Gotta' watch the Giants game now!
(And I'm not even a big baseball
Wash your hands before you go into the ice...please clean up behind this your used napkin?...Remember - cough in your sleeve, not in your hands...wake up - your fifteen minute break is over...are you really gonna' eat that?
When dealing with Big Momma, I sound like an old scratched record, repeating myself over...and over...and over...again.
And joy of joys:
Next week, BOTH of the bosses will be out on vacation. And guess who is suppose to be in charge while they are gone?
I told Boss #1 that the other cashiers barely listen to the hell are they going to listen to me? Especially as I'm at the bottom of the totem pole?
(I get that I'm the oldest and the most responsible, but damn...)
I don't get paid enough for all of the bullshit that goes on, on a daily basis. Well - at least Dor will be around to help out. Thank God that she also has a decent work
The upcoming week will be interesting, to say the least. And I know that I will have to keep it together, in order not to go off on a bitch.
Still writing - on the last part of my novel, then the epilogue...then I'm done!
I don't rush through projects, so it's taking awhile for me to finish.
I've noticed - even during my absence - that VR has been, in general, pretty quiet. Which could be a good thing in one way, as the bullshit drama has also
Hopefully, activity will pick up soon!
I wonder what disasters will come up this week?
On the bright side: I just ate a piece of Opera Cake...with gold leaf.
From Wikipedia: Opera cake is a French type of cake. It is made with layers of almond sponge cake (known as Joconde in French) soaked in coffee syrup, layered with ganache and coffee buttercream, and covered in a chocolate glaze. According to Larousse Gastronomique, "Opéra gateau is an elaborate almond sponge cake with a coffee and chocolate filling and icing."[1] The cake was popularized by the French pâtisserie house Dalloyau.
From Part One: (1741)
Carlota glanced up at him; she found his sapphire eyes resting on her slightly visible cleavage. When she brought her hand to her chest, Ramón laughed, displaying his perfect, white teeth.
“So…I am a magnificent, seductive creature?” he asked, as he continued to laugh.
“Yes…no!” she stammered. Then - in an accusatory tone - she asked “Did Padre Benitez give you permission to feed from him?”
Ramón stopped laughing. “No” he replied.
Carlota felt the heat rise in her face. “Oh – you are despicable!”
She pulled away from him, and rushed through the vestibule towards her room. Ramón’s renewed laughter followed her down the corridor to her door, and was only silenced when she slammed the door shut.
From Part Two: (1881)
George walked up and reluctantly took the man’s wrist into his hands. When the first drop of blood fell upon his tongue, he moaned, as his eyes glazed over before closing.
I knew that there would have to be some more adjustments made for this one, the man thought, with a chuckle.
“Enough, George.” The man tore his wrist from George with some force. George stood on the stable floor, slightly swaying on his feet, with his eyes still closed. His hands hung limply at his sides. A bulge grew in the crotch of his denims.
“That must be a really wonderful wine flavor” JoAnn murmured, as her cheeks began to burn in embarrassment.
“Wine? I tasted the finest chocolate” said Marie, as she gaped at George’s growing manhood. ”I wondered what he must’ve tasted…” she added, while shaking her head in disbelief.
From Part Three: (1932)
In the kitchen, Huey drank his lemonade while observing the two officers, with wide child-like eyes. Sheriff Wagner concluded that they weren’t going to get anywhere with the white boy that day. He and Bradshaw thanked Anna May for the lemonade, then immediately took their leave. Once in the truck, the sheriff sighed and shook his head.
“Well – that went well” he said. “Who knew that the boy was slow?”
Deputy Bradshaw nodded. “Well sir…I don’t see no harm in him stayin’ with the Tuckers. I mean – what white family do you know that’ll take him in?”
Bradshaw had a point, thought Wagner. The Tuckers were good Christian folks. Still, he had to do his job and continue to make enquiries. Hell – at least get some notices out. Huey had to belong to somebody.
Once the sheriff’s truck drove off, Huey and the Tuckers began laughing hysterically. Nathaniel laughed so hard that he began choking. Huey slapped him on the back to help him clear his lungs.
“Oh Huey!” He finally gasped. “I had no idea how that was gonna’ turn out when that sheriff drove up…boy, you are full of surprises!”
Yes, I know. I’m full of surprises.
Huey smiled.
From Part Four: (2014)
After using the automatic garage door opener, Mrs. Nguyen slowly pulled out from her garage. It was raining heavily, and it was an icy rain. The weather gave her second thoughts on venturing out to the Bingo hall.
“How desperate am I to play a couple of rounds?” she asked, out loud.
“Pretty damn desperate…” she replied, as she chuckled to herself.
Mrs. Nguyen understood why she had the urge to go; the holiday season was quickly approaching, and she was lonely. But as she continued to stare up into the unusual reddish-grey sky, she sighed, then put her car in reverse.
“I can always have a nice cup of tea and do a few crossword puzzles. And Happy and Dopey can curl up with me” she muttered, as she back the car slowly into the garage.
The white 1982 Buick Riviera convertible was halfway inside of the garage when there was a deafening crash on top of the hood.
A huge section of the windshield caved in as a human leg speared through it. Pieces of glass, bone, and red feathers showered into the car.
They were the last things Grace Nguyen saw before she had a massive heart attack.
I FINALLY finished part one of my novel. It actually made ME cry. Good
The last part - four - is coming along nicely, even though I just started on it, and it's only a lil' over 1,000 words so far. I still don't know what will happen with it, even though I have the novel's epilogue in mind already.
Connect the dots...connect the dots!
I just contacted my youngest sister (half-sister) via facebook, to see if she'd be willing to draw a picture for me, as I don't have the time to do it myself (I can draw, but I really don't have the time or patience right now).
I'd pay her, of course, and she'd get credit for the work...yet my concern is that she may not want to do it, as it will be for the cover of the novel I'm working on. She is a Jehovah's Witness, and the book is about fallen angels and vampires. I did mention this to her in my message. I really hope that this will not be a problem, as her work is amazing. (She is a professional graphic artist, and I'd imagine that she'd have to create works for a variety of people and groups, regardless of religious affiliation).
Keeping my fingers crossed!
I got mine crossed for ya! Good luck hun :)
Aww I hope she will!
YAH! She's gonna' do it!
Yesterday morning, Boss #1 dropped by, so that I could sign my time sheet (We both forgot all about it - duh).
I had some questions/ideas for him in regards to our previous staff meeting, so I had the shit typed up. As I handed him the paper, he mentioned that I was a great employee, and I deserved a 'bonus'. I look at him with raised brows and ask "So - am I getting one or what?" He laughs and says that "If I had the money, you'd get one..."
I just shook my head and said "Bye, Stan. Have a great day."
Asshole. He shouldn't bring up shit if it can't be done.
Oh great...Just seconds ago, I receive a text from him...Big Momma's in the hospital, and he wants to know if I could cover her shift this week...
It's taking FOREVER - for me to finish the first part of my, I find myself going to 'finished' sections two and three to tweak, so that they all continue to connect...sigh. I love writing, but sometimes, I'm just stumped, and I bite off more than I can chew.
And I still have the final part four to tackle. But I love the process and the results so far!
Anyway...'The Zoo' - what I shall call my place of work from now on - has a lot of rabid critters, that should be put down humanely. (Some don't deserve such treatment though. Those mutha' fuckas just deserve to git shot):
* Like the short, slow kid who puts an expensive bottle of juice in the deep pocket of his basketball shorts. When he gets to Mai's station to pay for a Coke, I walk up and ask him to pay for the juice as well. He sticks his hand in his empty pocket, and says 'What juice?' I just look at him and shake my head. Then I say, really loud 'I know! Let's perform magic! Try sticking your hand in the OTHER pocket, and pull out a bottle!' When he reluctantly takes the bottle out, mumbling that he 'was gonna' pay for it anyway' I respond with 'WOW! MORE MAGIC?' The few people around were cracking up.
We'll put this one down humanely.
* The old black guy with the short grey Mohawk, who walks like The Penguin (The repetitive parrot guy): He buys some shit that totals five bucks and some change. He's paying me in ones. No biggie - except that when he starts yappin' he starts counting out his money ALL OVER AGAIN! 'One...two...three...It's hot today. Yes indeed - it's hot today. Hee-hee. One...two..." AAARRRGGGHHH!
This one gets a head shot.
* Big Momma - AKA Brainless Meat Sack. Sooooo many dumb things I can't remember them all. Her errors are like a run-on sentence by someone who stutters. (She called in sick Mon - Weds, which was just as well, as she is just taking up space, in my opinion). I guess the two highlights of the week regarding her are: When Boss #1 asked me to take over my register for awhile (I was putting out salads) so that Big Momma could wipe down her station with bleach...yeah, two customers complained about how nasty she was blowing her nose, and leaving her snot-filled napkins around the counter - no hand washing, of course, or hand sanitizer. Boss #1 was digusted. I figure - dude, now you literally see what I have to deal with on a daily basis. Dor ended up sanitizing the space, as Big Momma was too slow in getting it done.
Oh - and when we had a staff meeting on Thursday, the bitch sat there eating, then nodded off and on.
A gut shot, a fifteen minute wait, then a head shot.
Whoo-hoo...jumped back up a level, and I've hardly been!
Welcome Isis101
Your Status:
Venerable Sire
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Pages Viewed:
Time Spent:
122.32 days
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12% of the next level.
Speaking of work...Dear Lord, give me strength!
To start things off, this whole week has been hell-hot. It was in the 90's yesterday and today...ugh!
And it is apparent to me that with the heat, comes a whole trainload of psychos and dumbasses (that would be employees and students):
* The staff discount of 10% is being axed by the boss...yah! Never mind that many of the old-timers at the college make a ton of money, yet bitch about how much everything costs. The part-time workers - especially the young, struggling instructors - don't raise hell like the assholes who make around $100,000 a year. Fuck 'em.
(If I could, I'd give that gorgeous, nice, black-haired biology instructor shit for free
* Big Momma...if someone gives me a bow and arrow set, or a harpoon for Xmas, I will kill her. She is still the same lazy, useless sack of brainless meat. I get so tired of reminding her of stuff...over, and over...and over again. Let alone clean up behind her...and wake her up, so that she gets her ass back to work...sigh. Yeah. A harpoon will be the perfect gift for me, folks!
* I almost got stabbed in the gut by a student who flew around a corner with his big knife pointed OUT...he just missed me by 3 - 4 inches. It took all I had not to cuss him out, and take his knife, to stab him repeatedly in the head.
* There are WAY too many ratchet hos this semester, giving me attitude because THEY forgot to follow the rules of whatever program they're in. Bitches - you get free food each month. Fuck off.
I rarely drink...and I see a bottle of pinot noir waiting to be opened. I'm getting drunk tonight.
I bought some ink for my printer, and a new pair of speakers for my desktop...thinking that my older pair died out on me.
They didn't. I just didn't know how to actually turn the goddamn things up.
So - I now have a back-up set of speakers. (They were only $20).
Yeah...I'm a certified dumb-ass.
I blame my job...and being totally immersed with writing. The writing part is fun, even though it is tiring at times...and the job sucks big smelly balls most of the time.
Gee...I guess you didn't like my suggestion that you should wish to become a trans-vaginal mesh in your next life?