The neighbors were back home Sunday night.
Turns out their CO detector went off and woke them all up. They got outside and called 911 which brought the cavalry charge.
They were not permitted to return to their house, they had to go stay with relatives.
That had contractors in and out all weekend, they had to replace their furnace.
I ended up having to supervise a production trial last night at work. Per the ususal everything that could go wrong, did. I didn't get out of work until past Midnight.
After I got home I poured myself a big glass of milk and made a PBJ. I sat down at the table to eat and read a magazine to de-stress abit before bed.
The all hell broke loose outside. There were a ton of emergency vehicle sirens wailing. Not too unusual as we live right down the street from the local hospital so ambulances go screaming by all the time. This was a bit different. Two police cars screached to a halt in front or our house..The policemen jumped out and went running down the street. Then 4 fire engines also arrived and stopped in front of the house next door. More police came and blocked off access to our street. I went to ask what the heck was up, but was told to stay inside the house.
I still have no idea what the hell went down. The folks next door were not home when we walked the dog this morning and still were not home this evening. David goes to school with the kid from that family and he wasn't in school today. None of the other neighbors knows anything either.
We dropped the car off for inspection on Sunday night after I put the new brakes on on Saturday.
I was supposed to pick it up Monday afternoon on my way home from work. It wasn't ready. It needed a new oxygen sensor in order to pass the state emissions test. Had to wait until Tuesday for the part.
Yesterday around noon I talk to the mechanic. Well, the oxygen sensor is in, BUT one of the ball joints is bad and it needs a new lower control arm as the ball joint can't be changed seperatly!
So, as usual in The Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the requirement for the annual inspection rsults in the mechanic recieving the funds to make his monthly boat payment!
Hell, I didn't need that $500.00!
Unless I lease a car, I won't buy anything newer than a 1995...
And if you ever see my old truck you'll know why. It passes inspection, every time.
Sure, I might bribe the inspection guy with a case of Labatt's Blue... but that's besides the point.
...stupid emissions inspection.
Busy as a bee yesterday!
Had the Sunday School "kickoff" breakfast at church. Right now we only have 3 kids in our class...I hope more show up! I switched to teaching 7&8 grade so I wouldn't be David's teacher.
Service was good, we sang a prelude and it went without a hitch.
Changed the brakes on my car in the afternoon. It's in for inspection today, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Everyone else went to a Philly's game yesterday, Gina the afternoon game and Chrissy and David teh night game. I made a big pot of chicken corn chowder for dinner in between games for the hour we were all home together.
I am happy football season has begun. Watched pieces of several games and all of the night game.
That's all for this report of randomness.
1) Dave returned to school on Tuesday. The School District got a judge to issue an injunction preventing the teachers fro going on strike, so all of a sudden they are willing to talk to the School District negotiators! Had all of the forms and crap to fill out and return. Football practice started today so a few weeks and his games will begin.
2) Choir started again for the "Church year" last night. We had a pretty good first practice of the season. We are only singing a simple prelude this Sunday then get into full swing next week.
3) Had a planning meeting tonight for the annual picnic and outdoor Court of Honor for David's scout troop. We also have some cool weekend trips coming up, plus planning for the year.
I have two more weeks until band starts back up so I have that to look forward to.
In no time I'll be crazy busy every night!
But you will come online and let us know you are alright often... right? Don't make me take the bull by the horns... you will.
I got home from work last night and figured I had an easy eving ahead. relax, watch some TV, cruise VR, head to bed early.
Then I remembered I had an Elder's meeting at church. So instead...Read long reports, listen to people whine, try to get through the agenda but EVERYONE needs to say something to hear themself talk! Didn't get home until 11:00pm.
What did we accomplish? We voted to buy a new sign and to fix some doors and try to get people to give more money so we can pay the mortgage!
I think the more important thing you accomplished was a community spirit and hearts as generous as the friendship surrounding you in that team..thats the best. Why not try a charity auction to raise Church funds, lol.. well it worked here and could be a lot of fun!
So Gina was all ready to bake a cake yesterday afternoon. Mixed up the batter, turned on the oven to pre-heat, got the batter in the pans then put the pans in the COLD oven!
Yep, the oven went kaput! I checked the breaker..All OK, checked the element, it looked ok. So I go turn off the power and unplug the oven. Take out the element and find that the wires connecting to one side of the element had basically melted themselves off off the connector.
So I go to the hardware store and get some new connectors, get home and re-wire the connections to the element. Put everything back together, plug the range back in, flip on the breaker, turn on the oven and cross my fingers.
YEAH it worked!
Luckily we have one of those NESCO electric roaster things that Gina was able to bake the cakes in. My oven repair gig took a couple hours!
The cake was saved....that's all that matters lol
dude....might I suggest that EVERYTHING mechanical in ya'll's life should just be replaced, since it all seems to be going kaput here lately?
Our first batch of guests have departed and we were sad.
I was apparently quite tired. I sat down on the couch at noon to watch TV. Allie had just called and said they were leaving their place for the trip to ours.
I woke up at 3:30 as they were walking through the door! I guess walking all over Philly then the Drac Ball kind of wore me out!
One strange after affect of the departure of our lovley guests. Ewok is just sort of hanging out by the door looking sad. I think she misses her new friend, even though she wasn't very nice to him while he was here!
Today was my daughter Allie's first day of school.
She has been waiting for this moment for so many years. She was so excited to start this new phase in her life. She was practically jumping out of her skin and couldn't sleep last night.
She started the day in the middle of a scuffle between two boys. One decided it would be a good idea to put his arms around the other and pick him up.
As their new homeroom teacher she balled them both out and told the 'agressor' kid that if she sees him put his hands on another kid she will suspend him from school!
Mean Miss Allie is off to a good start!
18:05 Sep 23 2009
Good thing for the CO detectors...