Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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26 entries this month

Still holding my breath.

01:28 Apr 30 2012
Times Read: 1,043

Even though my left leg is still messed up - I don't know what wrong - I've been very busy.

Working, and looking for a new apartment. Friday was the busiest. I went by three places, but was only able to see one, which was okay. (I should hear back soon regarding it; I like the upper unit better, but I didn't get to go inside, as the owner forgot the keys)...

My boss/friend took me there, which was nice. I had dropped by the office to pick up more flattened boxes, and she said that she'd drive me whereever I needed to go, plus take me home, so I was thrilled.

The funny thing is that when we went by her house, her husband was in the kitchen with his oldest son who was visiting. They were cooking like crazy - a variety of fish; snapper, catfish, and jumbo shrimp...fried, sauteed in butter and garlic, etc. He insisted that I stay for dinner, so I did. It was sooo good! And the sangria my friend made was killer. All I had was a glass and a half, and I was buzzed.

His son's girlfriend came over, and she was really cool. They were a fun hilarious bunch.

By the time I got home, it was almost 1 am...lol!



01:31 Apr 30 2012

I'm glad you had fun. :)

10:48 Jun 13 2012

Sounds like a good time with nice food.



01:18 Apr 30 2012
Times Read: 1,050

I'm bummed...I'm off here for a few days, and I come back to get the news that a sweet friend here is leaving VR...Why Why Why???

Well - at least I got her phone number. I'm still bummed though.



10:50 Jun 13 2012

Always good to stay in touch : )


Holding my breath.

04:19 Apr 26 2012
Times Read: 1,069

Wow. Could this be true? I don't want to jinx myself, so I'll wait for all of the information before I open my big mouth.

Still...wow. In a good way!



04:30 Apr 26 2012

That's a cock tease, if I ever saw one.


19:16 Apr 26 2012

Let the goodness abound!

18:53 Apr 29 2012

*crossing fingers*

Luck, sugar

10:49 Jun 13 2012

If youv'e won money I want some...NOW!!


00:28 Apr 25 2012
Times Read: 1,080

Just spent hours online searching apartments. Found a few that are appealing and reasonably priced (for here).

And one looks promising - I go see it after work this Friday.



00:38 Apr 25 2012

YAY! Good luck. I'd let you shack up here if you live near moi!

03:01 Apr 25 2012

Best wishes! :)



19:04 Apr 24 2012
Times Read: 1,086

I hate wasting time and/or missing time from work. Yet - here I am, at home, with my stomach pains and a fucked up left leg.

I have no idea what's up with the leg. For about a week, my knee has been swollen off and on, and my leg muscles hurt. Ibuprofen and heat pads can only do so much...

Trying to get a live person to make a doctor's appointment is a joke...I'll get back to another try later on today.

Being a bit anal retentive and not liking to waste time, I'm also looking for a new apartment. I did a lot of searching on Sunday and a lil' this morning...I need to try to actually see some of the places that I'm interested in at some point ASAP.




19:17 Apr 24 2012


When I can't get someone one the phone to schedule me for an appointment I call the operator and tell them I need to speak with a nurse. Then I force the nurse to schedule the appointment.


10:56 Jun 13 2012

I had a swollen leg on and off for about 2 years and when I went to the docs they told me it was bloodclots...Get it checked out as there is nothing they can do for me now. I have to wear surgical stockings all the time on my right leg.


Whacky Weather.

03:15 Apr 22 2012
Times Read: 1,115

Last week, we had heavy cold rains with thunderstorms...thunderstorms are pretty rare here.

Fast forward to this week - today in particular - it's hot as hell.



03:34 Apr 22 2012

I wish it would rain here, break the humidity.

It's incredibly humid.

I've had my AC on for well over 6 hours...

And I'm still freaking sweating.


03:56 Apr 22 2012

It rained and was cold here today too.

10:38 Apr 22 2012

...and they say there's no such thing as global warming!!

18:41 Apr 22 2012

We've been sweating our asses off in the high desert. Omg...HELP MEEEEEEEE!!! lol. :P


Big Country.

02:08 Apr 22 2012
Times Read: 1,120

Big Country was one of my fave bands back in the 80's - still is.


Their songs always put me in a good mood.

The songs are catchy, yet the music is melodic, in a Scottish way (Well - the band was from Scotland - duh).

I'm listing to them now - I've got 7 of their songs on my iPod:

* Harvest Home

* Fields of Fire (400 Miles)

* In a Big Country (their 1st and possibly

biggest hit)

* Wonderland (possibly my fave song...)

* East of Eden

* Where the Rose is Sown (...a tie with


* The Teacher

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07:13 Apr 22 2012

The 80's were the BEST!

15:10 Apr 22 2012

Ha! Mine too! :)

11:02 Jun 13 2012

They did a cover of Smokey Robinson's 'tracks of my tears', great cover and original song.


Gotta' keep on packin'!

03:01 Apr 20 2012
Times Read: 1,144

Well - as I have a bit of energy and it's still early, I think that I'll pack a few boxes. Maybe I can empty the huge bookcase filled with history books...

*looks at huge 6 feet plus bookcase with 7 rows of books*

Eeeeeer...maybe not.



07:45 Apr 20 2012

Been there, done that- beer cases are our friends....lol

22:40 Apr 20 2012

Maybe take this as an opportunity to create 'keep, donate, sell' piles. I do that every time we move. Makes things a LOT easier!

01:44 Apr 22 2012

Well, I did tackle that bookcase yeaterday...filled up - maybe too much - 6 boxes from just that one bookcase!

I don't donate give away much, as I don't have much of anything else - besides books.

I do wash a lot of stuff before I pack though, so I can have clean fresh stuff for my next home.


Yeah. We got crazies. California Crazies.

02:48 Apr 20 2012
Times Read: 1,146

From ktvu.com:

Woman mauled over parking spot by driver


It can be a struggle sometimes to find parking in San Francisco, and police said one woman literally fought tooth and nail for a chance to park her car Thursday.

A 22-year-old woman suffered serious injuries after another woman mauled her over a parking spot, according to police.

The fight began when one person was angry that the other woman swooped into their spot.

Police said the two women were arguing when one asked the other to move her car because it was blocking a driveway.

As the confrontation became heated, witnesses said the two women began pushing and shoving and then one woman began biting the other repeatedly.

"I don't know why she would bite me," said the victim, who asked that she not be identified. "I don't understand why anyone would bite anybody unless you were hungry, and I don't really taste that good. I hope not."

Trevell Council, a friend to the victim, said he witnessed the fight.

"She was like, 'Aaargh, aargh,' and she just kept biting her," Council said. "(She) kept biting her and my girlfriend was like, 'Help. Help.'"

Police identified the suspect as 32-year-old Sara Gillian of San Francisco and said she is being charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

Police said it's not uncommon for people to get into arguments over parking spots in San Francisco, but the biting is something they haven't seen before.



21:14 Apr 21 2012

Was it a grocery store parking lot? Maybe she was really hungry!


04:07 Apr 19 2012
Times Read: 1,163

After four days in court, I was so glad to return to work today - lol!

And I must say...I don't like the word 'defendant' alongside my name.



05:09 Apr 19 2012

I had some reading catching up to do and...Wow...just Wow!


Round 4.

04:04 Apr 19 2012
Times Read: 1,165

What a ride...what a ride. I had a good chance of actually winning my case, but I decided to throw in the towel. I got half of what I wanted. Anyway, the rest of the court proceedings (yesterday) went as follows:

* When we were done at the close of Monday, the negotiations stood at me remaining in the unit for 45 day and getting my deposit back. My attorney and I understood that we'd take care of all of the paperwork to that affect the following morning...on Tuesday morning, the landlord decided to rescind his offer, and wanted me out at the end of the month...what a fucking asshole!

* So, we went in for trial. Right when they were begining to pull people from the jury pool, I thought - fuck it. If I win the trial - and I had a good chance of winning - I'd be able to stay in the apartment at a reduced rent for some months, but I'd have to pay all of the back rent that was due from February to April...NOT! I didn't earn enough, plus I didn't want to stay.

(I was basically going the trial route to buy more time anyway).

If I lost the trial, I'd have only 5 days to vacate the unit...An even worse outcome. So, I had my attorney ask for a short recess, to see if the asshole landlord would agree to something else...

* I also refused to have my mom testify on my behalf. I wasn't going to drag her into court, where she'd be upset, and possibly become ill. Fuck that shit!

* We came to an agreement that if I'm still here in May, I pay the rent - the old amount of $895.00 - not the new rate of $960.00; I lose my $400 deposit. If needed, the same could be done for June.

So - at least I have more than a mere fucked up two weeks to get out. When the potential jurors were released from duty, they were all happy campers, of course. One of the women leaving - an older white woman - came up to be, squeezed my arm, and said 'Good luck'. How sweet. She glared at the landlord - lol.



04:56 Apr 19 2012

OMG that is a terrible ordeal! I am glad this will be behind you soon.


Round 3.

21:39 Apr 16 2012
Times Read: 1,181

Holy shit...this asshole keeps refusing to back down. And you know what? Neither will I. I was in court on Friday, and today...and will be there tomorrow. So far, I've missed two days of work (I'm usually off on Fridays).

After the attorneys negotiated back and forth, the asshole landlord offered that I stay on a per day basis, with the rent pro-rated, or I can have 45 days...NOT!

Trust me - I'm not being a hardass (like him); I just want what's fair. Remember - he declined a payment which would have kept us from being where we are now.

I kinda' feel sorry for his attorney; the asshole - and his sidekick, the apartment manager - stormed out AGAIN, according to my attorney. (They returned later). The presiding judge was aware of it too...when the judge came to talk to me privately with my attorney, I could tell that he wasn't pleased with the plaintiff's behavior...DUH!

So - did I win this round? Maybe...one thing for sure is that that asshole didn't.

The attorneys will try negotiating once more tomorrow morning, then if nothing comes of it, it's on to trial. My attorney said that a lot of the opposing side's crap was 'playing chicken'...a dumbass expensive way of having a temper tantrum, if you ask me.



01:24 Apr 18 2012

Fingers crossed the pin head finally caves. Giving you all my honour today for what consolation that might give you!

16:54 Apr 18 2012

I'm hoping and praying so hard that you're able to give these buttholes a taste of their own medicine. What a buncha cry babies! Storming out too...geeeeeeez.

Hopefully they keep making themselves look bad.

*big hugs*


02:22 Apr 15 2012
Times Read: 1,199

I think I'll give out some random honor and log off soon, as I'm not really in a sociable mood.



02:34 Apr 15 2012

Can I hump you into socialness?

Please? I'm good at it. Ask Moons. ♥

(I'm trying to make you smile, Sunshine)

02:36 Apr 15 2012

I actually smiled...thank you so much, Nek!

02:48 Apr 15 2012

I. Did. Good.


02:57 Apr 15 2012



Round 2.

02:00 Apr 15 2012
Times Read: 1,209

Well, I guess that after yesterday in court, it is a tie...although I feel like I lost.

I was in court before the appointed 8:45 am time...my landlord stolls in with my apartment manager at 10 am...

The asshole wants me out by the end of this month...and I'll get my $400 deposit back.

Or...I can stay and pay all of the back rent, which is now impossible to do, as I'll never be able to catch up (I would've been able to do it, cutting really close, if he had accepted that payment back in February).

I need another month, then I should be able to leave - at the end of May, not the end of this month. My attorney from the Eviction Defense Center will still try to get me 60 days, although I think that that is very unlikely. I'd be happy with 30 - 45 days. I want to get out of this place!

So - I worked on more paperwork for my case, took pictures of fucked up shit as my attorney had requested, had them developed, and wrote out a second statement. The fact that the only recourse for a defendant in an eviction case is the right to fight to STAY in an apartment is so wrong...so fucked up! Like - doesn't any of the other stuff matter? Like the fact that none of us would be in court if the landlord had accepted the payment back in February? That he took a similar payment a year ago? That he is angry at me due to his hasty decisions that costed him money? (And the fact that he didn't spend any money the first time around, as he never filed any paperwork with the court...what a liar).

Anyway - I have to go BACK to court on Monday. And soon, I'll have to pay $600 for the trial. I'll have to throw myself on the mercy of the court, if I can get a word in. So much for me saving to move...

One thing cheered me up last night though - other than my kitties - I got a text message from my boss when I texted him about having to go to court on Monday:

'Rest for the weekend and then kick ass on Monday.'

I'll try!




Round 1.

03:10 Apr 13 2012
Times Read: 1,227

Well, today was informative...as we couldn't come to an agreement today, the landlord and I will try again tomorrow. Well - I will try anyway. More on the landlord and his stupidity later...

I was told to be at the the courthouse at 1:15 for the beginning of negotiations at 1:30; I was there at noon - lol.

I sat in the waiting area going over my case file, while watching other people come in, wondering who my landlord was. About an hour later, I see this huge guy - the apartment manager - with this lil' middle-aged balding mousey guy. He was unremarkable - a face one wouldn't remember in a crowd. Anyway, I watched them the whole time they took a seat at the end of the hallway. The manager looked at me, but the mouse didn't, until he was far away.

My attorney showed up about 20 minutes later. She was also tiny - but she was very pretty. One would remember her face. And to make it comical, her name was Monique...she said that she was surprised by my birth year, as I looked a lot younger...and her 'Mom was also born in 1961...' Good grief. LOL.

Anyway, she had about EIGHT other clients who had court too, so she was zipping about to all of us. I must say that she was on point, and didn't get those files mixed up, or the people. When she finally really looked at my case and the plaintiff, she said "Oh man. These people are difficult to work with." I told her that I knew that already judging by how we all ended up in court. But, we proceeded to play the tennis match, and this is how it went:

* My attorney offered to have me stay in the apartment for 150 days...I knew that was a no, and my request (a mere month, to June 1st) wasn't that extensive. Not that we asked for 60 days...well, we never got to that point, actually.

The landlord's attorney - another woman - came back to say that the landlord wasn't budging - he wanted me out, by the end of this month, with the return of my $400 deposit.

* My reply was no, as I needed more time to collect funds, and find another place.

* My attorney was then going to ask for 90 days, so she presented the idea to the other attorney. She came back with a no, and I responded with a no. Per my attorney, she stated that the landlord was REALLY REALLY angry, as he had to spend over $1,200 last year for the first eviction, and another so far for this one. My response was that the landlord jumped the gun on the first eviction attempt, as I told him via the previous manager that he'd get the rent for sure, which he did, thanks to my mom.

I basically stated that the man didn't have to spend ANY money if he was more flexible in the first place. (And...I never got any paperwork from the court the first time around, so he most likely didn't spend any money).

* The landlord's attorney went back to her client, and came back shortly with a puzzled look on her face. She spoke to my attorney, who then came to me with "Wow. We won't be getting anywhere today, so you'll need to go to the Oakland courthouse tomorrow, where you'll be represented by another attorney from our office. The landlord just stormed out in a huff"...WTF?

All I gotta' say is - what a DUMBASS move, dude. Not only did you make yourself look bad, but now YOU have to spend more money for tomorrow...I don't.

I guess I won the first set, but this is by no means over.





Fingers...and toes...crossed.

02:06 Apr 12 2012
Times Read: 1,242

Well, tomorrow is the big day; I go to court to try to negotiate for more time in my crap apartment (so I can save up to go somewhere else). I need another month to do this, so I'm looking at vacating the place on June 1st. I have a feeling that this request will be a struggle, as my landlord has not shown any intention on being flexible.

Technically, we have two days to come to an agreement - Thursday and Friday. I'd like to be able to go to work on Friday, you know?

So, I will go to bed earlier than usual. Take a shower, consult my Tarot cards, call my mom, and take that muscle relaxer from my boss (I'm pretty sore - a large part of it is most likley due to stress).

Wish me luck, my friends.



12:44 Apr 12 2012

I wish you good luck. ::mwah!::

14:10 Apr 12 2012

Good luck girl *hugs*


Outrageous Album Covers

05:23 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 1,257

Growing up, this was and still is one of my fave album covers:




07:24 Apr 11 2012

>< She looks like she is in pain!!

13:09 Apr 11 2012

Oooh la la


Anyone need any butter?

04:27 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 1,263

So, we get a shipment in from Sysco today...trolley after trolley after trolley...! I don't know what the sales rep was smokin', but he sent us a TON of shit that we didn't even order.

2 cases of strawberry yogurt became 4; 0 cases of butter became 6...I could go on and on. We didn't know where to put all of the shit.

I had the pleasant task of collecting all of the duplicated crap from the walk-in fridge. Even while wearing my coat, I was feezing my ass off. I had to come out about 5 - 6 times to thaw out.

I finished with a cart piled about 5 feet high with dairy products.

Near the end of my shift, the office, side office, and outer counters were overflowing with foodstuffs. I asked my boss how we were gonna' keep any of the shit from being stolen.

Other than leaving out the non-food supplies - which would be stolen as well - I have no idea what she planned when I left for the day. The earliest pick up is scheduled for tomorrow.





Go, Big Momma!

01:36 Apr 10 2012
Times Read: 1,282

I was surprised when I got to work at 7:15 this morning...Big Momma's back! And she lost a substantial amount of weight - 85lbs! It was mostly water. She is still obese, but you can definitely see that she is smaller. Instead of Crocs, she had on sneakers, and a cute pantsuit. Her hair was styled, and she had a French manicure!

Even better - she was more upbeat, could move around a lot more, and she didn't nod off. She was like she was when I first started working at the college.

Kudos to her!



12:35 Apr 10 2012



California artist Thomas Kincade dies at age 54

06:10 Apr 07 2012
Times Read: 1,309

California artist Thomas Kinkade, known for his scenes of cottages, country gardens and churches in dewy morning light, died Friday, a family spokesman said.

Kinkade, 54, died at his home in Los Gatos in the San Francisco Bay Area of what appeared to be natural causes, David Satterfield said.

Kinkade's sentimental paintings, with their scenes of cottages, country gardens and churches in dewy morning light, were beloved by middlebrow America but reviled by the art establishment.

The paintings generally depict tranquil scenes with lush landscaping and streams running nearby. Many contain images from Bible passages.

Kinkade, a self-described devout Christian, claimed to be the nation's most collected living artist. His paintings and spin-off products were said to fetch some $100 million a year in sales, and to be in 10 million homes in the United States.

"I'm a warrior for light," he told the San Jose Mercury News in 2002, in reference to his technical skills but also the medieval practice of using light to symbolize the divine. "With whatever talent and resources I have, I'm trying to bring light to penetrate the darkness many people feel."


I hate his sappy, tacky work. Even with the rumor that he used his blood in his signatures...

His millions of dollars were sucked from people who have absolutely no taste in art.




10:37 Apr 07 2012

I like it! :)

23:00 Apr 08 2012

I always wanted on of his prints. I like the winter, or the cabin in the woods images. And love the light,, like they glowed. Sorry but I have always been a fan, just out of my price range. And now... they will skyrocket.

Sad to hear he pasted away. :(



23:57 Apr 05 2012
Times Read: 1,333


I go to Safeway after dropping off court papers, and they don't have any Japanese plum wine! WTF? Are you kidding me? I was in the mood to get drunken-master drunk this evening, which is a rarity in itself.




00:00 Apr 06 2012

God, I'm sorry lol. Yanno...my dad was a trucker for Safeway/Vons for over 20yrs...and he always got pissed off that they never carried what he was after lol. He'd have a total fit. He hated that company lol.

I hope you are able to find your wine and get shit faced, dear. Lol. :P

*big hugs*

01:32 Apr 06 2012

oh god I love plum wine :D I sorry :/

05:45 Apr 06 2012

I love drunken-master. :p


00:26 Apr 05 2012
Times Read: 1,345

Whew. I just rated a buttload of profiles. I'm crossed-eyed and crazy now.



11:55 Apr 06 2012

Yeah, that shit never works out well for me. I feel rather psychotic for DAYS afterwards.

03:11 Apr 07 2012

Oh Req - lol!


Hey - the 80's and the first half of the 90's were my party days.

21:13 Apr 04 2012
Times Read: 1,358

So, I'm seriously flashin' right now. I'm listening to a-ha's 'Take on Me' and trying to sing along to it. I use to be able to hit those high notes - awfully - but now I can't at all, thanks to the asthma I developed over 10 years ago. Which is just as well, 'cause if I could hit those notes, my cats would hiss at me and probably attack.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

The purple color of this playlist is in homage to my fave pants of the time...purple acid washed jeans.



01:59 Apr 05 2012

Mine too, this brings back so many memories *sighs*


I'm a busy beaver.

06:38 Apr 03 2012
Times Read: 1,377

Off this week for spring break - I'd rather be working.

Not sure when I'm moving, but I've begun to start packing today...I filled up 3 boxes so far...lol. I need to get boxes from work, buy tape, and get more bubble wrap for my art, dishes, glassware, masks, etc.

I gotta' see the paralegal this Thursday regarding the upcoming meetings with the asshole landlord and his attorney (I'd be surprised if the asshole shows up). That's another $100.00. (Like - I won't have enough moving money as it is).

I've been looking for another apartment, but not really, as I don't have all of the money - why find a place now? (However, I do have an appointment this Wednesday to sign up for a new complex that isn't even finished - lol)

Of course, my stomach ailment has been kicking my ass a lot lately. That sucks. But - I gotta' keep on rollin'.



22:56 Apr 03 2012

As they say, proceed until apprehended!


Local news here frequently makes it to Nat'l news...unfortunately, it's usually the bad stuff.

05:04 Apr 03 2012
Times Read: 1,381

Bad enough, we still have 15 year-old Sierra Lamar who has been missing from Morgan Hill since March 16th; now this shit, which happened a lil' after 10:30 am this morning:

Gunman kills 7 at small California university

By msnbc.com staff and news services

Updated at 9:45 p.m. ET: Officials on Monday evening identified the suspect arrested in the shootings at a small Christian college in California that killed seven and wounded three others earlier in the day as a 43-year-old Oakland resident.

At a press briefing with Mayor Jean Quan and others, Police Chief Howard Jordan said suspect One L. Goh was in the custody of Oakland police in connection with Monday's shooting spree, an event that he described as "shocking" and "senseless."

He said the police had not identified a motive, nor did the suspect have any known criminal history. He said Goh is a Korean national.

“It's going to take us a few days to put the pieces together," Jordan said.

Witnesses who were in the classroom at Oikos University where the shootings took place said the shooter first ordered students to line up against a wall and then pulled a handgun, the Oakland Tribune reported.

"The people started running and he started shooting," said Gurpreet Sahota, who relayed an account to the Tribune from his sister-in-law, Dawinder Kaur, 19.

Chief Jordan said the suspect apparently commandeered a victim's car and drove it to Alameda, where he turned himself in to police at a Safeway store, about five miles from the shootings.

Soon after the shooting, heavily armed officers swarmed the school in a large industrial park near the Oakland airport and, for at least an hour, believed the gunman could still be inside.

Art Richards said he was driving by the university on his way to pick up a friend when he spotted a woman hiding in the bushes and pulled over. When he approached her, she said, "I'm shot" and showed him her arm.

"She had a piece of her arm hanging out," Richards said, noting that she was wounded near the elbow.

As police arrived, Richards said he heard 10 gunshots coming from inside the building. The female victim told him that she saw the gunman shoot one person point-blank in the chest and one in the head.

Tashi Wangchuk, whose wife attended the school and witnessed the shooting, said he was told by police that the gunman first shot a woman at the front desk, then continued shooting randomly in classrooms.

Wangchuk said his wife, Dechen Wangzom, was in her vocational nursing class when she heard gunshots. She locked the door and turned off the lights, Wangchuk said he was told by his wife, who was still being questioned by police Monday afternoon.

Jordan said that five of the victims were pronounced dead at the scene, and two others died after arriving at the hospital.

Jordan said that he understood that the three injured people were being treated for injuries that were not life-threatening.

The suspect, identified by the school as an ex-nursing student at Oikos, had been absent for months before the shootings, according to students quoted by the Oakland Tribune. The school's director told the Tribune he was unsure if the man had been expelled or dropped out.

On its web site, Oikos says it aims to provide "a Christian education based on solid Christian doctrine and ideology."

The institution, established in 2008, does not appear on the U.S. Department of Education list of accredited post-secondary institutions and programs. It has California state accreditation to award degrees in theology, music, Asian medicine and nursing.




Priest of the Month.

19:29 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 1,388

April 2012


This one could be related to Keanu Reeves - lol!



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