Feet covered in sand
Warmed by your breath, my arms raised.
Kissed by Earth and Sky.
Rain in me. Rime your chalice,
First Triune...now, then, and ere.
We are as defined by our fall from one another
As by the force that dared us reach for the other,
Grasping, grabbing, fingertips slipping away,
Searching madly for purchase. I cried into the ether
My desire to fall into you. I have reasoned reality
And warped the world. I knew that we fell,
But when my eyes are closed, there is only you.
So little of you now. My curses trace the cone of you
That narrows and narrows until at last I know
I will be alone.
How cold will my heart be when I realize
I am no longer falling, but careening away from you?
Chaos already covets what remains,
Stretching memory, imaginings, history and now
Into ribbons of taffy that wave and crest
With an undertow that is irresistible. I can feel
The tug against my legs, wearing me down
Until I slip under to fall again. To fall into myself
Where time ends, curving into me and I am crushed
At last beneath the growing pressures of my lover
And I open my mouth to scream your name,
At last become what I always was.
A dark hunger for you.