Hot chocolate or caramel coffee?
It's raining hard - it's cold too, with some heavy wind and hail. It's dark outside and and cozy in here, so I think I'll watch a few movies...
I read Silverhawk's journal entry about the Census, and it got me thinking:
The Census IS fun, ain't it? LOL! most in the US are mutts of one type or another. Most people who are 'white' aren't made up of just one European ethnic group - it's usually a variety of 'white'.
As for me, I usually check the 'Black/African American' box, as it's mostly what I am, and the culture I was brought up with. Sure, I was born in West Africa, and I also have Irish, German, Sicilian, and Native (Choctaw, Creek) ancestry, but what the hell...I'm just another mutt.
Ever since I was born, we were the only family in this city with my last name. Then, a few years ago, another family with that last name was listed in the phone book. Curious, I phoned them...and found myself talking to a very surprised black gentleman! I am trying to figure out if my dad did the wild thing back in the day or if they are from another branch. Anyways, it's nice to find kinfolk!
It is...I'm inspired to go onto Ancestry-com and talk more with my mom.
Sick again - more stomach pains. Prilosec works for awhile, but after the 14-day regimen, I'm back in pain again in a few days. Sucks.
Oh great...just saw back to back commercials - what are the odds?
The first one was about Crohn's disease, then the next one was about ulcerative coalitis...gee, thanks. As if I'm not scared enough.
Does it hurt all the time or just when you eat certain foods?
The local Toyota plant is closing - over 4,000 will be out of a job.
And you know what is tripping me out? This particular plant has a perfect record regarding the recall - not one car from this plant was affected.
Where is the logic here?
The USA car makers are such saints... NOT! Toyota step up and took charge of bringing the cars in, making them safe.
They should get a bail out like USA car makers did.
I live in Kentucky, Georgetown KY was the first plant in the USA, if I am not mistaken. And I drive a Toyota Matrix. And I love it. :) 6 years and not one problem with it.
agreed! toyota deserves a bailout even more than ford or GM...they actually make cars people want....its a damm shame.
I have to agree why are they picking on Toyota.. makes no sense, plus the whole closing of the majority of the US industries of many things do not make any sense to me at all, many I know are affected by this whole mess.
Well - the plant was a joint operation between GM and Toyota. GM pulled out due to it's financial problems, and left Toyota hanging (GM got a gov't bailout, but never returned to the plant - assholes).
By the way - about 4,700 are out of a job now, with another 10,000 soon, from all of the local companies that worked with
Hey - when did Trikki leave? I'm just now noticing that he is gone. Bummer!
He left a couple of months back, shortly after the 1st of the year if my memory is correct.
you gotta be kidding me??
dang it.
I'm tired of people leaving.
Make them STOP.
Damn. *Cries* Trikki come back!!!!!!!!!!!
A Facebook message I got from Trikki today:
Subject: VR
So I heard you just discovered that I self deleted on VR huh? Images told me :( I unfortunately just couldn't justify staying on VR anymore. Between my hectic personal life (I WOULD tell ya all that has been going on, but it's unfortunately very personal and just a few peeps know), taking online classes and work, about all I have the time for when it comes to being online is facebook :( I'll keep in touch with ya were one of my fave peeps on VR :D Feel free to tell anyone else that comments in your journal what I just told ya ;) *hugs*
Dam, another bites the dust!
...My monitor is being a piece of shit again...
What is your budget for a new one?
When you get a new this to the old one...lmao
It cut off the infamous Office Space Fax Machine Kill lmao :P
Sorry lol
Perhaps you could pick up a gently used one at a thrift store or yard sale? i've never purchased a brand new one, and they suffice for their purpose.
This past week, the weather has been perfect! Not too hot, nor too windy. Clear blue skies with fluffy white clouds. Temperatures in the mid to high 70's all week! I love it!
(Now - if only I can remember to wear a pair of sunglasses, as the sun does havoc to my eyes).
It has been beautiful here as well, on the opposite side of the country, and I ALways remember to take my sunglasses!
It sounds beautiful! Im with you on the sun glasses though...
Psssssst, most Hull Eye Centers have cool Diesel sunglasses and sell them between 20-40 bucks a pair!! :P
Today is my mom's 80th! She got my card, but not the flowers yet - she will be so surprised later on today!
I wish she had a computer...'cause I'd send this to her:
What's up with the bro' dressed in para-military stuff, claiming to have a thousand year-old 'magic' flute...that was passed down to him from his Irish ancestors?
I can't stop laughing...
lol Video is cute. :)
Congrats to your mom on the big 8...0.
The magic flute-thousands of years old! It looked like a pipe you install under your sink. I loved the lady who matter-of-factly said it was a crack head up in the tree! Hey!
Lol, this is funny...I wonder how long it will be before someone takes an axe to the tree.
Talk about a sexy vamp. ;)
Yeah...he's a hottie!
On my way home from light grocery shopping, I saw a high school-aged lesbian couple horsing around - the big one kept throwing the small one over her shoulder, carrying her about. Cute.
A few minutes later, an older lesbian couple showed up, and started making out - not so cute. The young couple looked at each other, then at me, then shook their heads, trying to keep from laughing. I kinda' wanted to barf...and not because the were lesbian. I hate seeing any type of couple - gay or straight - making out hard core in public. They needed to take that shit home. Yuck.
they are everywhere it seems these days lol
PDOA's are icky. Holding hands is ok, but geez, don't assume people want to see you doing everything else. Have a little self respect.
Amen to that. Hell me and Matt do nothing more than hold hands when we are out and maybe he will give me a peck kiss, but making out? Oh hell no! I don't want to see people sucking each others' faces off and grinding against each other.
i whole-heartedly agree. Keep the private things private.
I noticed that in the database, the book section is finally divided into there is a non-fiction section! Yipee!!!
Now...there are still a lot of books under fiction that should be transferred to non-fiction, but hey - it's a start!
And I did a double-take...looks like the non-fiction educational books ARE separated now.
I'm so jazzed...finding info on vampires was what originally brought me to VR.
I saw a newsclip of a Kennedy having a meltdown in the Senate (Or was it in Congress? I don't remember - Kennedy's are everywhere). Anyway, I thought how odd it was, as blowouts rarely occur in American politics. Everyone is usually calm and collected for the most part...
Last night, while channel surfing, I came upon a recent taped telecast of the British House of Commons...What a trip! They are an unruly bunch! While speakers had the floor, there was a constant amount of shouting, heckling, and name-calling. When one guy was speaking, someone started doing the theme music to The Twilight Zone...I couldn't stop laughing.
At the rate they were going, I was expecting a fist fight, like the ones that occur in Asian politics.
British people are suppose to be more civil than Americans...oooookay...LOL!
I watched Patrick Kennedy blow a gasket myself. If that had been a woman, someone would have said it was her time of the month!
Once I saw a debate (televised) from the House of of the guys had recently been discovered having an affair with some woman, and his opponents in the audience reacted by making moaning and other weird sex noises while he was speaking! That was a terrific laugh because, as everyone knows, Brits do not have sex (snort).
But the Brit parliament gets to do question time. Sure wish we had that year.
And although Kennedy does get a little shrill some time (and yeah, he's in Congress), I think he had a good point with this last blown gasket. He was railing against the fact that they were debating the Afghan war - you know, life and death issues - and the fucking press couldn't be assed to send more than 3 reporters to cover it. More important things going on, I guess.
The bit about the twilight sone made me laugh out loud. Hysterical!
My bad.
Lol..yeah come to my bedroom and tell me that brits don't have sex I dare ya!
As for being civil *chuckles*
I enjoyed watching the Oscars last night. I guessed correctly on many of the winners, and many of my faves won.
Now, I have the worse headache - not a migraine - it's something else. If I lie down - it hurts. If I make any quick movements, it hurts. If I bend over, it really hurts.
So - I guess I'll have one wasted day of vegging out in front of the TV, with minimal movement.
This really sucks, as I had planned on going out to do stuff today.
hope you feel better soon
Hope you feel better soon. Migraines suck.
As for the Oscars, I loved Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin as hosts, tho I was hoping Alec would take his shirt off...YOWZA!
Eeeew, CM...I like hair, but that is just too much...LOL!
Me likey hairy me something to grab onto and pull on when they are naughty! :P
I read 'Heartsick' about two years ago; just read the second book 'Sweetheart', and will start on the third 'Evil At Heart' today or tomorrow...
I won't spoil the storylines for anyone who wants to read the books, but I will say that the serial killer is one twisted psycho bitch...and the main detective who is after her is more disturbed than she is.
Okay...for the past year, I've been getting mail - most of it sent to my mom's address - from shit like AARP and The Scooter, I received an email for a discount on a HooverRound! WTF?
I ain't old - yet. I can certainly get around on my own two legs (I walk a lot).
Why am I getting this shit? Being in my 40's is NOT OLD! I thought the 40's were the new 30's anyway.
Apparently not...
What's 50 then, the new 35? Heh!
My dad passed in 1981. I am now getting mail addressed to him. This is way too strange. It's from big insurance agencies, which makes me think someone is getting names from somewhere that aint' right.
Sounds like they are mistaking you for a 65 year old senior citizen??
I have to google Hooverround now....
lol and me...
A comfy gel seat, oxygen holder on rear, will travel on most terrains, joystick driven....sounds great!!
It doesn't seem to have a beer holder though, maybe they sell extras! lol
My cats are beginning to look at the tv when they hear the song's kinda' psychedelic, huh?
Marketing LSD towards cats.. I think they need to ban the advertisement. It is sending the wrong messages to felines everywhere!! lmao
Ha ha...yeah I agree
Pretty cool thing to happen just by opening a tin of cat food though ^^
Ok I feed my kitties Friskies Cat Food Every Day And They Haven't Acted like that .
My cats eat the stuff too...maybe it could explain why kitties start to run unexpectedly through the house at break-neck speed?
Looks like fun...maybe I should start eating Friskies myself.
I'd like a box of whatever the cat's having...
While on my way home after doing a few errands, I rode the bus back to my apartment.
A homeless guy got on and stunk up the whole bus, which only had about 7-8 other passengers. He was also wet from the rain without the benefit of soap, so you can imagine the smell. I noticed another woman also trying to keep from gagging...
There was an elderly woman sitting across from me eating God only knows what, that was also stinky. She was merrily smacking away at her shit food, making me even more queasy.
And how could I forget the loud fat obnoxious guy who was yelling in his cell phone the whole time; when he was preparing to get off of the bus, - finally - he drops a plastic bag, which unleashes a cascade of porn DVD's. As his gut kept getting in the way, it took some time for him to gather up his stuff. Good grief...
Lol, I sort of feel sick just reading this...
I think that's why "they" say that walking is healthier for you lol
Riding the bus has its moments...the characters you meet..."merrily smacking away at her shit food". Gawd, I love people that bitch-slap the English language and get on with it!
17:37 Mar 31 2010
13:38 May 18 2010
Ha ha, I just did the potty dance!