1st: New Music on this page
Let me just say that to my dear friends here, you know that I am a deeply caring, considerate person who tries to help others and is pretty much just a "go-to" girl enjoying life and trying to have fun.
And you all know that I am not perfect - I have never claimed to be that nor would I. In fact, I have made some of the most colossal blunders and faux pas a person can make and live through despite shame, embarrassment and heartache.
Even I have bad days.
So I write shit in MY JOURNAL which is the only real place on this site where it is not against the rules to say what I think, feel, wonder, like, listen to, express, etc....you get the idea - well that is my space - my real space here.
The next thing I know I am being attacked by all of the Ass Goblin's people for a recent entry because they are so upset that I would even mention them (did anyone see any names there? Even before edits? NAMES? Pul-eeze!) I am ENTITLED to my asshole opinion you fuckwads - here in my journal. Do you blame the writer or the person who reads the garbage and bitches about it? Come on! If you don't like what I say -then there is such a simple solution available to you...wanna know what it is?
Wow - Imagine the concept of how liberating it would be to NOT CARE WHAT CHERYL SAYS? Wow...imagine the power you hold to NOT CARE.
Now continuing to read my journal, then to message me about it says that you DO CARE. Awwwwww......how sad.
Because guess what?
I don't care at all about what these petty little minds think. Get over yourselves. It is a JOURNAL.
Sometimes I write stuff here that is crap - and I KNOW IT. I am not a saint. I am not perfect - but I do have a lot of moods at the present moment since I AM ABOUT TO LEAVE MY HOME, MY COUNTRY AND MY FAMILY FOR A PLACE I HAVE NEVER BEEN, I WILL MISS MY DAUGHTER WITH A TERRIBLE ACHE IN MY HEART AND YOU INSENSITIVE ASSHOLES WHO KEEP MESSAGING ME ABOUT MY JOURNAL AREN'T HELPING ME FEEL VERY POSITIVE SO GET LOST and I won't be lectured about what I write here. The only person I would respect with regards to "toning things down" here would be our Prince. And I think he would agree that if you don't like what I say in my journal - don't read it.
btw - do you want the key to my diary too? Isn't that basically what this boils down to?
I write what I think in my journal - I am not mentoining anyone by name. People can infer what they want as I am not here to control what you think. But know this:
I don't flame people in the forums, I am amiable to people who are friendly to me, and this all started because a mysognistic prick thinks I had a crush on him - HA! I thought he was a cool artist. Seemed like a nice enough, caring enough guy - but when I discovered what he is really about and how the only thing ... oh to hell with this -if you don't know what I think of the Ass Goblin by now - you are way behind.
Now if his friends think I think there is a "conspiracy" against me - (I have to stop myself from giggling at the thought of this since this is a frigging website - what are they going to do? Hack my bank account? Get me to leave VR? Oooh - I am so scared! Mommy!) - then I have to say, "Where did I give that impression?"
Because I know that some of my friends and fellow house members are close friends with some of Ass Goblin's friends does not a conspiracy theory make. Err...to say that I wonder what they think of me is quite a stretch to my thinking they are "conspiring" against me.
So, to those of you who are my friends I say, I will be in touch. But I am in serious need to let this place go for a while. Don't think I won't be around - but be smart about looking for me - okay?
Why do people from the Ass Goblin's house read my journal (well minus those that have me on their favorites list and I know who they are)?
It is weird that they even bother. My journal is fun and great - I love it and I enjoy expressing myself.
But why do they read it? Do they like to see what I say about their "Friend"? He is no friend here to anyone -he uses women and treats us like garbage. He is a self-righteous prick and I saw who his "friends" are here and on that creepy myspace page. So I know who you are - those of you that have his smugly picture on your profile and have him as your myspace friend are NOT my friends here or there or anywhere! I don't care if you are a Cancerian - if you like him you suck in my book.
If you like him - LEAVE ME ALONE. I despise that mysoginistic asswipe. I must have ruined his best friends' intentions when I said that I would be a part of the "Your Full of Bullshit" club (what a concept - that his friends would be in that club considering he is more full of shit than anyone else on this site?).
I don't tell my house leadership and friends who they can like and I don't judge them for being "Friends" with his "friends"...but I wonder what my friends think of me since they like that fucker.
Why do I even care? Well, honestly I don't - these are just thoughts I have.
I don't like AG's house members reading my journal (EDIT: EXCEPT THE MEMBERS OF THAT HOUSE WHO HAVE HAD ME ON THEIR FAVORITE JOURNAL LIST AND DON'T READ MY WRITINGS SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE I WRITE ABOUT THE ASS GOBLIN) and I don't like my House members being such great friends with his obvious love-fest supporters ( like his "protector" and his girly girls - y'all can take a flying fuck!).
What can I do about it? Nothing...
Why did I write about it? Because I am bored and some weird old people are here visiting my parents after they got done with "Church" so I am avoiding the God talk.
I just want to get back to the wiring for the hot tub that I was helping my dad with.
I hate the goddamn Top list.
Everyone else on it (including my daughter becomethesea - sorry Lauren) has WIPED THEIR NAME AND ALL THEIR BAD RATINGS OR HAD IT DONE FOR THEM IN THE LOVELY LITTLE GLITCH THAT HAPPENEND IN JULY!
What the hell is the point of having a STUPID list like that if it is BOGUS?
Guess what y'all?
I am STILL on that list with all my ones, fives, sevens, and a ton of nines.
I didn't have to change my name or get my ratings wiped out to be on that list. If there were justice in the world - I would still be #1.
So I still say that the ratings system here is BOGUS.
....Dear Diary:
I discovered new method of madness...CHANGE THE FREAKING MUSIC (and look for different tunes in different months and areas of the journal - you never know what you might find!)
Yes, they let me out of the "playpen!"
Music in my journal? WOW WHAT A CONCEPT!
Can you read and listen to great tunes at the same time?
I hope so - this is my journal and I always focus better when music is playing.
I can't STAND that ugly new avatar of the Ass Goblin. He really does look emo and icky.
Fat, bloated, ultra-white and sausage.
Of course since some of his bestest "I just wuv wuv wuv the creepy ass goblin" friends regularly read my journal (YES - I KNOW WHO YOU ARE) I am sure they tell him what I say so since he will know that I find this newest avatar UGLY and STUPID - I am sure he will keep it.
I on the other hand, do not have any of my friends look at his putrid journal because I have better things to do than worry what that stupid fuck thinks of me.
He sucked in the past, he sucks in the present and he will continue to suck for all eternity because he is a mysognistic prick.
I just have to say it since I am the only one who will say it...and it really has to be said because this is just too too too freaking hilarious!!!
The Ass Goblin's newest avatar makes him look like a fat, processed sausage face with emo hair. Or maybe he has man PMS so he was just bloated when he took that horrid picture? I have heard from an eyewitness that he is the REAL bitchy bitch "preening" type - worse than a woman.
I am SO glad he won't be coming to the meetup - I would drop dead from laughing at him all night. Just look at it, will ya? He looks BLOATED! I kid you not. He thinks he looks like Bam. Not true - he actually looks like he GOT bammed (and if he even marginally resembles Bam - it is as the oh-so cool Bam's FAT OLDER brother undergoing a sex change operation).
He is so icky! and like an emo too. *shudders*
What a strange person.
So we go to a travel agent today to discuss my arrangements for the trip.
First question:
Why do one-way fares cost MORE than a ROUND TRIP? Hmmmm? That makes NO SENSE at all.
Why are we now allowed to take lipstick on the planes but not a Nalgene bottle that I am more than willing to drink out of in front of a bunch of asswipes - in fact - while waiting in line I would probably take MULTIPLE DRINKS from it? I DEFY the airlines industry to make every woman put on each and every lipstick in her purse! The HORROR!
Do you have Gel insoles in your shoes? A crying baby who needs a pacifier? Fuggeddaboudid...
I can take my pillow but not my laptop? Couldn't I like hide an explosive something in the pillow? Why the hell would I want to blow up a freaking $1500.00 laptop? That's just stupid...I would much rather blow up my pillow!
Let me just say this - if any terrorist mutherfucker decides to try and take out MY plane - he BETTER PRAY that I don't jam his balls up his rectum while choking the shit out of him all after kicking him in the face and stomping on his/her (hey it could be some stupid psychotic "I would die for Allah - even though you fundamentalist fuckers treat me like shit for being a woman" bitch)...anyway stomping on his/her hands.
I hate those terrorist fucks.
I go away for a few days - or am just not as active as I have been and I get totally dissed by some people.
Fuck them if they are that stupid and don't realize what REAL LIFE is.
If people here think I am going to be even MORE STRESSED OUT than I already am because of an INTERNET SITE - think again pendakos!
I may just have to tell them to EAT MY DUST.
| Block |
Rating: 1
Comment: hi
Date: 22:23:03 - Aug 03 2006
What a fucking jerk wad.
I have to give him a one back - but he can say hi to my fucking ass.
Here is the response I received to my message to this ignorant ass:
Aug 04 2006
Block User
Move to Saved
Email to Self
your one of the top people so i went to rate you.and the was cuz your site is random.sorry.
On 04:17:56 Aug 04 2006 minamurray wrote:
So why did you rate me a one?
I am dying to know...
What did I say LAST MONTH?
The ratings system here is a f*%#@ng JOKE!
Ranting about the forum and wishing it was back the way it "used to be" is pointless. I changed the song on my portfolio to Neil Young and I have no intention of announcing it there just to have the thread RIA'd. So if you want to hear the best song on a portfolio here - check out mine.
The new policy makes sense but it sucks. Buy more bandwitdth if you are running out of space and create more dominars to DELETE threads that say "nice job" first would have been my solution...and the rest of you - QUIT BITCHING.
I rarely post in the forum any longer as the general topics bore me, the mascara section is a joke and the sandbox is a mess. I have little time these days for waiting for a looooooooooong ass thread to load; reading a bunch of twaddle that is usually on a subject that holds little interest for me at present; and attempting to form an intelligent reply that will most likely be read by five people if that.
The forum is what it is - I don't hate it - but the new "rules" are slightly ridiculous. I think the Admins should visit the Mike Portnoy forum (the drummer for Dream Theater). That is probably the BEST forum on the internet - by far.
A lesson could be learned by our "Admin(s)" by perhaps setting up OUR forum along that style. Less waste, less inane stupidity, less frustration...
hey...it's only my opinion which is like an asshole - I have mine like you have yours.
And if you don't agree - aren't YOU reading MY journal?
Well...aren't you?