Spiderman had been arachnophobic?
So, it seems that my nemesis, the Thumbcat, has decided that trying to break into my house is not a task that it is willing to undertake alone anymore. I suspect that my new reflex of punching out hard when I hear any kind of noise from the window has been paying off. Cats being cats though, and trust me, the Thumbcat is an exceptional cat specimen, are not creatures that will easily admit defeat when it comes to their nefarious plans.
So, what has this fiendish feline come up with to thwart my fist of doom? Simple, it got itself a minion. Last night I had decided to open my window a little to let in some air while I read. I was having a great night, just me, my web comic backlogs and all the time in the world to waste. I felt the movement in the air that suggested a Thumbcat invasion, and barely looked up as I sent my fist of death towards the space the Thumbcat would ordinarily have been in. Except, this time there was no "Damn youuuu" miaow; this time there was a godalmighty eardrum shattering screech and a flurry of panicked feathers as I made contact.
I got up cautiously and drew back the curtain in time to see a huge black crow streaking off into the darkness. Well, when I say streaking, it was fast, but not necessarily in a straight line. Just underneath the window I thought I heard the slightest satisfied Mraowwwww sound as the invisible Thumbcat lost itself into the shadows.
I see how it is, it is clear to me now. This cat has a grudge and it will not be satisfied until one of us (meaning me) dies, and it will resort to whatever tactics are necessary to accomplish that goal. I was woken earlier by a scratch, scratch, scratching at my window. I knew I had closed it but I could not go back to sleep easily reassured. I had visions of the Thumbcat outside, stuck to the pane with sucker cup kneepads wielding a glass cutting tool.
After the bird, I know now that I am not safe. Any animal, mineral or vegetable out there that can succumb to cat terrorism is potentially a Thumbcat minion. If I do not write here again, you will know that something highly improbable may have happened, possibly involving a troupe of crazed cat ladies with hollowed out cat sized bibles coming to my door, asking me if I am interested in meeting Jesus in person in the next five minutes:(
Maybe it is time for me to take the fight to Thumbcat... Perhaps I should start working on a Trojan Tuna that I could fill with angry dogs. As Bugs Bunny so eloquently puts it, Thumbcat, this means WAR!
Hello. Can I just say ... you should be thankful it is not dead. And under your home. :)
You've engaged in war against Muninn, the Raven of Odin. I am sorry, love, but I can only predict failure when one challenges the heavens themselves :(
To the first comment, I do not have a crawl space under my home, and I suspect had I managed to slay the monstrous crow, Thumbcat would have been happy to take away that particular corpse.
To Ockham, will you fight at my side in this war against the heavens? I am thinking up blueprints right now for the Tuna:D
My love, I would fight at your side in a war against God, Man, the Devil, or Murphy. Even against the hopeless odds of facing One-Eye and the Ravens of Prophecy, I will spit defiance and defend you to the last, gasping breath.
I just had a horrible thought... maybe Thumbcat and DeepCrow are in cahoots...
Deep Crow.. oh no... don't say that...
This is the original video with the covering band's audio, for the record. The people who made the cover probably don't know anything about videos other than how to turn a TV on, and I'd consider it likely that they need help even to do that.
LOL, that was nasty... But the other one was worse!
Omg... my ears... my eyes.. I tried to be brave, I failed..
Urghhh hard to tell ...but I agree with Bones lol
Uh, I'm with Ocham on this one. Way worse than The Final Countdown, below.
This cover is actually worse than the original. Quite an impressive feat.
You really need to watch to about the 3 and a half minute mark to truly get this cover. The one below, you know exactly how bad it is as soon as he starts wailing, but this one hides layer upon layer of failure, like a grim onion.
Did you stick around for the guitar solo on final countdown though? I did sit through all of both of them and I still maintain that one is worse. So there:P
Both of them were traumatic experiences, to be sure. However, "mumbling NO ONE'S GONNA TAKE ME ALIVE" boy gets my vote for worst cover over "WUT'S A GITAR???" boy.
My god, why didn't you put "Jo don't click" in the title? What the HELL was that that I just experienced? Surely it's a joke. A joke I don't get. No way that was intended to be liked.
my ears, bleeding... ow
Wow... I think I'm going to cry!
That... was awful! lol
I still say the Knights of Cydonia one is worse. You should make another entry with that, and then let the poor fuckers vote. :D
You should link it in comments:D
I don't have the link, or I would, plus a youtube link inside the comments would be tacky :P Just make a new entry? :)
"That's well shameful mate!"
Not safe for work, possibly not safe for Jo. It is exactly as it describes in the link. No pictures, just...
As Ockham so eloquently put it, there is some knowledge that man is not meant to have. Read at your own peril.
I would hate you for having brought the existence of this phenomena to my knowledge if you were anyone else. As it is you, all I can do is kind of frown at you :|
How or why you even found this causes raised eyebrows. What were you looking for when you came across this?
I was looking for a picture my husband once sent me of the car sex act to show someone. My husband originally found it because he wanted me to photoshop his bosses head on it for him:P
That motherfucking cat broke in again! This time while I was sleeping. Through a two inch gap in the window! What is this cat made of? Rubber?
Maybe it is some kind of fucked up Shrödingers cat which is in a state of in and not in my room at the same time.
Regardless, quantum kitty managed to jump into the room and straight on top of some of the random components on my floor which caused a godalmighty crash. It woke me up instantly and, being groggy, I thought it might have been a noise outside and started to drift off again.
I am very glad I didn't, I had this strong feeling that I was not alone, and opened my eyes again to see this slinking shape making its way through my hallway.
Cats do respond to "Get the FUCK out of my HOUSE!" pretty well, I am happy to say.
My husband has promised me some kind of screen for the windows. I was kind of hoping for a mish mash of lasers that will reduce said kitty into a small pile of soot.
For the record, in case I haven't mentioned this before, I do not hate cats at all. I love animals. It is just that cats are the one allergen I have that causes anaphylactic shock. I would actually be more afraid of someone waving a cat at me than an AK47.
Fucking cat. What is the attraction with my house anyway? I should probably tape up my letterbox, just in case it oozes its way through my front door. I wouldn't put it past the damn thing to don a scuba suit and appear up through my toilet next.
Suggestions for the perfect cat deterrent would be awesome right now. Bonus points if you can fit a trebuchet in there somewhere that will launch the bastard thing straight into the landfill.
HAHAHA! That's funny.
Several days ago I watched a cat run straight at a metal fence and jump through it. It squeezed through one of those triangular holes in the fence. Liquid cat.
Should I draw you up a Goldberg machine for it?
Yes, yes you should!!!
I bet this cat has lockpicks too. Little bethumbed burglarising bastard:(
Beware the Thumbcat. Its evil will wash over this land like a tide of non-hypoallergenic.. evil. Stuff.
Thumbcat will spare no one!
Thumbcat will spare no one!
Welcome the cat with open arms. Then you'll see it will want nothing to do with you.
Unless, of course, it realises it's a trick, and you're allergic. Then it will eagerly provide a snuggle of death.
Cats are very intelligent, and natural nihilists.
A dangerous combination for allergic humans.
SNUGGLE OF DEATH! This is the best thing I have heard all day. I could be Death, if only my vehicle for providing release would be the death snuggle. *sigh* I'm all warm and happy now.
You may climb in through my window and snuggle me to death any time Jo. In fact I would give you a key!
My husband has decided he really wants dark gingerbread, so I found out my old cookbook to look up my favourite recipe for it.
It was given to me by my aunt when I was maybe eight or so years old and I worked through so many of the recipes in it over the years. I always loved to cook and my mother was quite happy for me to take on making the meals for my family any time I wanted to.
One of the things I love most about it is that on the pages with my favourite things to cook, a good portion of the ingredients have been preserved. I was kind of messy in the kitchen growing up (ok, I still am) and I would have the book open in front of me for reference. The pages with the recipe for the victoria sponge cake is possibly the best example of this, with spots of cake mixture and jam everywhere.
I think tomorrow is going to be a cooking day. I am making the gingerbread and some vegetarian beef stew to freeze. I am thinking I will also make some lasagne with some parmesan and tomato bread to go with it.
It is wonderful feeling so excited about doing something I once loved so much. Hopefully I will keep this up, as I am always so happy while I am doing it:)
Mmm, Lasagna!!
Hopefully one day I'll get to have you cook something nice for me :) Of course, the day before or after I will be making you some experimental food.. ;)
Oatmeal, or rather, oats come to mind... (horses or unicorns etc. ), LOL. ;)
Oh, Bones didn't go there. Careful or he will start yelling "Dildos!" in Irony's journal, too.
A cat broke into my apartment tonight. It jimmied open a window and decided to nest on my bed while I was in the other room.
I very selfishly disturbed its catly snuggling with my duvet when I walked back into the room and screamed like a B movie chick.
The husband creature had to come and investigate the room for signs of cat and then I had to change all my bedlinen.
Fucking cats. Fucking having to take a ton of antihistamine. HATE! If I die tonight of cat poisoning I am going to come back and be the personal goddamn poltergeist of every crazed cat lady in my town.
Fucking cats!
"Scientists have confirmed for the first time that an important component of early genetic material which has been found in meteorite fragments is extraterrestrial in origin, in a paper published on 15 June 2008."
Yes, two instances of the word AWESOME in one day, but it is warranted.
That is awesome! To see something like this proven is wonderful, especially since it is something I have believed for years. Thanks for posting this!
Agreed. I subscribe to the Panspermia theory myself.
It's a logical idea, but I certainly hope there are radically different forms of life as well, other than the dull carbon-based ones.
Safe for Jo (and work)
I love you, bb.
OOO!! These designs would make for SUCH a great movie or anime!
If I had a Samurai Siamese mask like that, I would be in heaven...
The idea of barding or armor for mice is cool.
It was suggested to me and Ockham a while back that we should try doing a webcomic together. Seemed like a good idea so we spent some time thinking about it.
We are still stuck! How hard can it be to come up with a concept for a webcomic? Very bloody hard apparently.
I am not sure how many people might see this post, but if you do and you can think of a groundbreakingly original idea for a webcomic that you wish someone would make, do share it. I am apparently completely devoid of all original thought this week and it is proving to be impossible for me:P
1. Sorry for not updating on my weight loss, lost 1lb, still 1lb over what I was 2 weeks ago. This is suck.
2. Those new fucking white trash neighbours have complained about us to environmental health! They are blaming us for the shit on their fucking yard! Ockham has talked me out of killing them, but I am still absolutely incandescent with rage! That shit could have threatened our lease dammit.
I have smoothed things over with the environmental health officer and he knows it wasn't us, but damn, that is not the kind of letter I want to recieve in the mornings.
Those sons of bitches can look forward to some nice passive aggressive hostility now until they move the fuck out again. Maybe I should try a phone call over their relentless fucking gangster rap music that they seem to play any time I want to chill out.
Dammit! I was in a good mood this morning too. Just... fuck!
These demi-human inbreeds have committed a grievous sin, and should I ever have the opportunity, I will bathe their sins away with purifying flame. I'm thinking napalm, but perhaps thermite. Time shall tell.
Yes, thermite is good.
The napalm sounds cool too...but
I plan on C4.
Ammonia and fertilizer leave a much more common signature. ANYONE can buy ammonia and fertilizer. =)
Umm. So I have ... read. Or saw on CSI. Or something.
Yes, but explosives... that's so... pedestrian, perhaps? Thermite burns with the heat of a small sun (3000+C), and napalm sticks to the flesh, searing until death seems a mercy..
I could just combine all of them to make a nitrothermipalm treat for them:D
An explosive that sprays it's victims with a sticky goop that burns like the tears of a weeping sun? I can dig that...
You have to be very careful when actually setting people on fire. You can never tell what direction they are going to run.
02:08 Jun 30 2008
He'd have rebranded himself the Flying Emo and saved the city when he could be roused from his dark poetry sessions.
02:30 Jun 30 2008
Didn't they already cover that in spiderman 3? :P
02:59 Jun 30 2008
Well, yeah. But even more so. Imagine Emo-Spidey with a My Chemical Romance tattoo.
00:04 Jul 01 2008
In this case, I can picture Spiderman curled up and shuddering in a corner, scratching holes in his skin like a meth addict, repeatedly muttering "spiders.. spiders.."
I find that it is an image I enjoy.
It may have something to do with the scene in Spiderman3 where he poses in front of the american flag with cops, firemen and other good wholesome americans applauding below. *shudder* Leni Riefenstahl couldn't have done it better.