My dad cracks me up. My folks saw Revenge of the Sith last night, and he and I were discussing it, this afternoon. He said, and I quote:
"I knew there was something about that Heineken kid that I didn't like."
I almost spit my drink all over the windshield.
Ok, here's something for anyone who's ever played a massively multiplayer online game such as Everquest. This clip is from World of Warcraft. Even if you're not into the genre, you can't help but bust out laughing at Leeroy. Leeroy is on the right side of the screen for the first half of the clip and has a tag over his head that reads (AFK). So, he's not there listening to any of the conversation that is going on. Enjoy....
I have witnessed the most grievous act of stupidity I've ever seen on this website.
A 14 year old girl put her fucking ADDRESS in her profile.
Someone should take her and her parents out for a public caning.
ake the quiz: "What Race Were You Born To Be"
You're clear!! Some might say you're having an identity crisis, others would argu you got it all figured out. For once you're someone who wont let themselves be stereotyped, and you're open to all kinds of new things. Usually you don't go by your culture, you do what comes natural. Also you if you're like me get really pissed-off and confused when someone tells you to Hang with ur own people! because you really don't have people but that's good cause all people are YOUR people. Live clear baby, live clear!!
Check out this little ditty. The video capture is from an online roleplaying game called Star Wars: Galaxies. At the time of the video, there was no Mandelorian Armor available in the game, nor were starships part of the game. So, the fact that Windspire Entertainment got Lucas Arts and Sony to let him use the armor in the game to "film" the video says a lot for his credibility. Anyway, check it out. Even if you're not into Star Wars or gaming the song is still funny.
Fette's Vette - Video By Windspire Entertainement - Music By MC Chris
Windspire Entertainment
Check out MC Chris!
Take the quiz: "Are You Kinky?"
You are a SICK FUCK!
Please check yourself in to the nearest mental hospital. You are a real threat to the people around you. For the love of to a doctor! You need serious help!
I posted this pic in the forums but I like it so much I'm putting it here, too. :-D Blessed be.
This is my journal. This is where I can rant. You don't have to agree or disagree with what I'm about to say. It's not open to discussion because it's MY opinion. Tough titty if you don't like it.
Basically, I'm quite perturbed. What started out as a fun research project has turned into what I consider a cheat-fest.
I think it's nice that some people have taken it upon themselves to help all the rest of us out, but what are they really doing? Seems to me they are saying "Look, I'm smarter than you. Here's the answers so all your feeble minds can keep up."
Ok, maybe they are really just trying to be helpful.
Ok, ok, technically, answer sharing isn't cheating. Cancer never said NOT to post or share answers. Hell, maybe the intent of the game is to see who can leech answers out of the thread or through messages and get to the end first.
Remember, this is my rant, I can say what I want.
Anyway, the whole thing offends my sense of propriety.
Whiney Baby Jason, out.
Shaping up to be one hell of a summer movie season.