Voices in the dark
Whispering soft and stark
Keeping me from dreams
Thrusting me into screams
Shattering my illusions
Ruining perfect delusions
Of a perfect world
Of a blissful world
Voices in the dark
Leaving a malicious mark
In the depths of my mind
Where no light has ever shined
Forever shadowed
A future foreshadowed
Visions of chaos
Even Satan would hate us
Voices in the dark
A crude remark
Of evil and malice
Of pandemonium's palace
Poeple dying in the streets
Falling under impossible feats
Arson, murder, rape
No one can escape
Voices in the dark
Telling of a slienced lark
Forever grounded
Into the dirt, it's song is pounded
Leaving silent air
Filling hearts with despair
No song, no hope
Are we able to cope?