Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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43 entries this month

21:35 Jun 30 2014
Times Read: 823

My sis Ray turns 52 years old today. I sent her a text message that read "Is you fiddy two today? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

I know that she is gonna' crack up. Hopefully she won't be in a meeting when she sees it. lol

 photo Soraya2-1.jpg

(I gotta' finish the laundry, then study...)



23:33 Jun 30 2014

lol nice! It's my sisters bday as well


Hiccup. Burp. Fart.

04:00 Jun 28 2014
Times Read: 841

I haven't been here in a few days.

What a week. It was and still is kinda' crappy. I won't get into details though, as it really wouldn't serve any purpose. (Plus - I really hate whining in public, and I think I've done enough on that front already. Me bad. Whatever).


On a lighter note, I got to see my mom when she and my sis visited me yesterday afternoon. It was the first time either of them visited since I moved, and since my mom moved down to southern Cal. They loved my apartment (they always liked the way I decorate, with my mom saying "This place is so YOU, Momo!" lol. My mom fell in love with Crunch, as he was being a total ham. He use to hide like my other cats...who were under the bed).

Anyway, they drive back home today, after spending most of the week staying down on the peninsula to visit with my mom's friend, who's in a veteran's hospital.

I just feel so blaaaaah right now. Damn.



04:31 Jun 30 2014

I am glad you got to visit with your family!

05:42 Jul 01 2014

Duh. Actually, I saw my mom a couple of times during the Xmas holidays when she stayed at Ray's house for a month.


08:01 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 860

Well- I just rated a bunch of movies in the database. Time to hit the sack!



14:20 Jun 25 2014

I love some clichés. :)

I got one on my wrist: collige virgo rosas.



Friends should not buy art for each other unless they are exactly sure what the other friend likes...just sayin'.

06:04 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 878

While I appreciate art and art history, I do not want a creepy Otto Dix print hanging up anywhere in my apartment, dude.


I will just have to return it and be up front about it. I know it was a nice gesture, but...Dix's shit is damn creepy, if not downright scary.

Oh - here's the painting, I know he got it due to the red, and fashion, but this is still creepy:

 photo AnitaBerberbyOttoDix_zps7c01e344.jpg

Portrait of Anita Berger



07:46 Jun 23 2014

And she's not even holding a sandwich! smh...



05:28 Jun 22 2014
Times Read: 896

If I get called momma or mamacita one more time...I just might really let out an angry scream!



12:15 Jun 22 2014

Oye, Mami... what's with all the hostility, eh?

:: smirks::

02:46 Jun 23 2014

Eh...no soy mamacita, ese!


Seriously, to me - when a woman is called a mama, momma, or mamacita, they are considered hotties. I'm not a hottie, so I don't like the attention given to me that I am.


21:53 Jun 21 2014
Times Read: 927

One night - not much talking. The next night - a lot of chatter...lol

Topics covered: cats (when do I not talk about cats with at least one of my friends?); Cheetos, violin concertos for flying demons, and getting cussed out in cat; weird sexual innuendo stuff that I won't indulge in here...I mean, ugh - REALLY? The need to be skilled in juggling more than four conversations at a time - and not sending the wrong reply to the wrong person (lol); Tattoos and dying hair black; the need to cover one's profile with pesticide and burning sage, to fight off the nutjobs; poetry (I suck at writing poetry); marijuana (I'm not a smoker, just to be clear); me complaining about not having any motivation to get things done; and gee...I guess IF I'd be interested in a guy who was 40 years old, I really would be a cougar.




I'd love to get the book!

02:08 Jun 21 2014
Times Read: 949

A look behind the creation of "Touching Strangers":



04:33 Jun 21 2014

Awww. This is sweet.


23:22 Jun 20 2014
Times Read: 963

I'm staring out of one of my living room windows, with Ivanna on my lap.

I don't know why, but I cant be motivated to do much of anything today.

Part of it is worrying over my mother and her growing dementia.




01:44 Jun 21 2014

Sorry about your mom...I really am...but you need to pass that test lady. Study!

01:45 Jun 21 2014

*hugs* Loves ya woman! I am always around somewhere if you need to chat.

02:19 Jun 21 2014

My chat with her today was mostly coherent. But she scared the crap out of me with the voice mail she left earlier this morning around 7, in which she said that she was "sick and felt like she was going to die..."

After calling her back, and also speaking with my sister, she was fine.

14:48 Jun 21 2014

I'm starting to grow in terror of the very same thing...


02:38 Jun 20 2014
Times Read: 1,001

And in local news:

(From CBS San Francisco)

OAKLAND (CBS SF) – A Sacramento man whose pickup truck caught fire Thursday morning near the toll plaza on the Bay Bridge was placed in the hospital on an emergency psychiatric hold, according to the California Highway Patrol.

The CHP responded around 8:30 a.m. to reports of a vehicle blocking a lane of westbound Interstate Highway 80 on the Bay Bridge west of the toll plaza, according to CHP Officer Michael Ferguson.

Shortly after, the call was upgraded to a vehicle on fire and a party acting erratically.

Responding officers found Romeo Cruz Bautista, 32, behaving erratically and standing in traffic lanes as his 1998 Ford F-150 was engulfed in flames, Ferguson said.

Bautista was subdued and detained with the help of a Department of Homeland Security officer who was passing through the Toll Plaza at the time, Ferguson said. A San Francisco police officer passing through the area also rendered assistance on the scene.

Oakland firefighters responded, extinguished the fire and attended to Bautista, who suffered minor injuries from the fire.

The incident slowed morning traffic on the Bay Bridge. It took crews less than an hour to remove the vehicle and reopen lanes closed due to the incident.

Bautista was taken to Highland Hospital in Oakland for a psychiatric evaluation and treatment of his injuries, Ferguson said.

 photo dancingandburning_zpsd286699a.jpg

It is said that the guy was DANCING in the traffic while his truck burned...good grief.

I think he'll be sent to John George* for while.

*(John George is the county mental hospital)



03:54 Jun 20 2014

O_O wowzers

04:18 Jun 20 2014

It was a 1998 Ford F-150 so I wonder why it made news? LOL!

04:22 Jun 20 2014

Because the dude was dancing? Du-uh.

13:55 Jun 20 2014

Crazy stuff


01:15 Jun 20 2014
Times Read: 1,013

You gotta' love this:

In the news, an overweight 63-year old woman on an oxygen tank beat the crap out of a guy who broke into her home. Her beat-down weapon of choice?

A back-scratcher. Followed by the wrench that the intruder dropped.




02:32 Jun 20 2014


13:54 Jun 20 2014



Me and Crunch.

02:09 Jun 19 2014
Times Read: 1,049

Even when he isn't cooperating, the cat is pretty photogenic. I'm not, but hey...it is what it is. I place partial blame also on the cheap cellphone. LOL

 photo 337feccd-9441-43fe-934c-10960c9cfc38_zps12a53cfb.jpg

 photo 85c1b33a-cf3f-43e7-9954-d21decf29b12_zps7851d831.jpg



02:52 Jun 19 2014

I think you look lovely. I have always admired your eye.

My kitties rarely cooperate with me when it comes to photo's.

03:12 Jun 19 2014

I agree. You are a lovely lady. And your cat is a bit like my avatar! Cute!

04:19 Jun 19 2014

Adorable! He looks a lot like my sister's cat. I do hope he is a lot nicer of a cat though.

04:23 Jun 19 2014

If this site had a "like" button, I would use it here.

04:41 Jun 19 2014

Thanks, ya'll...lol

Crunch is actually very nice. Not as friendly as the late Whiskers, but still sweet. He's the smartest of my cats too!

02:43 Jun 20 2014

You are gorgeous woman! And that cat is HUGE!

03:11 Jun 20 2014

Yeah. Crunch is HUGE! And he even lost weight. He's now 19 lb...he was up to 22lb.

He got too heavy to hold while I was trying to get him to look up for the picture...lol


Daytime TV sucks.

23:45 Jun 18 2014
Times Read: 1,060

So. I'm flipping through channels and come to The Bill Cunningham Show. (It's like The Jerry Springer Show...ugh).

I see two guys fighting over a hooker transvestite.

Time to turn the TV off now.

Study, Momo...just study. Spend thy time wisely!



01:08 Jun 19 2014

Is that that British guy?

02:05 Jun 19 2014

No. Another American...

02:45 Jun 20 2014

And now you know why I do not watch American TV, lol.



22:43 Jun 18 2014
Times Read: 1,067

Well - two rants anyway:

1. How long does it take the EDD to finalize my claim? Jesus - they were horrible last summer when I was out after my last work contract. Shit - I was almost at the point of becoming homeless! I don't want to go through that bullshit again. I got rent and bills to pay. Good grief!

2. And what's up with AppleOne? I was suppose to get the online app from them for the on-call proctor position 2 weeks ago. Me and the state bar did our parts, so what's up? How many times do I have to call? Dammit!




04:13 Jun 18 2014
Times Read: 1,090

Last night's conversations covered:

More discussions on sexy accents and deep male voices - as opposed to annoying high-pitched ones; favorite alcoholic drinks; gambling and losing $10,000...and how a ratchet ho can really interfere with one's gambling; a certain VR troll; jobs that require gov't clearances; and trying to talk a guy into twerking (which I hate, by the way. LOL).




03:08 Jun 17 2014
Times Read: 1,122

Yes - I'm a chatty kathy. Within the last 2 evenings, the discussions covered: sexy accents; girl fights; people who try to be bad asses over the internet; and spunky old ladies and evil greedy relatives.



04:01 Jun 17 2014

Mmmm...sexy accents. Love those.

05:59 Jun 17 2014

yup yup!


01:16 Jun 17 2014
Times Read: 1,130

Had a good power walk today; pedometer read 7,356. Which is really not a lot, now that I come to think of it. It was over 20 blocks, but still...I need to hit 10,000 soon!



01:32 Jun 17 2014

I need to start walking. I keep putting it off because of being really lazy.

04:19 Jun 22 2014

Well, if I count the walk back, it was actually 40+ blocks!


03:47 Jun 15 2014
Times Read: 1,165

Girl...all that talk about men and meat made me hungrier than I was before!



06:33 Jun 15 2014

You misspelled 'hornier'....

09:46 Jun 15 2014


No. I was really hungry for food. My fridge is almost empty.


21:19 Jun 14 2014
Times Read: 1,183

Man, was I chatty last night! I had the pleasure of speaking to a new friend here about a variety of subjects...including how we believe that many here are quite touched in the head. Such an intelligent, funny, sarcastic woman!

Other chats included: The need to lurk, and cooking for a large event; the love of writing, and getting a link to another member's writing; getting a link regarding spanking that I didn't ask for and am not interested in; online relationships...WTF? Why?; being called a cougar, which is rather funny, as I'm generally not interested in anything I could have given birth to (well - okay. He's gotta' be 40 at the VERY least); being called a fat dunderhead; being called a funny nice woman (I concur with this one - lol). I also chatted about jobs - and how I need to be doing something else; fussing at one who was going to self-delete - DON'T YOU DARE DO IT! And I discussed a little about the US military...love you guys!



04:34 Jun 15 2014

Sounds good but exhausting.

04:36 Jun 15 2014

When you're wired up with a big cup of coffee, it isn't tiring at all...lol

08:02 Jun 15 2014

Journal entries like this, show that there is not only negativity on here. Good to see people who write positivity too.


21:14 Jun 14 2014
Times Read: 1,184

Just tried to give out some honor, and I still got a two hour wait. Duh.

Another entry, then I'm off for a few hours.

I got shit to do.




03:42 Jun 14 2014
Times Read: 1,219

What I saw in a newbie's profile:


@ Vladvampirelord - Fuck off, Gimp... If I want some slaves opinion, I'll ask for it.


While I don't condone words like 'Gimp' it's obvious that someone else here knows something about Vladvampirelord's medical condition.


Isn't it ironic how nasty toxic people - with a myriad collection of medical and mental problems - find the time to start shit?




06:49 Jun 14 2014

Lol. I think most people have him blocked. Might be i am just about the only person who doesn't have him blocked and that's just because I am too lazy to hit the block button...and think he is so amusing because he makes such an ass of himself that it is hard not to laugh at him. He might think he is being insulting, but if you just start looking at him as a broken record comedian who hasn't got the ability to come up with new material then it is pretty funny.

Most people see him as the fly buzzing on the back of a horse's ass.

06:59 Jun 14 2014

I never blocked him until recently, as he really has nothing new to say to me. Calling me a fat dunderhead got old. The guy has issues, and I still kinda' feel sorry for him, as his life must REALLY suck.


More internet connection issues.

20:40 Jun 13 2014
Times Read: 1,241

Right when I was about to get into the swing of things here last night, my connection died. Discovered that the source of the issue was the outlet used by the desktop.

I was lucky to have two electricians come over this morning to fix the wiring; they were already here working on two vacant apartments. It was in fact two of the three outlets in the living room that were totally screwed. Good grief.

Anyway, the electricians are suppose to come back on Monday to put on switch plates to cover up two exposed outlets (for now, they are covered with a lot of electrical tape to keep the kitties from possibly getting hurt...like stupid Ivanna, who jumps behind the tv to hide whenever someone comes over).

Well - time to study...will be back later on.



20:55 Jun 13 2014

My net was running crazy yesterday as well. :/

00:42 Jun 14 2014

I am glad it has been fixed.


For my sis, Yoli.

02:19 Jun 13 2014
Times Read: 1,254

Well - it would've been nice if you called me to let me know about the trip status. I had to call you several times to finally catch up with you for an answer.

I didn't like rushing about town yesterday because I thought that you all were coming up. Then - worrying that you possibly got into an accident.

What a damn headache!

Sometimes, you are so loopy at times.




01:06 Jun 11 2014
Times Read: 1,297

Still no final word on what's going on with mom. I already suggested that they put off the trip.


I guess I'll get back to studying, and reading "Vampire Darcy's Desire". I read it before, but I love the way the story is written, so I'm reading it again! :)




22:15 Jun 10 2014
Times Read: 1,352

Sometimes when I'm here, I go through some profiles, portfolios, and journals and think - "What a bunch of dumbasses." A lot of them are like this:

"Look at me! Look at me taking a picture of myself...I can't be bothered to crop the pics for a better presentation, because I'm lazy, and I have the attention span of a fruit fly. Oh - and I can't write a proper sentence; I can't spell either. But I'm so cool! I deserve a 10 rating on everything!"


The reason I mention this beforehand is because when I'm able to see a great profile, read an interesting journal, or chat with someone with a functioning brain, it's really nice. The conversation could be serious; it could be silly. As long as the person is engaging and can communicate effectively, it makes my time here worthwhile. (Well that - and burrowing in the book section of the database, which is what brought me to VR in the first place).

So - last night I got to talk about one of my fave topics - classical music - and other music genres in general; Explaining the TTBS; Art? What is It?; and cats.

I'm pretty chatty at times - lol.



22:41 Jun 10 2014

You are indeed a fine judge of dumb asses, being quite the dumb ass yourself.

22:49 Jun 10 2014

Funny seeing a comment coming from such a pathetic, sickly loser as yourself.

I actually feel kinda' sorry for you.

23:49 Jun 10 2014

Communication is always the key and I find there are some that are really great at it and so many more that fall short.

I prefer to be engaged in an in-depth conversation, finding what makes a person tick. I guess I am too demanding for some and that's OK. I'm not always like that though. I do talk with a few here and there and I enjoy their short sentences even if the spelling is wrong, I do correct them. I can't help it :-)

It's always great to be able to talk about your passions and I'm glad you got to do so!!

00:46 Jun 11 2014

Well a dumb ass would obviously miss that I am a healthy virile drop dead sexy specimen of a hunky man so I will not fault you for that omission you sad lard ass dunderhead.

01:11 Jun 11 2014

LOL...I guess I'll get a few minutes of psychotic entertainment from a delusional guy who in reality is nothing like he states.

I admit that I'm a fat ass - so what? I don't spend my time here being a keyboard warrior, since I can't do much in real life, unlike poor deluded Vlad, with his mental and physical issues.

So now, I guess I'm to receive some negative SIEGE honor. Whoop-dee-do.

Vlad - I suggest you pay more attention to your doctors and less on trying to insult people here.

Your 2- 3 minutes of time are up with me now. As you are truly dying for attention, I guess that I should be happy to give that to you, as it really is all you can possibly get...a few moments of attention from someone who actually feels kind of sorry for you and your ruined life.

02:17 Jun 11 2014

We each have our own culture that we enjoy talking about.

Vlad is just being his nasty self. Those comments were so unwarranted.

03:32 Jun 11 2014

Loves ya girl!

03:45 Jun 11 2014

Classical music "rocks"! Heehee! :)

10:32 Jun 14 2014

Yeah same thing with me. I stopped rating for the same reason. There are only a few people that I really like on here, but still very worth it.

I also like to surf the web and found many forum and blog sites, but my favorite site always remains this one. It's the best organised.

As for someone on here, I think he should use his time better rather than using other people's journals to be nasty and always use the same words over and over.



21:43 Jun 10 2014
Times Read: 1,356

Oh Lord...according to an 8:30am call I received this morning, my sis and mom are driving up from Southern Cal, and will be here tomorrow! They were suppose to come up here around or after the 15th - so this trip is of short-notice.

I'm looking forward to seeing my mom, but I'm in no way prepared to have them spend the night (I only have a queen-sized bed, and hardly any food that they'd want. My loveseat is too short and uncomfortable to sleep on).

Hopefully, I can contact my other sis to be sure that she can accommodate our mom, since she and my other sister do not speak to each other.

I have to stop by the pharmacy tomorrow morning to pick up some meds, so I hope that I am back home by the time they arrive. (The wait at this particular pharmacy is daunting, to say the least).

And I guess pick up some food that my mom will like, that is also healthy.

Update: so, it appears that Ray - the sis who lives up here - won't be home. She, her husband, and her daughter will all be working, so no one will be home to tend to mom. I just left a message for my other sis for my mom; Mom is NOT going to be happy. *sigh*




19:09 Jun 09 2014
Times Read: 1,384

Had to make a lot of calls this morning. With the exception of one, where I actually got a human, the rest were a bunch of left messages. Ugh.

I woke up with some pain. My muscles were cramping. And I mean, from head to toe, literally. Then I realized that I probably didn't drink enough fluids yesterday. Duh.

With that, I need to do a little grocery shopping and laundry (before the load gets too big - lol)

I don't know if I'll get anything done though. I'm too lazy - and I still hurt. Ugh.

I can always study though. Yipee.



20:03 Jun 09 2014

Well if you want something to do that won't take up a lot of time, how about taking that taser you want to use on guy's ball sack, shine it up really good, then take that sumbytch and turn it side ways and stick it straight up your candy ass! ^_^

20:09 Jun 09 2014

Your suggestion has nothing to do with today's tasks.

And nothing - I mean NOTHING - goes up my ass.

Thank you for your suggestion though, sir.

20:20 Jun 09 2014

I do what I can.....LOL!

21:13 Jun 09 2014

You have reached the voice mail box of Randicloudbead, please leave your message after the tone *BEEP*


18:41 Jun 09 2014
Times Read: 1,395

Had some fun and interesting chats last night. I sometimes amaze myself with how I've been able to juggle the conversations without sending the wrong replies to the wrong people.

On the other hand, I shouldn't juggle more than 4 conversations at a time...lol

Anyway, I talked about:

Teaching cats 'dog' tricks; learning a bit more about lupus and fibromyalgia, with a link to herbal remedies (I have a sis with the health issue); the perils of drinking too much apple juice, followed by too much milk (eeew); how I'm guessing how one detested person here may not be around for awhile; exams and work; on how many people here are kinda' slow; avoidance of the sun, for various reasons; and being totally OCD with the care of our teeth.



03:15 Jun 10 2014

I'm slow when I'm tired and have been studying too much! Lol!

03:45 Jun 10 2014

NLW - You are NOT one of the slow ones. :)

02:39 Jun 13 2014

Good to know. I sure feel slow sometimes. Lol!


I love this commercial.

19:17 Jun 08 2014
Times Read: 1,445




Life is sometimes not fair.

00:58 Jun 07 2014
Times Read: 1,501

Why is it that many guys are still hot-looking when they are scruffy, yet when a woman is scruffy, she just looks like a...hood rat?



01:21 Jun 07 2014

Scruffy in all the right places...

oh ya.

01:23 Jun 07 2014


01:47 Jun 07 2014

Why thank you...and I suppose if a woman was holding a plate with a sandwich on it, she wouldn't look like a...hood rat at all. ^_^

01:52 Jun 07 2014

...And if a woman was holding a Taser at your ball sack, you'd forget all about that sandwich.

02:13 Jun 07 2014

I guess the scruffy look wasn't meant for woman

02:21 Jun 07 2014

Someone with a sane response. Why thank you, sir!

03:37 Jun 07 2014

Hey, the voices said it's not me...It's you!

08:42 Jun 07 2014

Cause if we went back to the 70's mama muff we'd scare off men 0_o and thats why I shave it... I saw my older sisters as a kid and am still scared

02:03 Jun 08 2014

I wasn't speaking of THAT area specifically; I meant the whole scruffy package...lol

Girl - you do have a point though. lol

19:44 Jun 08 2014

 photo REPLY3_zps28916fff.jpg

For Randicloudbead comment... ^_^

05:29 Jun 09 2014

Nothing wrong with some fluff- just give it a trim and keep it neat. My mom told me she used to give herself a little haircut- even used a comb! Lol!


21:09 Jun 05 2014
Times Read: 1,515

Holy crap. My walk totally sucked today. I didn't get very far, as my left knee would not cooperate with the rest of my body. The Icy Hot I applied earlier did not help. Talk about PAIN!!!

But I did manage to walk - albeit slowly, and got a pedometer reading of 5235. I was almost hobbling by the time I made it to the stairs to my apartment. Good grief.

So, after this entry and going over House stuff, I'm gonna' go study - hell, at least get one of today's tasks done, to some satisfaction.

Will be back later on.



21:17 Jun 05 2014

Yeah, that's the down side of wanting to work out more. The mind is willing, but the body doesn't always cooperate.

Then the pain demotivates one to continue working out after a period of rest and recovery is taken. It starts out as just a day of R&R and the next thing one knows, 1 or more weeks have passed. *sighs*

Stay motivated, but take care of yourself as well. Don't injure yourself more when your body is telling you something isn't right.

Moving a little bit with no pain is better than moving a lot with pain or not moving at all.


06:35 Jun 05 2014
Times Read: 1,524

Tonight's chats consisted of doing laundry, The French Open, food, bubble baths, and vacations.

(I don't remember what a real vacation is like).





03:03 Jun 05 2014
Times Read: 1,561

I found this on my sister's Facebook page. I want one:

 photo pinksweaterthing_zps5e11f6a1.jpg



03:13 Jun 05 2014

I found this on your page...I won't one!

 photo 8_zps6da8b68c.jpg

03:13 Jun 05 2014

I found this on your page...I want one!

 photo 8_zps6da8b68c.jpg

03:14 Jun 05 2014

Damn typos!!!

03:30 Jun 05 2014


04:02 Jun 05 2014

I would roast in that! LOL

04:02 Jun 05 2014

I would roast in that! LOL

05:18 Jun 05 2014

You'd have to hop to go to the bathroom! Lol!


23:16 Jun 04 2014
Times Read: 1,579

I kept nodding off while using my flashcards.

I finally fell asleep, with my face down in a pile of cards.

No doubt due to the fact that I couldn't sleep last night.



23:34 Jun 04 2014

You sure you didn't do what this chick did? LOL!

23:35 Jun 04 2014


00:21 Jun 05 2014

00:33 Jun 05 2014

Maybe while you were snoozing on them the information soaked through to your brain :)

00:47 Jun 05 2014

That link was very disturbing, Mogy.

You are really twisted.

04:04 Jun 05 2014

VR is acting wonky!!!! Hanging up and making double posts!!!! UGH!


Keep on keeping on.

19:03 Jun 04 2014
Times Read: 1,589

Had some internet issues for two days; it should be resolved now - the AT&T tech just left. There were wiring issues, but what was weird was that when I'd log on here, I'd browse, then get stuck on a page and/or I couldn't log out properly. Then I'd get completely knock off the net. The other sites I go to were fine - it was just here on VR where the shit kept happening...???

Anyway - yesterday, after breakfast, I walked again. I did an extra 4 - 5 blocks too. On Saturday, the pedometer read 5960; yesterday's read was 6729. I think for the next walk - maybe tomorrow morning before it gets hot - I'll try using some of the streets that have an incline. I'm not ready for the steeper streets yet - lol.

I couldn't sleep last night; I was actually able to log on here, and I just started writing away. Added another chapter to my story. Everything is calm on Isis' home front...which means that I have to think up a new bloody adventure for her.

It still feels weird being off. So much time! I hope I get a few days in at work before the end of the fiscal year (July 1). Then, another 184 day contract. But - hopefully I'll be looking for and/or getting a pharm tech job!





04:57 Jun 03 2014
Times Read: 1,611



It's still that season...ugh!

03:00 Jun 03 2014
Times Read: 1,626

More horrid prom outfits:

 photo 39_zps80a91c05.jpg

 photo worst-prom-ever-8_zpsd72bed65.jpg

 photo fc27d92d090b64f7d4bdd4906b445146_zps4c102a0b.jpg



03:34 Jun 03 2014


04:19 Jun 03 2014

Those have to be an anti-fashion rebel statement. Because if they actually thought they had any class in them they are seriously in denial.

04:24 Jun 03 2014

Dabs - I was kinda' thinking that too when I saw some of this ugly shit.

If not - then they are perfect examples of the further decline of western civilization. lol

05:03 Jun 03 2014

At least some of the ones you've posted I think I saw before. My friend was showing me stuff made out of duct tape.

13:19 Jun 03 2014


03:42 Jun 04 2014

Camouflage is the new orange.

03:45 Jun 04 2014

wow just speechless....what were they smoking to think those were hot?!


Oh, my aching lower back. And calves. And hips. And hands.

23:19 Jun 02 2014
Times Read: 1,637

I didn't do the power walking that I had planned on doing after Crunch's vet appointment. That heavy-ass cat wore me out, as I had to lug his big ass from bus, to bus, to the vet, and back.

Unlike Miss Kitty, Crunch is a very cool, sweet-natured cat. However, he costs me over $300, in which half of the bill was for blood work, as I want a check for hyperthyroidism. (He's lost a little weight, and seems to be drinking more water). I hope he doesn't have it, but if he does, I'll be sure that he starts the recommended medication regimen. In any case, he's healthy, and runs about the apartment more, which is good!

And I'm getting a refund check for $65 of the bill, as he had no urine for them for the urine test - lol.

While at the vet, I had a lil' Chihuahua-Dachshund mix making himself comfortable in my lap, while waiting for his appointment. The owner was rather surprised that he just climbed on me. She was apologizing, and I stopped her, as I wasn't bothered in the least! I hate that I didn't think to take a pic...he was too cute!

As I opted out of walking today, I've also decided not to study today. I just can't get into it now.

But of course - here I am screwing around on VR. LOL.



02:33 Jun 03 2014

Growing up we got all our pets for free, but they all ended up costing my mom in vet bills. It is nice that some vets work with their patients owners.


05:41 Jun 02 2014
Times Read: 1,667

Tonight's chatter began with belly laughs: MooniePie and Nekirena - you two are STOOOPID!

Later, it went to: vampire movies and novels; work (bleh); pictures in profiles and ports, and how we need to update them; food; funny communication problems with someone whose native tongue isn't English; and for two here, letting them know that I am not nor have I ever been a dominatrix. I'm just really, really bossy.

I got a busy day tomorrow. Taking fat-ass Crunch to the vet for his yearly routine check-up. And I may do that walking thing again afterwards, which my fat ass needs to do!



12:13 Jun 02 2014

What do they mean by update? Once I get my things up I don't want to mess with them anymore, lol. New people come all the time that have never seen them. besides there are thousands of people here and most of them don't rate and a few only look around at things and still don't rate. As for the Portfolios, lol, I only have some photos and that's it, lol. Some I don't have access to update. I feel once I get this stuff up its enough...whew. Although I do change some things now and then. Too much work. :)

13:40 Jun 02 2014

I have actually been fiddling with my profile and port. I hadn't done much of anything in the last year or two. I just got burnt, blah.

VR got boring as hell, all of the new people were not new, they were reboots and they don't look anyway.

I think this time I may stick around longer than a month.

13:49 Jun 02 2014

Hahah but you ♥ us. ;)

17:58 Jun 02 2014

My pro n port, are having spiderwebs, they haven't seen an update for years.

23:00 Jun 02 2014

Like you all have stated, I'm not one to change things much once they're done. But I figure that as time marches on, so do I, so it wouldn't hurt to ADD a few new pics...Not do a lot of changing, that's for sure. I'd end up messing something up and losing everything!


05:38 Jun 02 2014
Times Read: 1,669

Someone is playing Malo's 'Suavecito' really loud. I love it!




01:31 Jun 02 2014
Times Read: 1,701

Last night, I had a cool chat with a friend about lawn mowing, health stuff, and piggin' out ; added another friend here to my facebook, even though I don't like facebook; helped one with his profile; and got a bloody rad protection stamp.

And from the crazy conversations I'm having now, tonight should be a hoot!



02:39 Jun 02 2014

Don't hate on FB...It's what you make of it. All social sites are what you make of them.

02:48 Jun 02 2014

Oh shut up. I don't like it...I don't like it.

I go on there to placate my family and few friends, and for the animal causes - lol

03:10 Jun 02 2014

Peer pressure..... Uh-huh, you know you wanna.


01:25 Jun 02 2014
Times Read: 1,705

Right now, I see two of my fave chicas here!

Right at the top of the Who's Online page!

Whoop whoop! You know who you are!



01:32 Jun 02 2014

hahah ♥ You rock my socks hard, woman!

02:25 Jun 02 2014

You and Nek are a hoot! LOL!


Priest of the Month.

07:36 Jun 01 2014
Times Read: 1,671

June 2014

 photo 5e1111b8-238c-4687-9e9d-704dd948ae5f_zpsdaf64348.jpg




04:53 Jun 01 2014
Times Read: 1,037

Listening to a lot of jazz right now.

Yes - I don't limit myself to only one or two types of music. I even like some country stuff...

Right now - it's all about Dave Brubeck's "Take Five" - one of my faves.

*snaps fingers*



04:57 Jun 01 2014

Yeah, Take Five...........Sandwiches and bring them to my house. LOL!

05:04 Jun 01 2014

More like...take five bullets along with the gun that has six chambers...all for Mogy!

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