So today was just a wtf?!?!? sort of day all the way around.
Imagine you are me at work for the last week....the boss is dumping LOADS of crap that should have been handled months ago on my lap...I get an e-mail saying that I was one of the three finalists for the grant I applied for - but that I wasn't selected (that one hurt ... :( )....and then I have the pleasure of coming to VR to be with my friends and have a little fun.
I got TOTALLY dumped on by a member who is a friend but who has some issues that I can't resolve.
There is an issue between two House members that somehow has become my problem and to top it all off...
I write something here in MY JOURNAL - where I can say what I think, feel and dream about, etc... at least that's what I have been told. - and I got BLASTED for not liking Iron Maiden.
Well Excuse Me.
If my friendship is based solely on whether or not I like that band, then I guess I am not fucking cool enough for you. Pity, really. I have so many other fine qualities.
But, hey, some people can't stand YES because they can't stand Anderson;'s voice - w/e. If they do - do I send them a message telling them they are bad? No.
So my feelings are raw and a bit sensitive and I want you all to leave me the fuck alone for a bit.
I am not your fucking doormat and I am not going to take any more personal attacks from anyone about things I write here that have 1) nothing to do with a VR member per se...and 2) are about something I either FEEL or THINK.
I am entitled to my opinion and while I will listen to what you have to say - if you want to call me names - you will not get very far with your argument.
It's right there in black and white! I just saw it!
Well....err, I saw the blurb in the journals section anyway - I NEVER read that garbage - people just tell me what it says sometimes.
He is so ridiculous.
Certain ass goblins were too young in the early 80's to be attending concerts. Even Iron Maiden concerts - hell- ESPECIALLY Iron Maiden concerts.
I never liked Iron Maiden that much. I didn't know one girl either that liked Iron Maiden really (even the ones that "said they liked" that band would say in private that it was a dude band and that the music was just not their style)...so leave it to Ass Goblin to write about them!
And how can I listen to the words when the music was so bad? I loved almost all the metal bands from that era - but not IM.
I didn't get the appeal then - and I don't get it now.
Yes, maybe I am a bit mollified and I do have that damn hair trigger temper that makes me such a fiesty wench to play with...
Okay - thank you to Our Prince for understanding that things must eventually "right" themselves and we all know that I didn't get my profile wiped as did happen to #1 and #2- so to be back on that list is vindication enough that the system is correcting itself. SLOWLY....
Still...never ever mess with maintenance during a Mercury retrograde period.
Maybe Our Prince needs his own personal astrologer?
Hey, if it's good enough for the Ceasars - I think Our Prince should have one too. I offer my services should he require them.
At least all is starting to get back to "normal".
If you look closely at a sweet journal you will see what I mean.
At least the focus will be off me and the AG. But NEVER forget about the AG. He still sucks big time.
The Rating system here has been completely compromised.
How can it be justified that all the profiles starting with a number or the letter A or B get all their ratings wiped out without changing their names mind you - and none of the rest of us do and that GODDAMN TOP list be accurate or fair?
It is bullshit. You know it. I know it.
This was totally botched and not anyone's fault on the list - it is computer "error" - right.
How can he justify it? Sorry - but he hasn't.
There was no justice for rest of us - so the ratings here are total bullshit and I will not be rating people anymore - is there any integrity left here?
Obviously not in the rating system.
If all the GODDAMN A-B profiles get to return to no rates without changing their names - then SO SHOULD EVERYONE.
It is one thing to do maintenance. I certainly understand that - NOT during a Mercury retrograde period - but it still needs to happen. My advice to the Prince? CHECK WITH AN ASTROLOGER BEFORE MESSING WITH STUFF LIKE THIS AGAIN DURING A MERCURY RETROGRADE PERIOD.
So this is the fucked up shit that we have to deal with here - especially after shelling out $150 bucks for a Lifetime PM????
Give me a break. I worked GODDAMN HARD on my profile and unless this shit is fixed or we are all given the opportunity to "start over" this site may see very little of me in the future.
Anonymous Users Online: 292
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Total Users Online: 402
. .
Unique visitors in the past hour: 1286
Unique visitors in the past 24 hours: 10288
Can someone tell me what "Anonymous Users Online" means?
Sounds odd to me - why not call them "Visitors?"
Your Status: Iconoclast (Level 26)
You have completed 80% of this level.
Go Me!
Lifetime Membership ROCKS!
NOW who has paid for their membership to NOT BE ANNOYED?
BWA-HA-HA-HA - Eat my dust A.G.!
Sometimes it is hard to keep the faith when all around is chaos!
We haven't had toilets in the office for two days and they won't be fixed until sometime tomorrow afternoon.
The line collapsed under the street outside the building so it has to be dug up and repaired - EEEWWWWW!!!
Just yuck.
And no housing contract yet - fuckers.
I know when to say "ENOUGH".
So enough.
Time to get some pampering for the mind as well as the body, baby.
So who the fuck is RKF? Why did this jerkwad create an account, look at and ADD my journal to favorites and then delete his/her account?
So it makes me look like someone DROPPED me as favorite journals?
Can you think of ANYONE who dislikes me this much?
Some ass goblins need to get a life!
Ha ha! Gentle readers, it has been brought to my attention that a certain ASS GOBLIN dislikes a good VR friend of mine, Rob. Apparently the AG has made some statements to mutual "friends" (can the ASS GOBLIN even have women friends? I don't think he knows what a real friend IS!)....anyway - he has said to women here at VR that HE DISLIKES ROB!
Why the hell not? Because Rob's profile is ranked high for men? Because more ladies like Rob than a mysoginistic prick? Because Rob is a successful, well-liked man who is caring kind and considerate to women?
It HAS to be that last reason! The ASS GOBLIN being the fucktard reject that he is must be jealous of the attention that Rob gets from the ladies for one and hates it at the same time because he treats women like ka-ka. Rob treats women like gold.
Now if AG would just go away and be replaced by a new member who was as cool as Rob- then VR would just be a better place. Don't you agree, gentle reader? I knew you would :D
Hmmmm...sometimes I wonder what is being purportedly said in inaccessible (to me) areas of VR....
I suppose they read things that make them want to come take a look at this silly journal of mine.
What did Bridget Jones say about diaries folks?
Yes, that's right...it's just a diary - everyone knows that diaries are full of crap.
Still, there seem to be a lot of a certain ass face member's mateys who like to come look at my journal.
Hope they get what they paid for - they certainly amuse the hell out of me. But, let's face it gentle reader...nothing makes me laugh harder than finding yet another jibe to stick to said ass face.
Some people are born to ridicule (and do it very well, I might add) and some are born to be ridiculed.
C'est la vie, n'est-e pas?
I just have to say that everytime I happen to see the ass goblin somewhere it still icks me out seeing that smugly face...and to know how creepy and selfish it is too...just ewwwww!
I have been totally honored by my House Master, imagesinwords, by being made an Assistant House Master.
It totally blew me away when she asked me and I felt very complimented that she had such confidence in me.
Today for thesaurus 101 we will look at a synonym for the word "Ass"....
the best one to use here is "russell".
It is so appropos.
And to think - I declare my independence from that British fuck today! How very fitting.
What he says, thinks or does matters absolutely nothing to me and most people who have looked at what an asshole he comes across as...theme music! AS IF! (I have it on good authority that the only music that might even be remotely wafting through the halls when this asswipe shows up sounds hauntingly like the "Funeral Durge.")
And I guarantee since I was a surfer/skater chick for years that Bam and Johnny not to mention Tony Hawk wouldn't give that ASS the time of day!
What an arrogant little prick.
(btw - kudos to a great friend of mine here (she knows who she is!) that suggested the thesaurus theme for this entry.)
Indeed, I was a pain in the ass - or so I thought of myself thanks to you and how rude you are. I am not used to chatting with supposed gentlemen on the Internet in a forum such as VR offers and getting the “Rules of Engagement" on day one. Yes, there was an instance with a younger member who messaged me that got a bit out of hand. We had a few words over a misunderstanding, true. He blocked me and I blocked him, we unblocked each other, made nice and he left and that was the only person at VR that I had an issue with until your hoity-toity “Look at how fucking great I think I am” ass showed up.
I messaged you first, yeah – because you looked good at the time.
I am shallow and I admit it.
Still, you seemed to have no problem wanting to IM me that first time; we had a nice chat it seemed and then…SILENCE. NOTHING.
You left me with the impression that you liked me (as a friend – remember that I want nothing from you, ass) and I was totally bewildered by your lack of consideration or friendliness after what seemed a nice beginning to an INTERNET friendship. I bombarded your mailbox (as you put it) with about 10 messages over, let's see, five days to ascertain what was up. I asked in every way I knew how to try and figure out what happened. You, being the arrogant prick that you are, were rude and hostile in replying. Why? Because I annoyed you? Be glad, asshead, that my brothers aren’t the Mafia. THEY would annoy you beyond belief in ways that would physically hurt I'm sure. How annoying is the Internet now?
INSTEAD OF BEING A TOTAL NIMROD a simple return message after the initial chat saying, “You are a great girl – good luck meeting someone special. See you around the Rave.” would have been more than nice – and thoughtful too. But you aren’t thoughtful and you aren’t nice. In fact Russell, you are a LIAR and a mean person. You muddle things to make them appear the way you want them to be in your twisted mind.
WOW! I must have hit pretty close to the mark for him to stop "ignoring me"!! ha ha ha!
Go ahead and write shit about me again FUCKTARD - I am NOT EVER looking at your journal or your pathetic excuse for a profile again because YOU SUCK LONEBRAINCELL. And I so do not care what you say because...well...because frankly, you are to be pitied as you are the most pathetic excuse for a human male I have seen in ages.
And I thought you didn't care if people downrated you? I certainly NEVER ASKED ANYONE TO DO THAT.
If they downrated you it is because you DESERVE IT because you are an ASS GOBLIN!!!
You are now permanently blocked and I NEVER want to think about how much you suck again, you pretentious fuckwit. Telling me to fuck off doesn't change a thing. You can PRETEND to be a good father - but when you use and treat women like shit it WILL affect your child.
Some people cannot hear the truth and accept advice because they are too far into their own slimy selves to see the effect their actions have on those around them.
Here is the message I sent to the Ass Goblin in response to his "I am so right and you are so wrong" message to me where he stands by his LIES in his journal:
Your journal entry about me, like your persona here and that other gothic-dating site where you are 18 and a Libra, is half-truth, arrogant and rubbish.
I will say what I want about my observations because 1) I am guaranteed the right to free speech and 2) I am an extremely successful single parent so am well qualified to comment.
It takes an everyday 24/7 commitment to the child - NOT TO THE SELF EGO - to be HONEST, decent, loyal, kind, and thoughtful - not just to your child but to EVERYONE to set a good example.
Lauren had you pegged after our first go round as a bad man. Gee, I wonder why with so many women whom you have used?
I did refrain from saying anything about your son in my journal because I agree that is crossing a line - but to tell you in a private message what I think about how you are handling this is completely different.
You can ignore me, delete me, block me - whatever Russell - but it still doesn't change the fact that you can improve your life and that of your child by giving more kindness to those around you. You ARE setting the example for men here. Do you want him to be a misogynist and be unhappy? You need to know the difference between being a friend and buddy and being a parent.
I never waste my time when it comes to children because I see the broad picture and, believe it or not, I CARE – especially about kids. It is more than you and I and this stupid dislike. It is about what kind of people we raise. Making fort and playing pirates is fine and happy times - but to be a TRUE parent one must give of themselves until it seems almost unfair to ourselves! Try to realize that it isn't just what you do with and how much you love your child that affects him - but also what he SEES you doing with your life.
I am being rewarded for my sacrifices if you can't tell...I put my life literally on hold to do right by my daughter.
What will your reward be if you continue to treat kind decent people the way you do and he sees this? I wish no ill to him or you - honestly. I know you do love him - but you have to get a grip when it comes to how you deal with other people - especially women.
I wish you joy with him and, honestly with your life. I never hated you and was baffled how vicious you were to me in your journal after I dropped you and said nothing. But when others warned me about you and the mean things you said about me behind my back.... well it hurt me terribly. That is the truth. I harbor no ill will - just want you to understand what I do about child psychology. It has paid off for me in diamonds!
I don't expect or want a response - I WANT you to consider the consequences of your actions - not just in the short term - but for how those actions will affect the lives of people around you.
You won't always be good looking you know and besides - beauty really is only skin deep.
As you can see for yourself, gentle reader, I did not insult him or criticize as much as try to advise because I have seen what happens to children raised by misogynistic men. He said I finally pissed him off - what did he call me in his journal I ask you? He pissed me off by LYING and USING WOMEN.
If the above message to him is a reason to tell me to Fuck Off - then so be it.
You are a VERY bad man setting a shitty example. Rot in Hell you fuckwad.
There is no truce with Ass Goblin.
He is terrible man who uses women and sets a bad example for children.
Well this is what a little hard work and honesty pays off as when you take the high road folks and play fairly here: