JedixMasterxCheryl's Journal

JedixMasterxCheryl's Journal


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5 entries this month


00:51 Sep 16 2008
Times Read: 651

What is the most important thing to leave to posterity?

Do any of you really understand how fractional reserve economics work and why it is leading us into the goddamn New World Order?

I want to keep this one at the top of the journal entries as the song is so kick ass!

Aimee Allen is my new favorite singer and heroine!



You know something?

Aimee Allen is prettier than Angelina Jolie (not to mention WAY COOLER tats!) and if you can vote - you can write in Ron Paul...

*I should note that in order to get around the electronic voting one must go to their county clerks local office and get a paper 'absentee' ballot first. This is perfectly legal and the Secretary of State's office in every state has a statute requiring them to keep these paper voting records.

The voting booth will only record electronically in some states so the solution is the absentee ballot.





20:00 Sep 09 2008
Times Read: 674

Superman? Ron Paul?

Why doesn't McBama have its own video game?




16:40 Sep 09 2008
Times Read: 677

Ron Paul to Hold Major

Press Conference Wednesday


September 8, 2008

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – Congressman Ron Paul will hold a press conference in the Ball Room at the National Press Club on Wednesday, September 10th at 10:00 am. Dr. Paul will announce his intentions for the fall presidential election and will be accompanied by several special guests.

This event comes on the heels of Dr. Paul’s historic three-day Rally for the Republic in Minneapolis, Minnesota that drew over 12,000 supporters.




23:09 Sep 07 2008
Times Read: 698

For all you Lord of the Rings fans out there - here is a good one. Slick production - great message!

Who says Hollywood types aren't involved in the Revolution?




21:30 Sep 06 2008
Times Read: 725

Here is something I sent to my fellow American academics and artists that I know on facebook tonight:

I give it to you all - my VR family whom I love and don't want to see regulated - with love:


Dear Friends:

I never do things like this as I am pretty non-confrontational but there is something inside me terribly worried concerning what is about to happen in the United States.

I am writing to you all today for one reason only - to invite you to please watch the following two videos on YouTube which may give you some perspective on what is happening in our country and why given the choice between Barack Obama or John McCain, we simply have no real choice.

This first video will demonstrate that the media is quite aware that there is no significant difference between the two major parties and that all the televised politics we see is a big game and a lie. There is great humour in this - and make sure to watch to the end for the unbelievable comment by Pat Buchanan. I have to admit I laughed.

I am not trying to offend any of you by suggesting that you watch these or that your liberal or conservative sentiments - whatever they may be - are incorrect. What I wish you all to understand is that our country is in major trouble and if we, as the intellects, artists and academics, continue to wilfully remain untutored about the true nature of the political, economic and foreign situation in the USA, we may not have much left to vote for in four years.

I have been called an 'idealist' and even dense for my thinking but tell me this…

Do you realize that our Founding Fathers spent 10 long years under Articles of Confederation prior to working out the Constitution? It is admittedly not a perfect document, but one that is based on precedent of historical deeds and misdeeds with a careful strategy of how to guarantee the liberties of all our nation’s peoples and that this document severely limits central government activity? The entire meaning and word of our National Law has been totally disregarded over the last 95 years - basically since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.

Furthermore to those who have said I am an idealist - aren't all political ideologies idealistic at their core?

It is time for an intellectual, peaceful revolution, for us as a nation and individuals to stop listening to what the mainstream media tells us we are to think and to educate ourselves. Part of the purpose of a collegiate education is founded in teaching us how to think for ourselves. If you actually research all these issues, and still defy what I suggest - that both the Liberals and Neo-Cons, no matter which side wins, are going to continue to print money out of air, borrow around $1 billion per DAY from China or Japan, and continue foreign aggression with no end in sight (not to mention all the rest of the garbage that goes on in Washington) - then feel free to question me.

Hell, I wish I could borrow a billion dollars a day and not have to be called to task for it...

I urge you all to think critically about the messages in these videos and not judge me for attempting to help educate my fellow Americans. I love the United States; I grew up proud of the place I was from and what it stood for. I was shocked, dismayed and saddened when I came to the UK and realized how much the United States is despised around the world. I, personally, want to see America bring its troops home and get back to the country that was respected and financially sound once upon a time.

However, if you support world-wide private banks controlling and dictating our national interests, overspending, unprovoked aggression, Empire building, the New World Order, micro chipping people and the National ID card - please feel free to tell me off and accept my apology in advance.

This last video is to the tune 'American Pie' by Don McLean. Hopefully, you will all enjoy the song if not quite either agreeing with or understanding the rhetoric and the message...

On a final note - the contention between 'Suave, I’ll give you Change' Obama and 'I am POW & War Hero with lots of Experience' McCain to me is pointless distraction, my friends ... a distraction from the REAL issues surrounding the state of our union. Whether a woman or a black man is in the White House is not the real issue, is it?

Is it?

Are we so politically one-dimensional that we only care about seeming 'cool', 'strong' or falling in line with what seems to be the 'caring and compassionate' route? Wouldn't it be cooler, more compassionate and actually take more strength to know what is really going on and tell the truth? If you truly want change – use your vote wisely.

Please - dig deeper and wake up…before it is too late for America.

Peace -


PS – feel free, if you think this message matters and agree with the idea that we need to educate ourselves politically before blindly voting for an ‘image’, to forward this on to whomever you think will be receptive to it.

I truly hope I don’t get any ‘Cheryl, you’re an ass’ return mail from any of you for this – but I really feel strongly about the danger that I see on our nation’s horizon if we don’t start paying attention.



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