Damn - the SF Bay Area has got the best teams!
(Warriors, Giants).
Oh - I am such an idiot. This is going on this weekend - right now - and I neglected to go over the huge list of events to plan any kind of participation on my part. Time went by too fast for me, I guess. Duh. While it's all free, one still has to get on the lists, as there is only so much room for some of the topics. Plus - the event covers Berkeley, Oakland, and San Francisco.
Just contributed around 6 books to the database.
Hopefully, they'll past muster, as they are vampire-related tales.
I've read them all: loved some, liked some, and 'meh' to others.
As I continue to read and discover more works, I'll submit them. It's up to everyone else to read and like/dislike them.
(I'd like to thank FALSExCURE for helping my dumb ass...lol)
Well - even though it isn't official, I should be able to work during the summer school session. Of course, getting the job due to Shana's (Big Momma's) death isn't the best way to snag work. Good grief. I know that I'll be given another work contract in the fall, but the bosses will let me know when to apply for the permanent position when it's posted. (Even though all of those concerned think I'll get the job automatically, I still have to go through 'the proper channels' and apply...) Anyway - it's not like anyone else will want or do the job - lol.
With that said, if/when I get better pay, I'm taking that damn pharm tech state exam - at least I'll be able to pay for it. I appreciate whatever work comes my way, but I gotta' get out of the madhouse where I work. With the exception of the bosses and a few other employees and students on campus - I'm really beginning to hate the place.