Since the beginning of time,
I've roamed your Earth,
Knowing the secrets,
To offer rebirth.
I rose as the Phoenix,
From ashes and fire,
To seek you, to find you,
My darkest desire.
Your Body's my Temple,
Your soul is my prey,
My passions will fill you,
Your mind will obey.
As some have been drawn,
To roses that bud,
I too, am drawn,
And I chose your blood.
~Istven Sarno
Death is merely illusion,
Designed to explain the Unknown,
Desire is clearly confusion,
To force restrain when shown.
To know that neither one deserves,
The fear that Mortals tend give,
Is knowing that the taste of you,
Is all that makes me live.
To know the taste, feel your grip,
As you give your soul to me,
You feel the thrust, the coming lust,
As I set you free.
Do not fear the darkness,
Nor wander toward the light,
As the passions that I hold for you,
Only thrive by night.
~Istven Sarno