Recall the bat-shit bitch I work with, who got into it with me last month?
Now, she's apparently made enemies of practically everyone in the department...the stupid bitch.
On Wednesday, Ce had got it into her head that since she is frequently out of balance, Boss #2's husband may have gotten into her cash till - due to him occasionally being in the office in the early am with his wife. Sure - no one should be in the office but us, and that was addressed by an impromptu meeting about an hour later, but still...the man has been dropping off his wife for ages, and all of a sudden he is the reason why Ce doesn't balance? Gee - I think it's the weed she's always smokin' that has finally rattled her already fucked up head. (We all know that too much weed-smokin' impairs memory and concentration).
Ce stomped away from the building without saying anything to anyone; left a rack of refrigerated items out on the floor, which made another employee pissed when he had to finish her job, and man her register at the kiosk.
The crazy bitch came back with Boss #1's boss, and went into the office with Boss #2. After about 45 minutes, they emerged, and that's when we had the meeting. Folks were rounded up for the fuckfest...granted that the following items shouldn't be happening in the first place, the whiny bitch has made more enemies for sure now (Me and Boss #2 couldn't stand her before):
* No one in the office but cashiers - no friends, spouses, kids, other employees or students
* None of the above in the back rooms or downstairs in those offices (One employee frequently has to bring her two boys to work before their school opens. And she is...WAS chummy with
Of course, all of her bullshit made her feel guilty, I guess, since she didn't come into work for the rest of the week. Gee...I wonder why?
Boss #2 is suppose to call me this weekend to fill me in on what was discussed in her meeting. When she met with Boss #1 on Thursday, I found out that he is in deep shit because of all of the shit that's going on with the cashiers.
Good grief!
I'm still getting this for The Art Corner section:
The requested URL was not found on this server.
I pasted this message in the Art Corner section, and it opened up for a few seconds with the entry, before coming up with the same URL message.
I give up.
I can't get into the Art Corner section of my journal...I keep getting URL not found...WTF???
It's works fine on my end.
It's a mystery on my end, as I still can't get into it. :(
After a long busy day at work (the usual, considering the lazy bitches I work with), I was so happy to be on my way home today.
My bus ride is short - if there is no traffic, I'm usually home in less than 15 minutes. What's cooler is when I can actually get a seat - lol.
I got a seat today. Sat next to a guy - didn't really pay attention to him, as I was reading from my Kindle.
Guy: "Good afternoon - how are you?"
Me: "I'm fine - thank you. Long day today."
Guy: "Great to be going home, right?"
Me: "It sure is. "
Guy: "That's nice. And the weather is great today."
Me: "Yeah. It's going to be nice all week..."
After talking about the weather, the chit-chat wound down (thank God). At some point, I looked up from my Kindle to look out of the window...and discovered that I was sitting next to a bald, scary-looking white guy, who appeared to be a skinhead...??? WTF? Dude was covered it tats, which I didn't want to focus on, so I don't recall what the ink was...with the exception of the big CWB on the side of his head. (Don't know what it stood for, and I wasn't about to ask. I assume the WB stood for White Brotherhood or something). Anyway, he really creeped me out with his common courtesy and shit.
As I didn't want to immediately jump out of my seat and be really obvious, I got up around 3 stops before my actual stop...nothing like irking some scary-ex con-looking skinhead, to end up being shanked on the bus, ya' know? Which would have been even more strange, considering that most of the passengers on the bus were Latino, Chinese, and black...and also considering that the further the bus went, the more into non-white gang-banger territory he was
And today is only Monday...
Wow! Judge much?
So - like what would your reaction be?
I have absolutely no problems with white or any other ethnicities...I am, however, wary around skinheads and the like.
I just found it strange and creepy that the dude was so friendly. Folks of color know that that ain't normal. lol