Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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21 entries this month

Evening Cowboy.

03:56 Mar 31 2012
Times Read: 1,007

So - I'm walking home from the train station this evening, tired as hell, after a long day of cleaning...and over-eating (the boss treated us to lunch in the bistro, which was nice).

The street I'm walking on is a rather busy one, and the traffic is getting heavy. I'm digging in my hoodie pocket for a tissue, and when I look up, I see a guy approaching me...on a horse.

He sitting pretty on a black and white spotted horse - a beautiful animal. And he was in head-to-toe cowboy gear. Dude was sportin' a white fringed shirt...and a white hat. A WHITE HAT. I guess he was 'a good guy'...

He looked so out of place, especially during the particular time of day. I couldn't stop laughing.



04:53 Mar 31 2012

Sounds very cool.

07:30 Mar 31 2012

I love it when stuff like that happens!!

10:50 Jun 13 2012

Ah, was he a good looking cowboy?

02:32 Jun 17 2012

No - he wasn't. Lol.


Too cute - lol!

02:23 Mar 29 2012
Times Read: 1,018

So...Tweety Bird and Puddy Tat REALLY do get along:

(The background noise is rather annoying, huh)?



06:38 Mar 29 2012

Ha! That just wasn't natural.

04:54 Mar 31 2012


10:52 Jun 13 2012



22:42 Mar 26 2012
Times Read: 1,027

I've been really sick with the stomach crap for three days - Saturday, Sunday, and today. Which means that I missed a day of work, which I hate. I really need to get a handle on this, so it will stop interrupting the flow, you know what I mean?

So, I've been more or less a couch/bed potato glued to the tv. Usually, when I'm not feeling well, I always manage to get something done...like laundry, cleaning, writing...something. If I don't get at least one thing done in a day, I'm pissy. I admit that I'm anal retentive when it comes to getting things done. And duh...maybe that could be the cause or a major cause of my stomach pains.




This week...what I can remember, anyway.

02:36 Mar 23 2012
Times Read: 1,047

Let's see:

* Poor Phyllis is at home recooperating from surgery on a hernia - ouch. She was bummed about not being able to move about. She is one feisty ol' lady - lol!

* My mom is still going on about her birthday dinner - lol! I love her!

* Last Friday - I was off - some guy came into the cafeteria and stole a bunch of stuff. My boss and a campus aide chased him (why bother), but the dude got away. I would have died laughing seeing that. And I wouldn't lift a foot to chase him or anyone else either. (All of that running put my boss out for three days this week. She is still having pain in her legs).

* Boss #1 asked me when I'd be pursuing a pharm tech position. I told him that due to the current problems with my landlord, it was on hold for awhile. He then said that since Big Momma was out indefinitely, he wanted to make me permanent, where I could get a lil' more in pay, and 3/4 benefits. I told him that I'd take him up on his offer. He knows that at some point, I'm going elsewhere, but for now, I'll stick around. I just have to give him a heads up when the situation changes. Now - I just have to wait for him to get the ball rolling. The guy tells me everyday how professional and reliable I am, so maybe that will translate into some more money?

* Gotta' go to see the attorney again tomorrow, to file more court papers. Another $50...another run to the courthouse before it closes at 2:30 pm. Well, at least with this filing, I'll be requesting a trial by jury. This will create wiggle room for more time and negotiations.

I'm so tired of all of the bullshit though. Sigh.



02:54 Mar 23 2012

I am very happy about your job! That is super news!

16:16 Mar 23 2012

Very cool job news. :)



01:34 Mar 22 2012
Times Read: 1,068

My stomach is beginning to really bother me again...three days in a row. I'm fine every morning, but by midday, I feel like I'm getting punched in the gut. I'm afraid to eat. Oatmeal and spring rolls were safe today - the pain wasn't as intense as the two previous days at least...

I log on here in the hope of having a little fun downtime, but my brain is everywhere but here. I'm so tired and stressed out right now.

I think I'll take a shower and go to bed early...again.



05:08 Mar 22 2012

I hope you feel better Isis..

11:32 Mar 22 2012

Are you developing an ulcer from stress, Miss?

Take care of you! :(

12:41 Mar 22 2012

I really hope you get to feeling better soon.:/

23:50 Mar 22 2012

I'm so sorry that you don't feel so hot. *big hugs*

I hope that you feel better and soon!


Family stories can be fabricated...but DNA doesn't lie.

02:14 Mar 19 2012
Times Read: 1,093

Yes - DNA doesn't lie. For medical - and family history reasons - my sis Ray had research done on her DNA. Even though we have some different medical issues, we have the same parents, so our ethnic DNA is identical. I was surprised and not surprised, which I will get into later.

For starters, my DNA breakdown is as follows:

Africa: 69%

Europe: 24%

Asia: 7%

The first thing that threw me off was the 7% Asian DNA...really? Then it dawned on me that Native American and Asian DNA will both show ancestry going back to Asia...okay. I always thought that I had more Native blood than that.

The second thing that got me was the European breakdown. As my sis had her iPad only, she couldn't go online to the site to show me more stuff in detail. You know that Sicilian ancestor on my mom's side of the family? Well - he never existed. My mom kept insisting that her father's grandfather was from Sicily...NOT. Apparently, someone of mixed heritage passed himself off as a Sicilian - lol!

While we knew that we had some Irish and German blood, we didn't know that it was more than we had expected. We had always thought that the European blood was more Southern - Sicilian and Spanish. And there is more Scottish than Irish and German. We are apparently related to a ton of Beasleys in the south and in Scotland...lol. Oh - and besides the German blood, there is a hint of northern European too, like from Scandinavia - WTF? Lol!

Lastly - the African blood not only comes from the expected west coast, but from Central Africa, ie around the Congo, Angola, etc. That was a surprise too.

This is fascinating information for me. I'm waiting to get more details from my sis.



03:34 Mar 19 2012

Wow. That is so interesting. I wish I could get my DNA tested for a breakdown of my ancestry.

23:49 Mar 22 2012

Dude, that is friggin' cool. I wish I could do this too.

11:04 Jun 13 2012

And me.



01:58 Mar 19 2012
Times Read: 1,095

OMG - my mom started crying when she saw us walk into the restaurant - lol!

It was so funny - she and her two friends were only in the place for about 10 minutes, getting settled into the booth. When she looked up at us approaching her, she took a double take and started saying "Noooo...! No way!"

My brother-in-law had 2 dozen yellow roses for her, and my niece had a multi-floral bouquet.

We dined at Appleby's - not something my haute couture sister would have picked, but my mom loves the place, so...anyway, the food was actually good.

We hung out there for about an hour and a half. I was surprised - and a lil' impressed - when my sister took out her credit card to pay for everything (She usually spends her money on herself, so I'm glad to see that I was wrong in thinking her a selfish bitch)...anyway, one of my mom's friend wouldn't have it though, and paid.

We all had a good time - even my sis and her husband were talking and laughing. When he dropped her and their daughter off first, they hugged. If I didn't know that they were separated, I wouldn't have never guessed - well, except for him going to San Francisco after dropping me off, instead of back to their house.

Anyway, it was fun, and our mom was so happy...which is what counted.



23:48 Mar 22 2012

Awww, how cool. :)


Mom's birthday today!

21:50 Mar 17 2012
Times Read: 1,118

I'm gonna' chill for about 2 hours, then get ready. At least the rainstorm passed through last night. It's calm today, but kinda' chilly.

My mom turns 82 years old today. She loved the flowers I sent.

She is going out to dinner with two friends this evening...and she has no idea that me, my sis Ray, her husband and her daughter will also be joining them. She is going to be so surprised and happy!



22:00 Mar 17 2012

Awwwww, how cool. She's gonna LOVE it. That is so very sweet of you by the way. :)

I hope that she has an awesome birthday and that she smiles frequently today. :)

I send my warmest birthday wishes to her and I also hope that she has a fantastic day...with everything and everybody who is there with her!!! lol :)

23:35 Mar 17 2012

Have a good time!

23:38 Mar 17 2012

Might I say happy birthday to her! :D

Sounds really like a nice evening.

02:26 Mar 18 2012

Awww, how fun sweetie!

23:01 Mar 18 2012


Big Money Rustlas.

21:45 Mar 17 2012
Times Read: 1,120

I just watched one of the dumbest films ever...it was funny in some parts, but just dumb overall.

I like some Westerns, but a spoof starring The Insane Clown Posse, featuring Ron Jeremy, Bridget Nielsen, and other has-beens isn't exactly my cup of tea.





22:10 Mar 16 2012
Times Read: 1,142

I can't afford it, but I sent my local chapter of the ASPCA $50.00. Lord knows I need to save up as much as I can to move...and I need a good pair of work shoes. Um - and more contact lenses. And hell - I need to get the kitties some flea meds just in case, when spring comes!

Oh well - it felt good to donate that $50.00; it reminded me on how I use to do it anually when I had a better paying job over 4 years ago.

So, with that...meow and woof!



23:56 Mar 16 2012

that is commendable of you a very unselfish act from a lady with a heart of gold x

00:06 Mar 17 2012

What Pam said ^ :)

21:53 Mar 17 2012

Right on! You're just like my sister lol. No matter what, she's donated to them no matter what her financial aspect is. She's animal lover that wanted to be a Vet. :)

That was so cool of you and you're an awesome friend/person to have! *hugs*


Let the Games Begin!

21:26 Mar 16 2012
Times Read: 1,154

So, I got a 'Request To Set Case For Trial' in the mail yesterday. As I'm looking over this shit, I notice that the plaintiff - the asshole landlord and his attorney - request a nonjury trial; they think that it will take only 1/3 of an hour...REALLY? Wow...they think so little of me and what I am capable of. Sure, I may lose and get tossed out on the street, but not without a goddamn fight. I truly believe that I'm in the right - I do have info to back up my case, after all. In any case, I spoke with the eviction defense center and they told me to wait for the court papers concerning the jury date. One thing I do know - I will be requesting a trial by jury - not by a judge only! And - requesting a trial by jury gives one a little more time plus the option to try to settle. Not that that asshole will be accomodating...he's more than proven to be an unmovable class A asshole.



21:50 Mar 16 2012

Stick to you guns ...!!!

21:40 Mar 17 2012

I would like nothing more than to be able to have you nail his balls to a wooden cross. This dude is donkey headed douche nozzle lmao.

I'm so sorry he's doing this terrible thing to you and I swear that I wish I could help and do more.


People and their gross eating habits.

20:54 Mar 16 2012
Times Read: 1,164

I've come to the conclusion that I can lose weight by watching other people eat disgusting shit. Cases in point:

* A girl bought some french toast; when asked if she wanted any syrup, she replied with "No - I like ketchup."

* I witnessed a guy sprinkle at least 6 packs of sugar over his eggs.

* Remember the special needs student who ate his own boogers? In one day, I saw him eat boogers THREE times. The first time he did it I was ringing him up. I asked him not to do it; he dug deep and popped another booger into his mouth...The third time, he was in the financial aid office while I was across the way making a deposit, watching him from the window near the copy machine. I was ready to hurl.



21:24 Mar 16 2012

Yuck. o.O

I once ate an apple with ketchup but that was on a dare.

21:31 Mar 17 2012

Lol...sometimes seeing what people eat is so disgusting lol. Now, I will admit that in the rare times I have had french toast I will put ketchup (just a wee bit) because I don't like sweetness on my french toast or syrup. My father used to do that lol....it grew on me lol. Nasty, I know but I totally dig it. I know (plus it's just eggs and bread kinda grilled), Ewwwwwwie. Lol.

In any case...sorry it grossed you out lol. :P

21:16 Mar 19 2012

At least he didn't put ketchup on his boogers before eating them! Eww.


19:15 Mar 16 2012
Times Read: 1,164

It's 12:15 pm and I want pancakes.



21:22 Mar 17 2012

I make some awesome raspberry as well as cinnamon apple pancakes lol. I wish I could make them for you! ;)



00:14 Mar 12 2012
Times Read: 1,183

I'm just now noticing that Slideshow is no longer in operation...had to delete my section on silent films from my profile. I guess I should check stuff like that more often. Duh.




Sleep? What is that?

22:53 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 1,187

Bad enough that I'm a light sleeper, and don't get enough sleep as it is. Now that I'll have to take the early am shift at work for awhile - starting tomorrow - that means that I'll have to get up @ 4:45 am instead of 5:30 am. Since daylight savings time begins this weekend, I'll really be getting up at 3:45 am...holy shit.




Why I think that I should prevail in this fight with my landlord.

21:12 Mar 10 2012
Times Read: 1,207

Although I had to practically twist the arm of the paralegal who drew up my papers - like adding a clause that states that the landlord accepted a check from another party other than myself for payment of rent in the past - I feel confident in my case:

I'm being sued for non-payment of rent for one month. Not 2 months, 3, etc...only one month. And that was because I was out of work from the school for 6 weeks during the holiday season. Did I sit on my ass and say fuck it? No. While looking for holiday work - and not getting any - I also found a group that was going to pay my February rent of $895.00.

The landlord refused the payment, stating that he does not take 'third party checks'. The statement from the rental agreement - which is also in the plaintiff's (landlord) Exhibit 1 - states:

A third party check, endorsed by the tenant to this agreement, is not an acceptable form of payment and subject to a late fee.

First of all, the check he would have received would not have been a third party check - it would have been a check from another entity made out directly to him. The definition of a third party check is as follows:

A third party check is any check that is being deposited or cashed by a person other than the one named on the 'pay to the order of' line of the check. Basically, a third party check is a check that is endorsed (signed) by the payee and signed over to another payee, who is the third party.

Furthermore, the landlord received and accepted a payment for rent from another entity on my behalf approxiamately a year ago - namely, a money order from my mother. This money order was made out to the complex and cashed.

What the fuck???




Big Momma...and the landlord.

20:39 Mar 10 2012
Times Read: 1,212

* Well, I found out this week that Big Momma is suffering from congestive heart failure. She will be in the hospital for 4-5 more days. We don't expect her back for quite some time. (Her contributions at work were miniscule anyway).

While she always pissed the hell outta' me, I really do feel bad for her. I know that the office will send flowers and stuff, but I'll have one for her from me personally if/when she returns.

* With Big Momma out, I'm the early morning person now, although I can't start until 7:45 am - not 7 am like Big Momma. Which means that with daylight savings time, I'll really be getting up at 3:30 am on Monday. Yipee.

* The landlord served me with papers. On Wednesday night at 9:45 pm - when I was in bed - some bitch knocks on my door. I was pissed, but I stayed calm and was actually polite. The next day, I made some calls and got connected to an eviction defense group through the county's legal aid. Got my papers done for $50, and got them to the court's clerk by noon yesterday. I'm not going down without a fight. At the very least, I can maybe save two paychecks to move (I get paid once a month, at the end of each month). I want to move - this place is a dump, and the rent will be increased to $960.00 next month. Fuck that shit.



20:55 Mar 10 2012

Wow, sorry about Big Momma. I hope she will be ok and I guess this works out for the best right now.

Do you have prospects for where to move?

22:21 Mar 10 2012

$960? I agree, FTS!!! Best wishes on your search. I hope find something your really love.

01:33 Mar 15 2012

That place sounds terrible. I'm so sorry that all of this is happening. I wish I could staple that landlords nuts to a wooden cross for you.....uuuugh.




Big Momma...

03:56 Mar 07 2012
Times Read: 1,246

So - I get an early morning text from the boss yesterday, stating that Big Momma went into the emergency ward of a hospital.

I wasn't surprised...I feel bad for her, but angry as well. Not because she isn't at work, but because she never listened to her doctor or any of us in regards to her health.

We're getting the same feedback from students and faculty...they're all saying things like "She was always eating and drinking a lot of stuff that wasn't good for her" or 'Poor thing needs to try a little exercise"...

Most likely, she'll be out all week. I hope that this will be a wake-up call for her stupid ass.



06:17 Mar 07 2012

You saw that coming..

12:58 Mar 07 2012

Well maybe with BM (heh, had to) out, your aggravation will go down and with the EDD bit being resolved, your physical kinks will start to work themselves out as well!

04:43 Mar 08 2012

eh, she'll end up on disability and sitting at home eating and sleeping until she resembles jabba the hut

20:23 Mar 10 2012

She already looks like Jabba the Hut.


21:57 Mar 04 2012
Times Read: 1,262

I think that I have a pinched nerve somewhere in my left shoulder/arm. Hurts like hell. It started yesterday...I'm hoping that it will be gone by tomorrow morning. This shit has happened once before a few months ago. I can't really use my arm - it hurts like hell. Yipee.



00:51 Mar 05 2012



Priest of the Month.

21:49 Mar 04 2012
Times Read: 1,267

March 2012




04:21 Mar 07 2012


12:55 Mar 07 2012

yeah. I'm going to hell in gasoline trousers, man.

03:27 Mar 09 2012

I would definitely confess to him. Definitely.



01:31 Mar 01 2012
Times Read: 1,070

Stayed home from work today - I can't afford to, but seeing as I was having a hard time moving around, I kept my painful lower back, neck, shoulders, arms and left leg home...lol.

As the head cashier called in sick yesterday, I stayed to cover her later shift...which means that minus an hour (for 2 breaks and lunch) I worked - on my feet - for almost 12 hours. About 10 years ago, I could possibly still do this shit, but I'm getting old. If I was thinner, it would've been a lil' easier too. But I managed to get everything done, get the slow student workers out, and get home...at 9pm!

That EDD hearing went well on Monday. After the judge got everything she needed from me, once she turned off the recorder, she told me that she was granting my EDD payments - yipee! Not sure when I'll get the money, but it should be soon. Shit - it's over $600, which is way overdue.



01:46 Mar 01 2012

Good new about the EDD, yay! Rest up :)

22:56 Mar 01 2012

Awesome to read about the EDD... Feel better soon. :)

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