Down to 264:)
My chair broke this evening and I fell, forward thank god, but also spectacularly so I am a bit broken at the moment. No bones have been broken but I have had multiple rather severe dislocations, including some spinal, so my time online may be a bit limited depending on how I heal.
There is also a chance I will be going into the hospital, but this is purely as a precautionary thing so there is nothing to panic about. I am just going to be a bit sore for a while is all. I am hoping I will be able to steal away my husbands laptop so I can keep working while I am there:P
I, or Ockham, will keep you updated, depending on what happens.
Some of my friends know about my synaesthesia. Amongst other things, I have an extremely strong reaction to sounds and music. I heard this for the first time today and it paralysed me.
I had to miss out on my pottery group this morning because I couldn't drag my sorry ass out of bed. I ended up calling in and slurring, well, more wailing really,
"IhaveaperiodandIwanttocryandIdon'twanttoseepeopledon'tmakemeeeee!" to the poor guy at the centre. I am so glad that the place is designed for people like me, because I doubt that phone call would have been taken so sympathetically by most medical places.
I have worked out now though that it was a good thing that I didn't venture outside. I ate a nice light breakfast while checking VR and about thirty seconds after finishing it realised that it was going to be a very temporary meal. I have a great quote from my friend Lars, "Every home needs a bucket!" and damn, that boy is right.
Today I am going to work on my painting as much as I can, and if I feel any worse I will just head back to bed.
For all of those people who told me that I would get sicker if I did not take it easy while I have mono, now is your time to tell me "I told you so" without fear of reprisal:P
Down to 265. Yeah, I know, I keep doing strange yoyos by a pound or so, but my scales are now assuring me that this is how much I weigh for real.
35lbs to go... yeah, it is theoretically possible. We will just have to wait and see:)
W00t! Keep going!
It's not a theory, it's proven science! :P
You'll do it, just keep workin' that booty...
Back off her booty, STABB! Well done, my girl! *smooch!* That was a low cal sugar ;)
Thank you all! I am so pleased with myself at the moment.
Keep the faith, Irony. Perseverance will pay off.
You will do it.
I just learned that my loving husband has given me mono. It explains a lot, so I won't be beating myself up for being less than productive now.
On the very very bright side, I am kicking ASS with my painting project and just got given 3 weeks extension because one of the writers submitting to it has fucked off on vacation. I am so looking forward to getting it done, I am sick of the sight of it, but it will rule:D
Oh. God. No.
Afraid so, though it explains my horrible nightsleeping habit which prevents me from talking to my heart girl. Now I know, I can fight it!
Make sure you don't wear yourself out.
Mono...the gift that keeps on giving.
Funny, when I was a teenager my mother took me to the doctor for constant blood tests, insisting I had mono... I had sleeping issues, was always tired, not very interested in anything, sulked and moped around a lot, wouldn't talk to my parents... the blood tests always came back negative...
Turned out I was just really f***ing depressed!
Go figure..
I lost a single solitary pound this week. Woot woot.
However, this link is awesome and makes up for it completely:D
I'll help push go-karts!
Only seventeen days until they fire up that big sucker.
I'm hoping for a successful test on matter/antimatter fusion. After that, I'm hoping for the creation of the first matter/antimatter engine and launch of the first Starship Enterprise within 20 years.
Fingers crossed.
From the very talented Rob Liefeld. You can find more of his work at
Now he has been credited, on to the quiz.
It appears that Rob Liefeld has a mutation himself, and thinks that the thumb being on the other side of the hand is the next stage of humanity.
Yes, oh yes, thumbcat would be envious! :D
Thumbcat knows which side the opposable thumb goes on.
Score: Thumbcat: 1 Liefeld: 0
I'm partial to the flea dander flying off of him as he flies through the air with furry ostrich arms.
Oh yes, for Liefeld elbows swing BOTH ways:D
Thumbcat has a flea collar.
Thumbcat: 2 Liefeld: 0
Who the hell has ridges of muscles in their armpits?! And FOUR layers of quads?!
Thumbcat can actually raise or lower its arms without applying a lever to depress his armpit-muscle-columns.
Thumbcat: 3 Liefeld: 0
Why is Wolverine an amputee?
Was he in Iraq and lost his legs, but got those little spikes on his knees as some kind of prosthetic?
I read about a guy who got banned from the Olympics for that shit...
Also, he has no neck and instead, faces us from his if he wasn't short enough.
Stabb just mentioned that the amputee prosthetic spikes must be for doing ninja star drop kicks.
Thumbcat has articulation between his chest and his head, in the form of a neck.
Thumbcat: 4 Liefeld: 0
Wolverine appears to have 8 teeth in the upper row BETWEEN the cuspids (canines or eye teeth).
Thumbcat has not troubled any dentists for a set of fake vampire's teeth, and if he did, he would find one who wasn't a moron and knew how to differentiate 8 from 4.
Thumbcat: 5 Liefeld: 0
Now, I looked long and hard, believeing that it was some strange method of shading, but no...
As one can clearly see on the left side, on the elbow and triceps, Liefeld has chosen to give Wolverine hairgrowth on the inside of his upper arms! If it was just the armpits, fine, but fer chryin out lowd!
Thumbcat is fully furred in all places where his genetic code says there should be fur, and not where there should not be.
Thumbcat: 6 Liefeld: 0
I'm prepared to call this a resounding victory for Thumbcat.
I loved my leggos.
If only I still had the patience...
Now that's creative, and you'd never have to buy a new tower, you just rebuild that one for a different size or configuration.
Should we get Stabb some lego's? ;P
Whoah...that is so cool.
I've made computers out of some strange things... a rubbermaid bin, a cardboard box...
That was pretty cool though.
This confirms what Requiem said about me, I'm a geek... as I want that!
Still at 267. This makes NO sense! I am going to keep at it in the hope that my body catches up with what is meant to happen when you cut calories and exercise. I really cannot have a body that breaks the laws of thermodynamics. It would suck!
Hang in there..lots of us are pulling for ya! :)
Yeah, it's crazy. I swear I've lost weight but my scale says I've gained...
I think it's either broken, or it's a liar!
It's not necessarily just the calories that matter, but you're right- by nature, taking in less than you expend should have an effect. But, the type of foods that you eat will gain or lose you weight at a quicker or slower rate.
For example, if you eat a white bread roll and don't exercise to burn the calories right away, the energy converts to fat to be stored quicker than would brown bread, because the carbs are different in their construction and absorption into the body.
So if you are sitting around a lot, in an office job say, then brown bread is better than white, because it releases energy into your body at a 'slower' rate.
If you wanted to go for a work out, then eat the white and you can quickly convert it to muscle mass.
Protein rich diets are almost infallible, but there is still a need for balance. Egg whites, a little red meat and chicken, wholemeal pastas and breads, low sugar foods and as much green veg as you can stand to make up the iron would help.
I'm seeing my new trainer tomorrow and will ask him for more detailed info.
In the meantime, this site is proving handy for me to calculate my in/out on calories.
Most importantly, don't get disheartened. The body can take time to adjust to new diets, but once it gets in line, the weight can and will drop.
Keep going, always keep going at it. We all have faith in you.
Yeah, what the good-looking guy above said!
Scales can be deceiving. Muscle is denser than fat, so if you gain the same volume of muscle as your fat loss, you will actually weigh more in the end.
The fact that you have an indomitable spirit means you have already won. It will just take time.
Yeah, I might end up the same weight but be a size 10 in a dress. I wonder if people will still pay up if I look 100lbs lighter than my before picture:P I don't mind doing the muscle flexing. My legs are like stone at the moment and my calves are really defined and bulging in sexy ways:D
Right in the brain! I am reeling here.
This. This is why VRTards shouldn't have real jobs.
I am a broken woman:(
*pours bleach into the shallow end of the gene pool, muttering about sterilization*
It's ok, honey. Give it a few years and this shall right itself.
Crack whores and windshield cleaners have to come from somewhere.
[end sarcasm]
The fuck is wrong with her?! "Oh, please set me up to use me for my vaginal processes and uterus, and then when you're done and ready to get a little trophy wife to replace me, shove me out into the world for which I was too shallow to prepare myself, please! Thanks!"
So much for independence. Love NightBlossom
I was meant to visit Warwick Castle with my inlaws today (I am missing out on a fucking TREBUCHET people!), but my husband and I have contracted some kind of death virus that is affecting our stomachs. He spent ten minutes puking up without stopping last night before going to pass out on the bed.
I fared a little better. I am really dizzy and nauseous but, because of the diet, I have been eating like a bird. It seems to have kept me from losing my lunch and I am grateful in the extreme for that. Unfortunately my husband ate three tubs of popcorn at the cinema last night, then went on to eat pizza. Suffice it to say that he fared less well.
Today I predict a lot of lazing around with very little will to live. I would much rather be in New Orleans getting powdered sugar on my clothing and doing some quality sightseeing. I am happily living vicariously through your journals at the moment, especially Requiems. Requiem, you rock! Loving the frequent updates :D
Ockham found proof of this tonight. I need to be ready with the anti tank guns!
I felt, alternately, like the poor damned dog, and the gunner cat earlier this evening.
When you start thinking "If I punch that man REALLY HARD in the temple, he'll shut up and it'll be quieter" ... it's time to go away.
I usually quietly sit and wish for a crossbow. I have been out with my inlaws twice this week to a really nice restaurant that I normally love. Both times we have had rowdy crowds of inconsiderate bastards a couple of tables over. After having to lipread for the duration of the meal, I was ready to smash a glass bottle into their faces!
03:37 Aug 29 2008
Wow. I hope you're OK.
10:36 Aug 29 2008
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
19:21 Aug 29 2008
Hope you bounce back quickly!
01:09 Aug 30 2008
Get healthy or you're in for it missy!
(Seriously - get well, mama.)
06:11 Aug 30 2008
pipe filled me sorry, my heart. I love you and want you well ASAP
Don't forget that you have my cell number if you need me. You heal right up. I miss you so much.
06:36 Aug 31 2008
Many hugs to you.
I hope that your healing process is a quick one so that you can be up an at em, so to speak, soon.