A 2014 goth is a bitch on her period.
Sorry, my xena the warrior princess is coming loose! Watch out for my boomerang.
Couple new pics uploaded in my port. Check em out. Dont barf too hard lol
Stay cool.
A certain.. impaler's... info is in my lap.
So much to do! ;)
My biggest pet peeve is atheists. Particularly atheists in my office. I am by no means a huge religious person but atheists are just a tremendous waste of everything. If you dont believe in something, what are you really doing here?
Are you getting all existentialist on us?
(Did I spell that right? Duh)
I think Christians are a waste of space but I keep that opinion to myself...
should there be really a reason why we're here?
Should there be a reason? For me personally, yes.
Its becoming harder and harder for youth to be able to think for themselves. Social media has a big price. When everything is in your face so much people tend to suffocate creatively and emotionally under it and become whatever the trends are. Just a thought.
And not only social media in general, but advertising in particular. Most youth feel out of place if they don't have 'the right shoes, the right car, etc' for example.
More like - let's all be perfect matching sheep.
Sad, really.
Silly me that at younge age I thought the world would change.
06:25 Jun 30 2014
Are you trying to get jumped on? LOL