I was planning to write in here Sunday night or Monday, but I was too busy!
Last weekend was awesome. It started off Saturday at FM's graduation party. We all had a great time even though we sort of got lost on the way there. On the way back we stopped at a seafood market and bought some REAL "Steamer" clams...Old fashioned New England "Piss Clams".
Sunday we went to a BBQ at a local park sponsored by Gina's AA group, lots of good food and Dave and I walked the trails around the huge lake in the park. We got home and I started cooking the clams, stemed in sauted onions, garlic and fish stock, served with melted butter and a loaf of french bread. We finished dinner just in time to be able to watch the Coka-Cola 600 NASCAR race. But, alas, it rained in Charlotte so the race ended up postponed until Monday.
We slept a little too late on Monday and barley got David to the gathering point for the start of the Memorial Day parade he marched in with his scout troop. Gina and I found a place to sit along the parade route and ended up being right next to a good friend of ours from church. We enjoyed the parade, Marching bands, scouts, fire engines, politicians, local businesses, veteran's groups, a typical small town parade. After teh parade we headed home, had lunch and then I watched the rain shortened race. For dinner I made Pork ribs on the grill, corn on the cob and potatoe salad. MMM
Tuesday came too damned soon and the normal crap of a work week commenced!
Gina, David and I just got home from a trip to the N.J. shore.
We went there to go to a graduation party for a lovely lady who is now a nurse. Our Faeriemoon was surrounded with family and friends for her day of celebration. When we arrieved we could hardly tell that the venue for the party was near the water at all, due to the fog that had rolled in. But after a short while, the sun came back out and we got to overlook beautiful Barnegat Bay and the famous Barnegat light house.
We all signed FM's nurse's hat and took home a "prescription" from the new nurse. It was also cool meeting her family and friends. We were introduced as her "VR friends"! I don't think some of the folks "got" the connection!
We had a great time and it's always fun to get together with the lovely and talented Faeriemoon!
Thanks so much for coming out!
Less then 24 hours and I get to meet her myself. YEAH!!
Gina, Dave, Chrissy and I went on a trip my employer's "Special Events Committee" sponsored to Washington, DC yesterday.
It was a beautiful day, Sunny and around 85 degrees.
We go into DC around 11:15 and the buses dropped us off at the WWII memorial on the Mall. We had deecided to visit the National Holocaust Museum, so we set out there after we got off the buss.
We arrived at the museum and the first available tickets were for 12:15, so we had about 45 min. to kill. We were hungry so we went to find a place to eat. We ended up havong hot dogs from a street vendor and eating on the lawn in front of th e Department of Energy, across from the "back" side of the Smithsonian "Castle".
We headed back to the Holocaust museum and went throught the permanant exhibit. When you enter, you select a booklet from a display, and the booklet tells the story of one person who was interred by the Nazis during the Holocaust.
This is an amazing, sobering and heart wrenching experience. It tells the story from pre-Nazi europe, through the rise of Hitler and the Nazis and the implementation of the policies and acts of Hitler's "Final Solution".
I think everyone should visit this museum, or one like it. It puts into perspective the horror that Hitler and the Nazis inflicted on the Jews, Jehova's Witnesses, Homosexuals, Roma peoples, Soviet POWs, Handicapped, Mentally Ill and myriad other groups that didn't fit their ideals of their "Master Race".
The liberation of a Concentration Camp was the ONLY thing my father every told me about from is experience during WWII. It was important to him for what happend there to be known. I recall the owner of the first company I worked for in an after school job in High School. He had numbers tattood on his forearm. My Dad, who worked there also, explained the meaning of the tattoos. Mr. Bernstien had been a prisoner in Treblinka and luckily survived. I can't imagine the horrors of living through such experiences.
Let's not forget the lessons learned from WWII, nor allow ourselves to become complacent to the acts of hatred in the world around us.
David is going on his class trip to NYC tomorrow.
They are visiting the Statue of Liberty as well as Ellis Island.
He decided he wanted to dye his hair teal to match the statue of liberty!
So toningt I first had to bleach his dark brown hair blond...Then dye it teal for him!
I'll put up a picture or two later.
Whay do I feel like a certain Rat right now?
I had a training class on Friday. "Measurment Systems for Daily Managment in a Lean Manufacturing Evnironment". Sounds like a bucket of laughs...No?
I left a the lunch break, as we had to pack up the car and drive up to Bloomsburg for Chrissy's graduation. It rained the entire trip!
We got there and got checked into our hotel then called Chrissy to let her know we were there. She and Liam drove over to our hotel and we decided to get dinner early. We went to Cacker Barrell and it was pretty good. After dinner we all drove back to Chrissy's apartment to pack up her stuff, as she had to be out of there the nrxt day soon after graduation. After we packed up it was only 6:30 so we decided to walk around the local Mall.. That tool about half an hour, Chrissy and Liam then left to go back to her Apartment and Gina Dave and I went to the center of all the action in the area....Wal-Mart!
We could barely stand the excitement of Wal-Mart and headed back to our hotel, watched some TV and read then headed to bed early.
We were up by 6:30 Saqturday as we had to be at the campus to get decent seats for the ceremony by 8:30. Had the breakfast at the hotel which was actually not too bad drove to campus, got a great parking spot and the ended up getting seats where we couls actually see the platform where the graduation was taking place. So we sat for an hour and a half before the ceremony started. The morning started with drizzle, but there was actually some sun shining by the time the commencement started.
There were the usual remarks by the President of the University, the Trustees ets, and the keynote address was by David McCormick, who was Undersecretery of the Treasury for International Affairs during the last 3 years of the Bush Administration. He talked about what a "Challanging" environment the graduates were coming into. He didn't mention the role HE played in making the mess! ANYWAY before we knew it Crissy had received her Diploma Cover and completed her graduation! 2 down 1 to go!
After the gradation we all went to our respective cars, Gina Dave & I, Allie and Zack, Liam and Chirssy, and made the 2 hour drive home.
We went out to dinner to celebrate at a restaurant of Chrissy's chosing, a very nice Italian place. Everyone enjoyed their meals and we had a great time. After dinner, we headed home and some neighbors came over and we had a cake to add to the celebration.
Sunday morning Chissy and David were headed to the Phillies vs. Mets game, I went to church and Gina had to go get the dog from the kennel. Chrissy and Dave got to the Subway Station in Philly to head to the came and saw a bunch of Phillies stadium emplyees heading home who told them the game had been called due to rain, so they came home. At church at the beginning of service a woman got faint and fell and had to be taken awat in an Ambulance. In addition we found out our new Associate Pastors's 10 month old son had been hospitalized with breathing issues on Saturday night. A lot of people to pray for!
This afternoon we had to go to a Memorial Sevice for a church member who passed away right after Easter/ He was in the Bass section of the choir with me and we sang 2 of his favorite pieces.
Tonight we have the grandson of our best friends spending the night. His grandparent have custody of him as his mother has drug abuse issues. Grandma is out of town and grandpa has to be at work at 5:00 AM, before daycare opens. So Dave has "camped out" with him in the living room!
A friend posted about her father's military service in our house forum. It got me to thinking about my father's military service and how he saw it.
My dad enlisted when he was 17, dropped out of High School and joined before he got drafted. Went to basic training at Ft. Dix, then ran a projector for a HQ company in London. May of 1944 came and the Army decided they needed Infantry soldiers more than a projectionist so he traded the projector for an M1 Garand.
He landed on Omaha beach in the 2nd wave, fougt in the Battle of the Bulge and in the Rhein campaign and helped liberate a concentration camp. He was wounded during the Battle of the Bulge but didn't report the injury until after the Battle. He never talked about ANY of it, as much as I tried to get it out of him.
He never thought he did anything special or out of the ordinary. "Everyone did what they had to do" is what he always said. Self sacrifice with no desire for any accolades or any expectation of any "reward" of any kind.
I miss him greatly and wich I could be more like him.
Well that answered the question- all the males in your family is cool beans. :) In your own way- you are very much like him.
02:40 Jun 01 2009
We got to meet FM last week. You are right- wonderful lady. :)