The occasional Mormons that come knocking on my door don't look like this:
I just played 8 games in a row, and got them all right. Yeah...
Why can't the Oakland Police Department be like this?
(Note that the video of their performance at the Olympic Games is not available)...
Oh my RAINED today!
* An absolutely gorgeous black-haired guy walks in to grab a cup of coffee. He's carrying an atom model of something...when he comes to my register, I asked him what the molecular structure was...he seemed surprised that I kinda' knew what he was carrying around. "It's snow" he replied. After I rung him up, he then stated that he was an instructor (for the discount). I looked at him and said "No way. You're a student." He takes out his faculty ID - he IS an instructor. Cee - the cashier whom I thought was 'the head cashier' (we don't have one) then came up to chat, as she was eyeing him herself (lol). I forget the guy's name, but he said that he was 33 years old. A baby, in my, he looked even younger. We all laughed about it. But boy, was he gorgeous...!
* During a slow moment, I began re-stocking stuff. I noticed this Chinese kid going through the bagel bin WITH HIS FUCKIN' BARE HANDS. He was opening them, inspecting them, and tossing them back into the bin...never mind that there was a huge pair of tongs available for him to use. I have to admit that I chewed him a new asshole (No cussin'). He kept apologizing; it was obvious that he had no home training at all, as he seemed surprised to be told that he was doing something wrong. If I was thinking a bit more, I would've made him pay for all of the bagels in the bin...$25 worth, which I had to throw away. Good grief!
* Recall the officer who almost sprayed that crazy bitch with pepper spray? I think he has a thing for Cee, as they always flirt with each other whenever he drops by (Plus - when he doesn't see her, he'll ask me if she's around). Anyway, he was in a particular good mood one day, being really chatty. "Hey Monique - how are you?" "I'm good" I reply, somewhat embarrassed, as I don't know dude's name. (Found out later that he's Rob). We chat a bit, as Cee isn't around, then he stated that he'd drop by again later on. He then gives me a hug around my shoulders from that his gun pokes me right in the butt.
That wasn't his gun. O.o
It was his
What compelled this kid to feel up the bagels? I mean what can be discerned by fondling bagels?
So, the gun it wasn't cocked? hehe