Tirade tomorrow...
At some point, I really have to make an effort to be more social here, like I use to be.
But, as life off of the net comes first...there you have it!
This first full week, back to work...ready to kill Big Momma already. And I'm not the only one.
I still get some aches and pains off and on: the CHF had me bloated for a day or two, so I had to take a furosemide pill on occasion...and pee ALL DAY...or ALL NIGHT, if that's when I take one.
And my skinny ankles hurt sometimes. They don't swell, but they hurt (Too much weight on my tiny bird-like bones - lol).
Anyway - still writing. I'm STILL not done with the story; at least I've spent time on it editing, making a few changes, adding new shit - like a prologue. I already have bits of the second book in my head...now - if only I can finish the first one - lol. As tired as I am, and as much as I want to finish this thing, I really love writing!
10:47:54 - Jan 18 2015
Times Read: 23
I was born in 1435 bc my name is aubrey i really am a vampire to all those fakes an wanna bes that admire us vampires fun
let me tell u it is not fun being a vampire of course animals what u see on tv may make it seem like fun but it isn't of course we are fast we can fly an shape shift into animals most of us turn into bats an others wolves we cannot be in sunlight we can read ur mind an be in ur dreams if u got any ? I will be glad to answer them
Profile for Isis101
Jan 19 2015
I was born in 1961 AD and I may have more answers than you have.
In any case, welcome to VR :)
Lather... rinse... repeat.
There is no end to these jokers.
At first I was all like, "DAMN! I want whatever drug that person's on!"
Then I saw the grammar and was like, "OH HELL NO!"
Dust Bunny is doing better; she eating again, and being cuddly (Except for when I have to medicate her every three days...lol). The lil' bitch cost me $250.00.
My mom is okay. At least she was making sense and laughing the last time I spoke to her.
I go back to work next week...blah. Of course, I shouldn't whine, as I do need the damn money.
In the meantime, I continue to write and read. Maybe I'll start on my latest dvd set - Spartacus! Yeah! (Thanks to the Amazon gift certificate from my sis Ray. Sheet... I still got some money left over on it too).
It was a great mini-series...now, it's all mine! :)
The shit...in order:
1. Dust Bunny hasn't eaten since New Year's eve. Why do I always have cat illnesses around the Christmas holiday? I don't have the money like I did the last two times, so I can only pray that she eats after I TRY to get her to eat some pumpkin. (She has peed, and responds a lil' when I talk to her)
And Crunch has scratched himself bloody on his chest. I had to apply antibiotic ointment and put the collar on him.
2. Called my mom - was only on the phone with her for a minute. She wasn't making much sense, and didn't appear to want to talk. She did say that she was going to go watch tv though...
3. Just found out that a very close relative was molested as a very young child by one of her older brothers. I want to kill him.