Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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20 entries this month

Happy Halloween!

21:11 Oct 31 2010
Times Read: 1,214

Management left lil' bags full of candy on each doorknob here - sweet! (Literally speaking).

Kids will still come around this evening for more though. I won't be giving any candy out. I'll be sure to have my lights out and in the back bedroom. I usually like to pass out candy on Halloween, but not here. Most of the nice families with the sweet kids are all gone. All that's left are Bay-Bay's kids. (Spawn of the Devil).



02:31 Nov 01 2010

we won't get any here either.

sigh, thank g_d.



20:59 Oct 31 2010
Times Read: 1,217

I am still fuming over my stolen cart. Yet I made myself concentrate on my studies, and finish another unit. I will attempt to do another one tonight - or at least get the reading done. I still have many more units to cover though...blah.

I'm waiting for news on whether I can get an extension - 2 more months? - or not, since I spent most of my previous time looking for a job, instead of studying like I wanted to.

And speaking of job...what a wierd place to work. Even though I'm poor, I'm used to working with and dealing with a white collar type of workforce. Blue collar too...mainly, hard-working, NORMAL people. Dealing with a majority of students and wierdo walk-ins who are totally ghetto/trailer park trash is sort of a culture shock in many ways. Some are polite - many are rude. One student actually asked me if I was adjusting to the environment...? God, does my face show my shock/dismay/horror that easily?

In any case, I get a lot of laughs along the way!

* 'Surfer dude' who can't seem to find his wallet for his breakfast: "Can I pay with this $4 BART ticket?"

* Another new hire - a dishwasher - thinks it's okay to 're-start' his half hour lunch break all over again when he has to interupt it for only five minutes.

* A woman freaks out and starts tearing up the bookstore downstairs. The cops are called. I find out later that it's the towelhead/broom nutjob.

* Woman - who I thought was an ugly drag queen: "Don't I get a discount for being really cute?"





02:46 Oct 30 2010
Times Read: 1,231

So - I get up this morning to go to Walmart. I have to take a bus to get there, and I have a lot of stuff to get, ie cat litter, cat food, etc...heavy shit, ya' know?

When I open the door to leave my apartment...my shopping cart is gone. Some mother fucking bastard stole my shopping cart.



02:49 Oct 30 2010

That's just shitty. Sorry to hear.



16:26 Oct 29 2010
Times Read: 1,237

I'm not a baseball fan, but since I consider myself a San Franciscan, I gotta' shout out:


If we win, it will be so cool...and so crazy here!



01:44 Oct 30 2010

the giant's are amazing and are kicking the rangers ass big time!....you have to hand it to the pitching staff.


Whoa, Nelly.

04:00 Oct 27 2010
Times Read: 1,259

It is amazing to witness how low some people will stoop. And how little things to most of us totally freak out a few...So it's nice to get a few light laughs along the way.

I got my first of many laughs yesterday, when a student commented on how he liked my hairstyle (the short 'china doll' bangs). He shouted across the cafeteria "Hey - I love your hair! You look like Rosario Dawson!" I was shocked, but I didn't miss a beat. I replied "Yeah right - I wish! I think I can pass for her mother though..."

* One of the students - a young girl - has taken a liking to me - I feel like part of the gang now, as I now have one of her cute lil' crooked pottery pieces that she made.

* One dude got busted stealing stuff, and when he tried to rush out - he tripped over his too saggy pants, dropping all of his ill-gotten gains everywhere. The boss calmly picked up the shit that wasn't ruined, and walked away, without saying a word, leaving the dude sprawled out on the floor.

And for today (a meltdown day for two students):

* A special needs student bought a bottle of Dasani for $1 - it cost $1.50, but I let it pass when he started freaking out. He does this thing with his mouth, like he's gonna' spit, so I just let him take the water for a dollar and go...(I told the boss of the incident. He said - "Yeah. Sometimes it's not worth it...")

* A girl comes to me - during the breakfast rush - and says "I just dropped my food, and I want to get it again, but I shouldn't have to pay..." ???She kept going on and on. I asked her to step aside, and I'd get some help for her. The head cashier comes back from her break - thank God - and deals with her. By this time, the girl is crying, shaking, and almost speaking in tongues. The head cashier and I look at each other, like WTF? She takes the girl aside, get her some more eggs and shit, and gently guides her to a table.

* The'Shakespeare Guy' drops by to say hi...he is dressed from head to toe in red. His long braided hair has red rubber bands. He thinks that he is all suave and shit. And he always stares for a bit - very unnerving. Even though he dresses and talks like a 'homeboy' he is a white dude - some would use the derogatory term 'wigger'. Anyway, I usually have a sigh of relief when he finally goes away.

And today is only Tuesday.



04:12 Oct 27 2010

yep, wigger.

there....i said it.

17:17 Oct 27 2010

"I'm a wigger,

Go figure.

I'm just a white boy that wants to be a (censored)."

08:02 Oct 28 2010

Wow....I'd go postal lol.

Silly Wigga's never learn, huh? *rolls eyes*


19:45 Oct 23 2010
Times Read: 1,271

Although I have a few errands to do today, I will make a huge effort to study and get assignments done for the remainder of the weekend...basically, cram a lot of stuff this evening and tomorrow. Whoopee.



20:35 Oct 23 2010

i don't think i ever inquired as to what you're studying for....but OH i cannot wait until Jan 3rd....i'll be starting school then also. :)

good luck with your Assignments!

21:06 Oct 23 2010

Heh heh....you said "cram". :P



23:57 Oct 22 2010
Times Read: 1,280

* Dude - you are NOT all that. You have a gang of hood rats at your beck and call. Be happy with that.

* No, you can't have fountain drink refills like you can at MacDonald's. Sorry.

*'"There's no ice! There's no ice!" "The ice is on it's way." "But there's no ice! There's no ice!"

(Good fuckin' grief)...

* "Is one of them rings you wearin' a weddin' ring?" "Yes" (A lie).

* There is toilet paper. There are toilet seat covers. Why is there shit on the toilet seat?





03:40 Oct 20 2010
Times Read: 1,301

I work in an insane asylum...sort of.

Yesterday, while I was sitting on my perch ringing up stuff, I get a big hug from behind - I almost pooped in my pants. This huge guy gives me a bear hug - lifting me off of my stool - then walks off. One of the other cashiers said "Oh - he's harmless. That's just the 'Hugging Guy"...

(There are a lot of special needs students at the college, and I have to say that the majority of them are really friendly).

Today, I get a guy who is always flirting with all of the women (There are a lot of guys like this here). The first time I met him, he kept recording me with his damn camera. Today, he comes in and just stares. I say hi, and go on about my business. He later says "I am at a loss of words by your beauty..." He then starts mis-quoting Shakespeare. All I could do was shake my head and laugh.

Later on, a woman wearing a pink towel wrapped around her head, carrying a broom (I kid you not) comes in and demands to get her money back from the food she bought the day before. She actually brought the food back, which was a garbage-looking mess. I was lucky enough to not get her! I missed out on the conversation she had with the poor manager, but he let her have her $6.75 back. Good grief.

I've only been at this job since October 1st!



04:22 Oct 20 2010


Rofl....start blogging....this is Stuff of Dreams!

04:56 Oct 20 2010

how bad can things get after seeing that?....hope i didnt jinx ya just now lol

08:19 Oct 20 2010

What do you mean, "sort of" work in an insance asylum chuckles. Man you do! That makes even the craziness in VR look tame!

15:10 Oct 20 2010

You do realize you have the makings of a book here, right? Cash in girlfriend!!!



01:36 Oct 18 2010
Times Read: 1,318

A lot of crazy shit has been going on at work, but I'm too tired to write it down for now.

I feel sick to my stomach - literally. I need to drink some more water and go to bed early for work tomorrow...



02:48 Oct 18 2010

hope you feel better hun


01:34 Oct 18 2010
Times Read: 1,319

So...Loud Mouth has a momma and sibblings. I saw them two mornings ago. The momma - a small calico - was waiting for her kittens. Three appeared - they all looked like Loud Mouth. They followed her running to a house across the street. It will be impossible to catch all of them. It makes me sad that I won't be able to save them. I have to realize that I can't save every stray cat.





05:27 Oct 13 2010
Times Read: 1,344

I didn't catch Loud Mouth...I haven't heard him/her either, which made me sad...but yesterday morning, when I went to feed another stray, I saw Loud Mouth!

Apparently, Loud Mouth is usually on this side of the street. He/she was hangin' out with the dirty deaf orange kitty I've been feeding recently, so I know that they both ate and drank.

Now - if only I can see Loud Mouth again, and one day catch him/her? The cat's young enough to become a great pet for someone...provided that I catch it, bathe it, keep it for a few days, then take it to the local animal shelter, which is a nice one.

Keeping my fingers crossed...



05:37 Oct 13 2010

What a cute name!

Hope you can do that. There's a guy that lives near where I used to live. He's a kind old man and has what he calls a cat farm. The local shelters send him all the "rejects" for lack of a better term--all the cats that are not likely to find a home. With missing eyes and legs, deformities, age, et cetera. He has over 250 and works his ass off to keep them in the best conditions I've ever seen. I would catch the strays on my street and bring them to him, the poor little darlings. It felt great to know they were in a wonderful home and he was so good to them. Does the heart good.

07:45 Oct 13 2010


Right on with your critter lovin' ass lol. :P

It's awsome to read this. Good luck with Loud Mouth, i know you'll get him/her.

Im still laughing over the asian man btw.


Where is Loud Mouth?

18:46 Oct 10 2010
Times Read: 1,372

For almost a week, I - and the whole street - have been hearing a kitten meowing very loudly every night.

For those of you who know me, you know how I am about cats. I would go to bed each night, worrying over the lil' critter. So, last evening, I decided to go out and try to catch it.

There was a huge party at a house nearby, and I was afraid that all of the people and the loud music would keep the kitten hidden. (There was banda, mariachi, and the occasional Guns and Roses blasting from the house). The kitten seemed fearless, with me being the exception. Everytime I thought I'd got it, it took off running. I missed getting it on four trys. I wanted to kick myself when the kitten actually walked into the carrier, then ran out when I clumsily stumbled near it - dammit!

I made sure to tell the occupants of the duplex that I was trying to catch the cat, and not some crazy prowler, since one of the tenants - an old Asian guy - kept looking at me like I was crazy.

"What you do?" What you do?" he kept asking me. "I'm trying to catch the stray kitten here" I said. He tried to help me get the kitten, but after about 10 minutes, he gave up. "Good luck!" he said, and went into his house.

I got scratches from trying to get the kitten from behind and under rose bushes...I fell against the rickety wooden fence and landed in mud on my knees; I got approached by a skanky prostitute who asked me if I had a spare shirt, as it was cold (I wanted to tell her to put on more clothes when she hits the streets, but I didn't. It wasn't that cold anyway...but then again, I was working up a sweat trying to get that damn cat).

I gave up after about an hour and a half. I left dry kibble and water inside of the carrier, and left a note on the carrier stating why the carrier was there, with my name and number.

The kitten was quiet for the rest of the night. When I checked for it this morning, it was nowhere to be found. (Cats usually hide in the day anyway). The food didn't looked eaten, which bummed me a lil'. If I hear 'Loud Mouth' this evening - I will go out and try to catch him/her again.



19:13 Oct 10 2010

I'm not really a cat person, but I know them well, having lived with cats most my life.

Might I gently suggest cooked, roasted chicken as "Bait"..it's like Crack to cats...perhaps a bit in the Carrier would lure it out and into it.....

And good luck, I surely hope you catch it.

06:44 Oct 11 2010


Wow, the lengths we go to for those critters. Awsome that you tried so hard to help Loud Mouth out. You'll get him (or her) I was just rollin' when i read the part about the asian man....

15:36 Oct 11 2010

I have to confess, I was half expecting you to add "And I had to tell him no thanks when he asked if I wanted him to cook it after I caught it." I know. I'm going to hell.

This one sounds totally feral and/or like it was just playing games with you. But like Kattrina suggested, sitting there with warm food like chicken that'll smell mad good might get the knuckle head to sidle up to you long enough for the nabbing.

06:10 Oct 13 2010

rofl Justin, that's why i love you...so delightfully wicked.

: 0)


22:57 Oct 09 2010
Times Read: 1,400

I just found a tiny lil' bag of weed outside of my door. Whoever dropped it will not be a happy camper.



23:00 Oct 09 2010

thats so funny i bet they ditched it running from cops lol

23:38 Oct 09 2010

haha i wish someone would drop that on my door step lol

23:39 Oct 09 2010

But those you share with, will be. :)

00:06 Oct 10 2010


00:21 Oct 10 2010

You should see some of the rocks and weed we find in customer's pockets. I could retire on what I'd make from the sales, I'm sure. :P

00:45 Oct 10 2010

The funny thing is - I don't smoke. (My ex was the pothead).

I guess I can save it for whatever friend visits who smokes...

02:24 Oct 10 2010

I'll be right over.

19:14 Oct 10 2010

C: Yeah buddy you should start a side-biz rofl...

I don't smoke/use drugs myself (experimented back in my heyday)...I'd be just like you..."uh, okay then....er....time to pass this to someone in "need")...


21:52 Oct 10 2010


14:06 Oct 12 2010

Bet it smells nice

21:22 Oct 14 2010

I once had a guy come in and buy $40 of candy when I worked nights at the convenience store.

When I resumed sweeping after he left, I found this gigantic bag of weed and weird orange stuff by the candy rack. I freaked out, yelled at the bag for a couple minutes, yannow, the usual. . . . or not.



21:04 Oct 09 2010
Times Read: 1,405

(Hyperactive kids do not need sugar).

I want to strangle the lil' kid upstairs. Why does he spend days and evenings running all over the place, jumping up and down on the bed, kicking the heater, yelling, etc?

How many times do I have to go upstairs, or talk to the manager? Take my broom handle and bang it on my ceiling? I'm not demanding complete quiet - that would be impossible. I would like to not be assaulted every waking moment by the brat and his noise though.

*prepares rope for strangulation*



23:09 Oct 09 2010

Like our apartment manager told us...NO ONE has the right to disturb you in your apartment. If the manager doesn't handle it, call the police. Tell them you think the kid is alone up there and they'll be right over!


Just shoot me now. Please.

02:20 Oct 09 2010
Times Read: 1,417

I had another appointment at the clinic I went to earlier this week, to go over paperwork and crap. (Fridays/weekends I have off).

I felt queasy all day, and was glad to make it home...just in time to puke. Great.





02:12 Oct 09 2010
Times Read: 1,420

I didn't go to work yesterday, which made me feel like shit, as I'm a new hire. I called my boss @ 7am, to let him know that I wouldn't be able to come in. He was cool, but still...

Speaking of shit, this is why I took the day off:



Anyone care for a swim?

Around 5:30 in the morning, my toilet decides to overflow. I spent an hour off and on with the plunger, to no avail. (Got a blister in my right palm from the wooden handle to prove it). I gave up around 7 am, and called the apartment manager. She got a maintenance guy out pretty quickly. And I knew him, so it was cool.

(No tattling on me for the occasional flushing of cat litter...I said OCCASIONAL, people. I usually bag it and throw it away). The guy helped me clean up a lil', and left me gloves, heavy-duty garbage bags and rags to mop up the inch deep water...yuck! By the time I was completely finished cleaning, it was 1 pm.

God hates me - I'm sure of it.



14:12 Oct 12 2010

My worst nightmare


I asked for it - I got it.

03:42 Oct 07 2010
Times Read: 1,446

For months, I've been bitching about being unemployed. Now that I'm working, I wish that I could win the Lotto and never have to work a day in my life - lol!

None of the student workers showed up yesterday, so guess who had to clean up, stock, and make coffee ALL day? This former desk jockey was on her feet all day, running around like a madwoman. I wouldn't have mined it as much if I wasn't so tired and sore (I still am, although today was a bit calmer). Preparing a cart filled with coffee dispensers, juice, milk, etc, and taking it down a ramp for a conference was a lot of fun. Two other employees had to join me, as the shit wouldn't have stayed on the cart...wasn't I hired as a cashier? I know that cashiers have other duties when it's slow, but damn...

Today was crazy busy as well. The highlights:

*A woman - bitch - got all bent out of shape because the school cafe does not take EBT (food stamp) cards. The two plates of food that she got were left at the register.

*A flamboyant gay guy had to come in to show me that we could be twins; he went home to change clothes so he could come back wearing a blue dashiki-like shirt similar to the one I was wearing. His filp-flops and my B&W Converses' didn't match though.

I am bone tired. Time to take a shower and sink into my pillow. If there are any typos or misspelled words - sorry!



04:26 Oct 07 2010

sorry it's been so rough, but yay for you to be starting work!

04:56 Oct 07 2010

Crap, hope it slows down for you!

14:20 Oct 07 2010

He went home and changed?! Wish I had that kind of time on my hands!

17:35 Oct 07 2010

Thanks, Ya'll...and I also thought it was wierd that the guy actually went home to change... As he was so stoked over us matching, why didn't he bring a camera for the fashion event? LOL!

17:53 Oct 07 2010

maybe it's time to think outside the box and explore option's other than working for the man.


Day 2.

05:06 Oct 05 2010
Times Read: 1,467

If today is an indication of an average work day, I'll have a lot to write about here...

Before work, I had a doctor's appointment at the county clinic; it was one that I had months ago. The place seemed a bit unorganized, and it was packed with patients. My appointment was for 9:15; I saw the doctor at 10:00. While I was impatiently waiting, I saw a lab tech shouting for a patient while she was picking earwax out of her ear...before the doctor, I had a nurse who measured my height 3 or 4 times, insisting that I was 5'4"...I'm 5'7". When I finally saw the doctor that I was assigned to, I was taken aback. She seemed competent enough, although I could have sworn that she was drunk or high. (I didn't smell any liquor on her). She was a bit unsteady on her feet, and she repeated some of her questions to me...over and over. WTF?

When I had to get blood drawn, I discovered that it was to be done by the Earwax Lady...at least she put on a fresh pair of gloves when she drew my blood. She had to take the blood from my hand though, as my veins are very small and hard to get to in my arm. So - it took a lil' longer. I hate getting blood drawn. I can get shots, go to the dentist and get a shot without a problem, but getting blood drawn? Oh hell no.

I'm hoping that I can finally get to the root of my stomach/intestinal problems. And maybe get in on the new healthcare system thingy - at least until I get a job with benefits.

*Anyway...got to work at noon; the place was a zoo. I wasn't on a register today, as the boss took me on a tour, and had me do other stuff. He forgot about me when he left me in a culinary class to talk privately with another employee; I ended up learning how to properly sear a salmon fillet, and make herb butter. Two of the culinary students - two cute guys - showed me how to get back to the cafeteria. Du-uh.

*A skinny dude was busted stealing. He filled up a large cup with strawberry soda, and drank it without paying. He left the cup near the fountain area, and slinked over to the snacks. The boss walked up to the guy and discreetly said "Please don't forget to pay for the sandwich that you have inside of your coat." The guy said that he would pay...funny how his debit card declined the transaction though. He walked off totally embarrassed. Of course the drink wasn't paid for. I wanted to bust out laughing.

*A dyke asked me if I'd like to go hang out sometime...no thank you. If I were a lesbian, my answer would still be no, as she kinda' looked serial killer scary.

And lo and behold - due to a 'police matter' that happened to be at my 'home' station - ie ghetto - I had to get off the BART train one stop ahead, and take a bus home...one long-ish ride home that got me home at 7pm. WTF?



09:31 Oct 05 2010

Wow sounds like you had an interesting day.

14:54 Oct 05 2010

*Rubs hands with glee* Sorry but I work from home so I HAVE to live vicariously through others.

23:09 Oct 05 2010

Even though the day was long at least it was an entertaining one...


1st day at my new job.

20:39 Oct 02 2010
Times Read: 1,493

It was cool - I was suppose to be there for about 4 - 5 hours on my first day - mainly to do some training - ended up being there for 7 hours...sweet!

I picked up on the register quickly - still have a few more things to learn regarding it though.

And I still haven't taken a 'tour' of the place. I still don't know where a lot of shit is.

What's great is that I can have unlimited coffee, tea, and fountain drinks, and I get lunch free - whatever I want. (That grilled chicken ceasar salad was really good)!

It was pretty busy, and Fridays are suppose to be slow...I was told to expect lines of students, faculty, and staff next week. Some of the other employees keep saying that as a newbie, I'd be 'baptised' next week...let the playful hazing begin! Holy shit.



17:22 Oct 03 2010

Your new job sounds awesome. I do hope I find myself a job soon.

Good luck my friend~

10:04 Oct 04 2010

Yeah sounds really, good best of luck.


Priest of the Month.

20:29 Oct 02 2010
Times Read: 1,496

October 2010


(Love it - he has a kitty)!



22:47 Oct 02 2010

Whoah. Hello Father Dark and Handsome!

is it bad to say that. . . ?

10:02 Oct 04 2010

Lol I don't think it is.

Lets hope the cat isn't for a Sacrifice

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