Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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18 entries this month

The weather.

18:56 Feb 27 2011
Times Read: 1,237

Well...there were very light snow flakes in San Francisco on Friday night, but none here...it was still as cold as a witch's teat though.

(Cold for here, anyway...I know the folks in the Midwest and in the East get really cold weather)!



19:32 Feb 27 2011

Cold here too, no snow.



20:21 Feb 27 2011

I was watching the west coast weather on TV last night. They said you got no real snow because the cold front moved in before the precipitation started. Funny to see little kids out waiting for the snow to fall!

16:53 Mar 01 2011

It made the news here in southern cali...

Freaky. Real freaky.


Too cute and funny!

03:55 Feb 26 2011
Times Read: 1,253

I stole this from my coven:





03:31 Feb 26 2011
Times Read: 1,260

Why is one of my male cats humping the other male cat?

This is not the first time either.

They are both neutered...???



03:37 Feb 26 2011

maybe they're wrestling!

03:42 Feb 26 2011

My boss has a female dog that will hump anything humpable. I have personally seen her go at a shoe (still being worn on someone), a stuffed toy, and the family cat. The expression on the cat's face was priceless.


Und so weiter...drei!

02:29 Feb 26 2011
Times Read: 1,270

* Many of the cosmotology students are rude bitches. There is one in particular, who could be the Queen Bitch. She is always rude, and looks like she perpetually sucks on lemons. I think her weave is too tight, which is probably why she is always so cranky. Queen Bitch usually throws her money or debit card on the counter when paying, and she is always complaining. For example: "This shit cost too damn much!" or "These lines are too damn slow - well except for you" (gee - thanks) and "It took them ten damn minutes to get me my damn toast! And I want real butter! Ya'll out of butter? Damn!" I want to reply with things like "The shit here is cheaper than anywhere else" or "Slow lines are a fuckin' way of life. Deal with it" and "Your ugly fat ass doesn't need real butter. Ya' skank!" But I continue to smile and be a good customer service monkey...

* 'Wimpy' tried to hit me up for a free meal...Wimpy, I say? Due to the fact that he makes promises to come back and pay at a later date, like Wimpy from Popeye. I threw him out, as he got banned months ago for begging students to buy him food...the nerve! And the dude usually has wads of cash in his pockets!

* There is this student from Afghanistan who comes in a lot. He is very polite and well-mannered. Lately, he has been a little flirty. He has these amazing bright green eyes. But since he's short and way too young, friendly banter will do. He recently made a comment on a scarf I was wearing, which sort of resembled the headgear that men wear throughout the Middle East.

Afghan Guy: "We wear those in Afghanistan too. You are from the Middle East? From Africa, yes?"

Me: "Yeah - and this came from K Mart."

* A special needs student drops by to see the boss about working for cash or food - no biggie. Why he decided to 'help' the maintenance guy with a plumbing problem is beyond me. The student starts peeling away the tape that the maintenance guy just applied.

Maintenance Guy: "Hey - What are you doing? Stop that! I just put that on!"

Student: "Chill out man. I'm just helping you"

Maintenance Guy: "Don't help me! Go away! *angry words in Spanish*

He gently shoves the student away. The student then puts his hands in his pants pockets, whistles, and wanders off...





02:07 Feb 26 2011
Times Read: 1,272

Today, I went and finally got an ultrasound done. Not quite sure why pictures of all of my internal organs are needed, when I have a stomach complaint (You can't get pictures of the intestines via an ultrasound)...unless they are looking for some sort of disease state with the organs, which can affect my stomach...Oh shit. I hope that all is good with the ol' organs...At least my stomach hasn't been acting up much lately. I need to get more Prilosec though to be ready for the next attack, and that shit is expensive. Ugh.




Not normal for here!

03:17 Feb 24 2011
Times Read: 1,297

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area; it's suppose to snow at the higher elevations, ie 1,000 ft and above...it may even snow at lower levels. Granted, it's been a lil' colder than the norm here, but wow...snow? We'll see!



03:34 Feb 24 2011

WoW yay!!!

23:03 Feb 24 2011


My arthritis is killin' me by just reading this lol. :P


Pharmacy stuff.

04:49 Feb 19 2011
Times Read: 1,324

I just took my final pharmacolgy exam - got a damn C, as I got 78 out of 100 points. Like, I'd be able to remember all of that shit? Not likely.

And now, I need to backtrack and do the dreaded pharmacy calculations module. Oh joy.



03:17 Feb 21 2011

Oy vey lol...

You can do this. *hugs*

03:35 Feb 24 2011

Ach, that will be me in June; nervously prepping for State Boards muhself.

Good luck lovely!


Oh...Just shoot me already.

19:46 Feb 18 2011
Times Read: 1,328

The past few days/week:

* The fire alarm went off this Monday @ 9:30 am. Everyone thought that it was a drill...it was not a drill. Some asshat culinary student started a small grease fire in the basement kitchens. The staff and close to a hundred students were standing outside in the cold for about 45 minutes. I didn't have time to grab my coat, so I was freezing my ass off. I huddle in the middle of my co-workers, who all had their coats. And why didn't I have my coat? Because some old geezer was still at my station slowly paying for his coffee in change...

Me: "Sir - we have to go. There is a fire. Just take the coffee and go!"

Old geezer: "No - I pay for my shit! I don't steal!"

Me: "You're not stealing if I give you the coffee for free. Let's go!"

Good grief...Oh...look at the cute firemen! Brainfreeze.

* The 'holidays' are gonna' kill me for April's rent. Both days off for Presidents' Day? Really? Shit, I was already out three days sick...Grrrr.....

* A woman was sexually assaulted near the campus. Sad. But it doesn't surprise me.

* The student body vice president was taken off of life support; he was shot by gangbangers around the Christmas holiday - they thought that he was someone else.

* On Wednesday, it suddenly started hailing - really hard. A few cracked windshields here and there. Back to cold wind and rain now...after having an unusual week - two weeks ago - of fun in the sun. The world is coming to an end - I just know it.

* Mom - things are going to be fine for you, so stop whinning already. I do appreciate what you did for me last Friday though. Thank you!

* Fuck you, landlord...whoever you are.

* Fucked up hair, dry cracked hands, aching stomach, bloodshot eyes, mucous-filled head...I am a science experiment gone awry.

* I'm still sick with a nasty cold, and with the exception of one day this week, I've been going to work. Hell, everyone is sick in one degree or another. Let's all just keep spreading our germs around, shall we? Like Big Momma, who left her nasty snotty tissue at her cashier station I was assuming yesterday. And...her 15 minute breaks have turned into 30 minute breaks, by the way. I'm at the point where I just want to shove her to the ground, and see how long it takes her to get up. Yes - I'm in a nasty mood.




21:14 Feb 11 2011
Times Read: 1,357


Hurray! A new clean slate to begin anew...I pray that a true democracy is born in Egypt.

We don't need another military dictatorship or an Islamic theocracy!

(I saw a dude in the crowd who looked just like my brother-in-law - lol!)

And on a personal note: my life is really sucky right now. All I can do is wait and see. At some point, I'll know where the hell I'll be, literally speaking.



21:37 Feb 11 2011

Hope things get better for you my dear; and YES, yay for Egypt!

I'm watching the Coup on CNN.

History being made right before our eyes indeed.

02:04 Feb 12 2011

Hope the personal stuff works itself out and quick. Kinda there with ya on that point.

And as for Egypt, this comes to mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzjrIk05YyU


04:40 Feb 09 2011
Times Read: 1,382

I'm very tired and sleepy now. I want to study for my pharmacology final exam, but I know that I'll fall asleep in my book. Yawn...




Today at work.

04:40 Feb 09 2011
Times Read: 1,383

Customer: "You are so funny - I want to give you a tip."

Me: "Oh no - we don't take tips sir. But thank you anyway."

Customer: "I insist!" *shoves a dollar in my shirt pocket, and runs off*

Maybe one day I'll try stand-up for a few dollars...or, I could stand on a corner, shaking a cup at passerbys.

The 'new' automated coffee/espresso machine went batshit today, thanks to a new student worker loading it incorrectly...and of course, who does everyone come to when the damn thing isn't working? Yeah - me. Mainly, because I was the only one really paying attention when the rep set it up and showed us how to use it. And I was gung-ho enough to type up instructions for the damn thing. Yah, me.

Anyway, I open the machine to find powdered crap everywhere. While I'm cleaning and fixing the piece of expensive shit, several students attempted to get drinks from it...WTF? Like - I guess none of them saw the mess, the opened door and computerized panel, or the huge 'Out of Order' sign I placed on it?

Me: "I'm sorry - the machine is out of order at the moment."

Dumb-Ass #1: "I can't get hot chocolate?"

Me: "No - sorry. The machine is down for a moment. I'm working on it now."

Dumb-Ass #2: "So - how does this thing work?"

Me: "It's really simple, but as of right now, it's out of order. Sorry."

Dumb-Ass #3: "You mean that I can't get anything right now?"

Me: "That's right. You can't get anything from the machine right now. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Dumb-Ass #4, #5, #6, etc..."Blah blah blah..."

Me: *blank stare with raised eyebrows*

I'm finally left alone to tend to the damn machine. Good grief.

A new culinary student was babbling away and stuttering at me in a very animated fashion. I felt bad at having to ask him over and over what he was saying...I finally figured out that he said that he liked my shirt (the infamous dashiki again) and that he wanted a kiss.

Me: "Thanks. It's a fake dashiki, but I like it too. And no - we will not be kissing. Shouldn't you be making some pancakes or something?"



21:10 Feb 09 2011

Wow, and all that in one day. Feel like strangling someone?

22:31 Feb 09 2011

lol @ the pancake comment.

Geeeeez, I like how the customers think that your holding out on them with the coffee machine lol.

You're such a coffee Nazi lol. :P


The Super Bowl.

21:45 Feb 06 2011
Times Read: 1,391

Since neither of my teams made it - The Niners and the Raiders - I'm not even watching the game today. Kudos to whoever wins.

Some of the game quotes here today are funny though, like Ra's "Steelers Eating Packers and Shitting Cheese Black and Gold All The WAY" for example. LOL!



04:45 Feb 09 2011

Okay...I ended up watching 3/4 of the game to the end - lol!

22:32 Feb 09 2011



01:29 Feb 06 2011
Times Read: 1,407

So - how do I sign up to get your job?

You know - the job where you spend about 50% actually cashiering, while the other 50% is spent eating, surfing the net, and sleeping?



01:42 Feb 06 2011

I just read the first line and thought "You get your buns on over to cheeseland and you can have it!"

I know how you feel seeing someone not pulling their weight. Believe me, they get theirs eventually...I have seen some ex-bosses and co-workers go down in flames. Hang in there.

03:00 Feb 06 2011

Thanks - lol!

And lo - did the Lord Prince Cancer deem to look into my entry? Wow.



05:27 Feb 05 2011
Times Read: 1,413



A thing that makes me go 'hmmmm'.

01:56 Feb 05 2011
Times Read: 1,416

Why is it that women seem to think less of their looks, while guys seem to think more of theirs?

I know that society pressures women to be 'perfect' - whatever that is.

Women will starve themselves, carve themselves up - literally and surgically - wear uncomfortable shoes and clothing, remove body hair, spend countless hours with hair and make-up, etc...not so much for themselves, but for everyone else - especially to catch or please a man.

Guys don't put themselves through this stuff. They are accepted more or less as they are. Some actually think they look good when they actually don't, with their ill-fitting clothes, comb-overs, poor hygiene, etc.

Of course, at some point, they better be raking in the cash...

In short: Women must be beautiful, and men must be successful. Many women are not confident enough - in all aspects of their lives, not just looks. Many guys are over confident, making one wonder "What magic mirror is he looking at at home?'

Society is biased and strange.



05:21 Feb 05 2011

Ain't that the truth!



03:13 Feb 02 2011
Times Read: 1,438

So, while at work yesterday, there was a non-stop flutter of helicopters over the school. Students kept asking us about it - like we'd know - lol!

The info finally came to us via more students: A gunman had a bunch of kids hostage at the nearby elementary school. People started freaking out, of course...I was able to walk to BART without a problem. Got home just fine.

This is the email I received regarding the incident:

We have just been notified of reports of a person with a gun at the Oakland Unified School District facility, La Esquelita School @ 1100 3rd Avenue. The OUSD school facilities have been locked down, and the Laney Childcare Center staff are being informed of appropriate precautions. Please steer away from any area adjacent to lower 10th Street and 5th Avenue. The Peralta Community College District new parking lot at East 8th Street and 5th avenue, (with solar panels, next to baseball field) is being used as a staging area for La Esquelita School families to pick-up their children, while the Oakland Police Department has the matter under control.

Well - it ended up that a gunman was never found - no hostages either. There was even a description of the guy: Tall white guy in his early 20's dressed in black, with a shotgun...(What? The Ghost of Columbine or something)?

More like a very bad pratical joke...in very poor taste!




February the 1st...

02:44 Feb 02 2011
Times Read: 1,441

Today is my birthday...and I'm at home sick with a really nasty cold that Big Momma - my obese co-worker - gave me (as a gift)?

I hate missing work, but I know I'll have to stay home tomorrow as well...this sucks.

I guess I could look on the bright side though - I'm now eligible for AARP. Whoopee.



03:23 Feb 02 2011

And look what Chrysanthemia sent to me:


04:00 Feb 02 2011

Have a Happy Birthday hunny.

Feel better.

07:41 Feb 02 2011




Priest of the Month.

02:39 Feb 02 2011
Times Read: 1,445

February 2011




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