Practice makes perfect. So remember the old adage:
If at first you don't succeed, suck until you do suck seed.
My wife and I had doctor's appointments today. She's allowed to put as much weight as she can on her leg now and she has almost all her flexability back, still has to use the walker though. Doctor did tell her she could start driving locally now. I've had my full flexability in my leg for a while now, and I haven't used a walker in about 3 weeks. My knee is still weak though since my quad muscle was basically cut into right above my knee. I no longer have to wear my hand brace, THANK GOD! I still have a long way to go both for flexability and strength in my hand. Get this shit, my wife doesn't have to go to physical therapy any more. Doctor's just going to have them give her exercises to do at home. I have to keep going until our next doctor's appointment in 3 weeks. I can understand that I still have to go to occupational therapy because I only have about 50 percent fexability and about 35 percent of my strength in my hand. But I have full flexability in my leg, and I can walk without a damn walker, but I still have to go to physical therapy for my leg, BULLSHIT! Makes me wonder what kind of leg flexability she's showing the doctor during her appointments, hmmmmm. My wife said that since I don't have to wear a hand brace anymore I could start working more on stengthening my grip by, shall we say, self gratification, to be polite. I told her I would need something to squeeze my hand all the way around instead of just halfway around to strengthen my grip. She told me I should've been a comedian, wonder what she meant by that?