healing touch I know he will be the greatest physician ever lived!
everything i eat or drink has no flavor cause this damn amoxicillon help me I want to live to and eat well like the rest of us wtf !
Been resting all day just woke up anyone wish to talk I'm a great listener :)