Recently got Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag and Batman Arkham Origins so if anyone is up for some multiplayer my psn id is
I'll probably finish the solo story on both first so it might be a few days but I'll post here when I'm ready to begin the multiplayer portion of both. :)
Does anyone else admire Maggie for continuing to search for Glenn even though there isn't a guarentee he is still alive? The same can be said about Glenn with his search for Maggie. That couple is so strong with everything that is going on it's inspiring. The world is so dark with the Walkers roaming around and humanity has gone to shit yet the love they have for each other has only grown deeper. Despite that they are seperated they continue on for each other. That's awesome. That's why I like this show. The characters are deeper than most shows on tv lately. It's refreshing.
If any of you play Tomb Raider and need the multiplayer trophies add me on psn because in the next few days I'm going to be playing the online and we can help each other out. I have a mic.
Psn id= JustinDupree
Well my day was okay at first then went down hill about mid day. I can't have anything for myself. I always have to share. Sleep probably wont find me tonight. If anyone wants to chat I'll probably be on psn or something. Go me. Ugh. Endure and fucking survive.