to the previous or other...
wait for it...
wait for it....
still waiting?
A teenager can never compete with a true woman of the world who used to sing lead in a heavy metal band and who lived through an abusive ex-husband (the ass BROKE my jaw!) and yet said ex-husband is a big wig exec at Paul Reed Smith Guitars, so, hence I know LOADS of truly famous musicians.
I should see if some of my 'relatively famous' (such as Chris Cornell whom I went to elementry school with, natch!) friends would join the site. HA - I can just see them if....
Like they have the time. Cobain? He would have joined just for the fun but he would have been deleted 'cause he never would have been active.
PS - all that being said - NOTHING and I mean NOTHING can compete with the love I have for my life now as an academic and the lover of the best looking Scot I have ever seen....
See my 'Surf and Turf' section for a pic of him asleep.
Let's talk of peace, Sounds so cliche
A novelty, Catch phrase of the day
Middle, index, Sign of the time
Just as complex, As water to ...
Someone said give peace a chance
And, that's all that we're saying
While we're sitting on the fence
Our hearts are in the right place
But, your face shows a trace of Hypocrisy,
Don't tread on me, Now you can see
Let's not pretend to justify
Rather amend where treasures lie
Straight through the heart Peace can be found
That's where you start,
Not all around
Someone said Give peace a chance
And, that's all that we're saying
While we're sitting on the fence
Our hearts are in the right place
But, your face
Shows a trace of Hypocrisy,
Don't tread on me, boy
Now you can see
You Are Christmas |
More than most people, you are able to find magic in life's small moments. Traditions mean a lot to you, and you tend to be quite nostalgic. You are a giving, kind person who really understands the true meaning of holidays. You inspire others to be as altruistic and caring as you are. What makes you celebrate: Tradition and a generous spirit At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The storyteller. You like to recount memories with everyone. On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: Give a gift to everyone you know |
Again - too true - I must stop taking these silly quizzes and eat my dinner!
Your Personality Profile |
You are dignified, spiritual, and wise. Always unsatisfied, you constantly try to better yourself. You are also a seeker of knowledge and often buried in books. You tend to be philosophical, looking for the big picture in life. You dream of inner peace for yourself, your friends, and the world. A good friend, you always give of yourself first. |
Your Power Level is: 65% |
You're a very powerful person, and you know that all of your power comes from within. Keep on doing what you're doing, and you'll reach your goals. |
You Are Not Prissy |
You're the furthest thing from a princess - and you probably stay far away from any princess types you know. You have an easygoing approach to living. It doesn't take a lot to make you happy. And when life requires it, you're ready to get your hand a little dirty. There's no problem you're too prissy to tackle! |
Wow! Psyche? I never would have guessed that one.
You Are Psyche! |
Eternally in search of purpose and insight. You're curious and creative with a total sense of wonder. Totally empathetic, you pick up on other's moods easily. Just be sure to pamper yourself as well! |
Once again I am totally blown away that a ten question quiz can give me the correct answer.
Yes, I am an INFP - how odd.
Another person who was an INFP was Princess Diana and, oddly enough, we share the same birthday of July 1. She was three years older than me - but still I think we had a great deal in common and I was devastated when she was killed. It was the same day that my beloved grandfather died too....
Anyway, here is the quiz:
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP) |
Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive. Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
You know - this is pretty true.
How do these quizzes do this? ;)
What Your Handwriting Says About You |
You are a fairly energetic person. You know how do pace yourself, and you deal well with stress. You are loving, friendly, and supportive. However, you are also manipulative and controlling at times. You are extravagant, over the top, and indulgent. You set trends and influence people. You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well. You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart. You are a decent communicator. You eventually get your point across, but sometimes you leave things a bit ambiguous. |
You Are 84% Lady |
No doubt about it, you are a lady with impeccable etiquette You know how to put others at ease, even if their manners aren't the greatest. |
ha ha ha!
Your Deadly Sins |
Greed: 40% Sloth: 40% Gluttony: 20% Envy: 0% Lust: 0% Pride: 0% Wrath: 0% Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14% You'll die in a shuttle crash, on your way to your resort on the moon. |
Some people here have no respect.
Were I to see some of them in the flesh - they would understand why I am a New Order Jedi - I combine the best of the Sith and the Jedi and USE my anger if needed to solve problems.
If you are a friend - please consider rating this idiot, ihatemyself, a one.
She has no respect and needs to watch out.
I have plans for her.
ihatemyself rated my profile a one.
Sith tendencies require that I get her back.
If you are feeling the Sith revenge feeling - here is the link to her profile:
"Friends Online:
You don't have any friends."
No kidding...
I feel defeated.
Even Jedi have moments of weakness.
Friends that I thought were friends here are not...
Friends that I thought were friends in my 'real' life are not either.
I am tired and weak. I am upset and hurt.
I wish that I were not this weak but it obviously matters little -especially here. Those I thought that cared, don't. But they still read my journal.
Have at it folks...especially you Sith - enjoy my pain.
I have it in abundance and that will not change.
When one gambles, sometimes one loses.
I lost.
I have to laugh at the music, The Search, that starts up on the Tetris 2 game on Nih's site.
It sounds like porno music and I always boogie my butt on the bed when it comes on and tease/tickle the Monsta when I hear it.
Now I have Mr. Stoic laughing whenever he hears it although it does start to annoy the hell out of us after a few minutes.
I am so glad there is a pause function on it because the other songs to listen to are well...not even as 'entertaining' as the porno music!
I just saw this uber silly pirating warning before this movie I was about to watch and giggled my ass off recalling that scene from Amazon Women on the Moon where the video pirate captain says at the FBI warning - "Oh, I'm sooo scared!!"