GREAT IDEA # 12574898
Thank goodness someone removed how many posts we have accumulated in the new era of the VR Forum!
It forces us to check and post.
I am in hearty agreement!
I think it is time for a Jedi smoke break...
*the wafting of smoke from my bong is now encircling your head*
Tease! ;P
I am a terrible tease Bones!
Ask any of the hearts I've left bleeding in my conquest!
I just watched a show on ggogle video about 'Britian's Youngest Grannies'.
I am wondering one thing: While socialized medicine has its benefits, perhaps the pervasive nature of 'taking care of all people's medical needs' allows these girls to have babies at such a young age. I mean, what would they do if they didn't have access to free baby births and had to PAY for the hospital stay and the medical treatment that is required during pregnancy?
It is ridiculous that in a country such as this the teenagers turn to sex as a way to escape their issues. It becomes a cycle where people depend on the state and get caught in the system of socialism.
I despise slutty girls and guys equally. These people have no sense of their own lives and bring children into the world with absolutely no thought of what the hell they are doing. The culture is sad, honestly.
There is a HUGE lower-class population here that live in council flats that smell of urine in the hallways and they drink and party like life is 'fun'. In reality, they have absolutely no future and are going to continue the cycle with these unneeded children. The grandmothers do a lot of the care and the kids EXPECT the grandparents to take care of the baby. How sad.
These dumb people need to ask themselves if they really understand what the hell they are doing? Men are not able to be that responsible (in most instances) in their teens.
These kids need some sort of education. No wonder the NHS is a mess....
I totally agree, how sad!
OMG I watched that not so long ago on TV and I was shocked because the Grannies were the same age as me. I have just finished my social work degree and I have a kid aged 4 and a very supportive family. At times I find life hard. It a vicious cycle and sad to think that this is at times all that our younger generation has to aspire to :(
Yes, I do believe in conspiracy theories. There I said - strike that -typed it!
These asshats trying to get population down to 500,000,000 have got us all by the kahunas and we just let them poison our minds with their profligate bullshit. Like the holes in that stupid movie ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ (it is an incomprehensible LIE more like) and this shit is being shown without any refute or alternative theory presented to kids in science classes. If current professors and academic personnel attempt to refute it, they are censured.
We all need a serious wake up call before the UN and its affiliates like the CFR, Bilderbergers, et al take over and we have nothing left that belongs to us.
I suggest checking out and watching ‘The Esoteric Agenda’.
Hey, what do I know anyway?