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5 entries this month

Diego Amary.

01:44 Mar 30 2016
Times Read: 718

An associate of mine almost had a shitfit when I told her that this model was gay...

Like - she'd have a chance in Hell of getting with him if he was straight? With humor, she said that she wanted to punch me in my cute lil' nose.

I'm like...don't get mad at me!

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Still...he is very attractive...and as a 'priest' so very bad. (some of you are aware of my 'priest' thing...lol).

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03:26 Mar 30 2016

Father.. I have sinned.........

Damn! He is hawwwwt.


The Banana Incident Continues...

19:13 Mar 05 2016
Times Read: 767

The day following Ce's bat shit Rumpelstiltskin meltdown - in which I had wished that she'd split in two like the fairytale character - all was calm. With the exception of the rumblings following my fight with her.

Other employees were looking at me sideways, with a few venturing to whisper "So - what happened between you and Ce?" To which I replied "She and I had an altercation in the office, and she got sent home..." I figured that most of them got the story from Dor, as I hadn't told anyone except for three people. Plus - I could give a shit about protecting Ce's reputation. She acted like a goddamn fool, and she has to face the music. We're both responsible for our own behaviors.

I heard bits of 'Monique is so nice...and she went off on Ce?" Like - most people must think I'm a pushover because I am nice and 'sweet', and I don't have that 'street' vibe about me...Surprise, people! I won't allow anyone to run roughshod over me. And I don't cry over what I perceive as bullshit either.

So - the following day after work, I went to the district office - which is fortunately right down the street from the college. I filed an incident report (keeping it factual, without any snark), and went on my merry way home to work on my writing, read, and play with my cats.

This week, all was calm and uber-polite. Ce was back to work, being extra sugary. I was my usual polite self. Since we both have to work together, we had to get along. (I'm surprised that she pulled it together, now that I know she's crazy). We spoke to each other when we had to - and had a more than usual work week, since she was actually doing a bit more work. lol.

The shit hit the fan this past Thursday, however. Apparently, Ce got the letter and a copy of my incident report from the district, and was falling apart. Note that the bitch is permanent, and that if she agrees with my version of the incident, it won't go on her permanent record (No wonder the school retains shitty employees...it's hard to get rid of them). If she disagrees, the complaint becomes formal, and will go into her file...and she will most likely still have her job.

Anyway - for most of the very busy day - she and Dor were gone, as they scrambled about worrying on how to deal with the complaint. I saw Ce cowering in corners, looking at me all butt hurt, having people hugging her and patting her back...really?

Then Boss #1 gets into the mix. Boss #2 is out on the floor helping me, as we're short-staffed, thanks in part to Her Majesty's panic attack over my complaint, and her other weed buddy coming in later on.

I'm chill for the day, as I am most of the time, by the way. When it's time for me to leave the floor and count out my till, I notice that Ce is still at work...she leaves at 2pm, so I immediately know that's she sticking around to 'talk to me' with Boss #1. I'm looking forward to this shit...

Twenty minutes later, I'm walking out. Boss #1 makes a beeline to me...then I see Ce grab him by the arm to stop him. WTF? I guess she chickened out on facing me with whatever damage control they had planned. They act like they're scared of me. Yeah - I plan on eating your children. Whatever...

We're suppose to have a meeting with our union rep soon. What pisses me off is the fact that I may not get another contract because of this. If so, I will fight it, and Boss #2 and a few other employees will back me up.

In the meantime, I need to finish these two books in the works, and brush up on my pharm tech stuff for the state exam - which I had put on the back burner, Duh.



02:16 Mar 07 2016



The Banana Incident.

18:45 Mar 05 2016
Times Read: 770

With the exception of Boss #2, Chef Bev, one hourly guy, and a student worker, I work with some stupid, uncouth, lazy-ass bitches (there are three of 'em, plus their 'minions' - lol)

I have to put up with tasks that are incomplete, gossiping in corners, lots of playing and horsing around, and disappearing acts on a daily basis. Speaking of disappearing acts, it's really a major pain in the ass when 5 -6 people disappear at the same time to go smoke weed...

This is the background for the story I'm about to tell...

Last Wednesday morning, around fifteen minutes before opening at 8am, I'm running around doing 3 -4 tasks to Ce's 1 - 2...nothing new here. I found a bunch of bananas on a counter, and took them to Ce, as she was putting fruit in a basket. She mentioned that she was putting the previous day's fruit on top, which I understood - there was no need to tell me this mundane fact. I said "Okay", and placed the bananas in her hand after her lil' lecture. Then I left.

While I was cutting lemons for tea - something Ce never bothers to do - I see her marching off to the office, where Boss #1 and his sidekick Dor were hanging out. She looked upset about something, and slams the door. I'm thinking 'what the hell is wrong with her now?' as she has a hissy fit at least once a week. In any case, I finished the lemons, and went to the kiosk - where she should have been - and finished up stuff in there. Boss #1 approaches me, and says that he'd man the kiosk, while I go into the office to have a talk with Ce and Dor, over a perceived 'slight'. I'm thinking - 'Are you fucking kidding me?' Anyway, I go into the office and close the door. Note that instead of Dor - who is an hourly contract employee like me - Boss #1 should have been the one in the office...

Anyway, I'm pissed, since I'm basically tired of Ce's neediness, whining, and constant need for attention.

When I close the door, I lean back against it and say "What?" as in, what the fuck now?

Ce - who's sitting in a chair, and not looking me in the eye, says "For starters, everyone knows that I don't like when people fucking cut me off when I'm speaking, and I don't appreciate the fucking attitude..."

In the back of my mind, I hear the bell ringing for the start of round one...and I intentionally cut her ass off.

"Well - if you didn't take so fucking long to get to the point, there would be no need to fucking cut you off." Note that I had planned on being my usual professional self before I entered the office. Her use of the F-bomb opened the door for me to cuss her dumb ass back. Not my proudest moment, but what the hell. About time she received her own medicine. Also note that when I had given her the damn bananas, she wasn't speaking, therefore, I didn't cut her off, or rudely walk away...

Then the shit hit the fan. This bitch went bat-shit crazy! She leaped from the chair, ran to the back of the office, and started throwing shit - she swiped a box of chips from the shelves, granola bars, etc., screaming and cussing at me the whole time. I was stunned (and somewhat entertained by the display). She started stomping her feet on the floor like an enrage bull - note that she is probably 90 lbs wet - and then attempted to lunge at me...really? Dor held her back, screaming "Monique, leave! Just leave!" I had planned on leaving anyway, as it was obvious that one couldn't get a word in, less communicate with someone in a rage. I do recall shouting out something to the effect of "Let her ass go. Because as soon as she gets in my face, I'm suing her, the school, and the school district for assault." Funny how she toned down her Rumpelstiltskin act. When she quieted down a bit, I then said "Trying to attempt to have a civilized conversation about whatever is bothering her would be ridiculous at this point" and "And I don't do crazy." Yes - I shouldn't have added the jib, but after that shit storm, I was basically in what-the-fuck mode. When I left, Ce was still cussing and stomping her feet. I thought about leaving the office door wide open when I left, so others could see and hear her, but I didn't, since that wouldn't have been professional. Considering her unprofessionalism, I should have left it open. lol

When I returned to the kiosk, I told Boss #1 that the situation was worse, and that he needed to go into the office immediately. I started helping customers, and was fine. I don't get teary-eyed or emotional over bullshit.

About an hour later, Ce emerges from the office with her purse, while I was refilling a hot water container. I looked dead at her, but she didn't look at me. Her ass was sent home. (By the way - she wasn't in for the rest of the week either).

After the workday, Boss #1 wanted to discuss what had happened. He asked me to be candid...I told him in a nutshell, and admitted that I cussed her ass back. I assured him that I had no problem working with her, and that they'd get no drama out of me, as I'm not needy and whiny. I come to work to work - while maintaining my professionalism - and I leave. I also told him that he should have been in the office overseeing the situation - not Dor (who is also Ce's friend, and an hourly employee). He agreed with my assessment (or pretended to), but then had the nerve to ask me to 'apologize' to Ce? What the fuck? "In order to smooth things over..." I told him hell no, and that if anyone should apologize, it should be Ce...and that I really didn't give a shit about receiving an apology from her.

He then stated that he just wanted the following day to go smoothly. I assured him that I'd behave the way I always do...with a caveat that if Ce came to work and acted up, I would go at it with her toe-to-toe, as I'm not going to be disrespected by her - or anyone else.

The rest of the worked week went along smoothly, even though I had more work to do (Boss #2 was out with a husband recovering from a knee replacement), and the other workers were their usual lazy selves. But - Ce wasn't there, and as such, there were no problems.





17:27 Mar 05 2016
Times Read: 774

* Mom is doing good, for the most part. The dementia messes her up sometimes, but overall, she's okay. She still keeps raising hell about coming back home to California, with outlandish ideas on how to do it...

* One of my co-workers - Mai - has been out sick for over two months. We haven't been getting hardly any info on what's going on with her either...until about a month ago, when another campus employee who's close to Mai told us that she has endometrial cancer (a type of cancer of the cervix).

Some of the employees from my department went to go visit her one Sunday (no one told me or asked me to join, which is typical, but more on that later). I'm glad that I wasn't included, since I found out later that Mai was pissed by having unexpected visitors (of whom most are mean backstabbers to her, by-the-way).

I heard this week that she is actually recovering pretty well, and wants to come back to work. Of course, this will take time...

It would be nice to see her face, with her wise-ass comments.

* My health is improving a little. Had a nasty bout of the flu - I think - which kept me from work for a week back in mid-February.




Cowboy of the Month.

17:08 Mar 05 2016
Times Read: 786

March 2016

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Kody Lostroh, bull rider



17:18 Mar 05 2016

Save a horse...ride a cowboy!

19:14 Mar 05 2016

I know...lol!

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