I lifted the clawed instrument and came down with a mighty bang, a clean hit to the head I aimed for, driving it deep into the wall.
It was one of the most awesome and high-energy projects I have ever been a part of. The Center has sponsored Habitat before, even securing enough funds to pay for the build of a whole house, but I'd never actually lifted my own hammer in the cause before. This build is to donate sweat equity hours to a single mom from our church who was approved for her own home. (That build will not take place until she has 300 sweat equity hours put in, of which she must complete 200 on her own.)
It was beyond cool. The very first wall we lifted into place set the mood for the whole build. The homeowner who is in a wheelchair was placed in the opening that will be his doorway. We hoisted up that framework of studs around him and it truly was an experience of faith in action.
In October, there will be an all women's build. I am so in. In fact, I think I'd work just for the tee shirt! It has a Charlie's Angels posed female on the front, holding a power drill instead of a gun. The caption reads... See title :)
23:26 Jun 08 2009
I got information about such projects last night... I'm considering volunteering my employees... :)
23:39 Jun 08 2009
All I can advise is...DO IT!!! You'll love it. I'm hooked :)
23:40 Jun 08 2009
Oh wow, it puts me in mind of the Amish community barn buildings. I wish I could be a part of this!
19:23 Jun 09 2009
Habitat is a remarkable experience. Between learning knew skills and working side by side with the soon to be owners, it is hard not feel empowered and yet humbled.
21:43 Jun 09 2009
Yet another aspect of your beautiful soul *winks*
Good on ya, Woman!!! Jus please tell me you'll take lots of pictures!!!
07:36 Jun 10 2009
:) You always make me smile and wish to do more in my life.
10:09 Jun 10 2009
Sounds like a very good project, where for once people in need are being helped.
16:23 Jun 19 2009
Reading this made me hungry for a big sandwich! (for those who might think that an odd response) Your entry triggered in my mind the memories of what it feels like to do this sort of work, and the fond memories that when you work with groups of people there generally tends to be big lunch breaks with yummy sandwiches...and they taste WAY better than other sandwiches because you really 'earn' them! Plus, I am super hungry right now=viola! Sammy hungry!
Your projects sound fun, good luck.