ImageMaker's Journal

ImageMaker's Journal


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12 entries this month

Back to school

16:51 Jan 28 2009
Times Read: 644

I love college, I really do. Don't know why it took me so long to figure that out. I love teaching and I love learning. At this stage I'm doing a bit of both. I've often said I'd love to go to school until I die and get a degree in everything. Don't know why it took me so long to figure out that a career in college academics would fulfill the best of both worlds. Not that I'm gonna go around calling myself Professor ImageMaker, but I do enjoy subbing and teaching courses here and there.

It stimulates my creativity.



01:34 Feb 01 2009

I wish I were more like you- then, maybe I could make it out of ninth grade alive! lol


One of those days

19:00 Jan 22 2009
Times Read: 658

So I love wearing dresses over leggings. It's the best of both worlds, I get the comfort and flirtatiousness of a dress while retaining the freedom of movement of pants.

Now I buy leggings whenever I see them on sale, so I picked up a pair that was a brand I'd never tried before. Wore them to school today. I get out of the car and start walking and the damn things start rolling down! So I grab the band through my coat and dress and try to race to a private area where I can attend to the problem.

Find a nook, adjust the clothing and everything is great. Start walking again and the leggings stay put. Show up to class and start pacing as I lecture and what do you know there goes the leggings.

Now I can't just up and leave the class without being obvious so I inflict the class with a pop quiz. Race out while trying to inconspiculously hold on to the waist band of my pants. I duck into the bathroom and take the stupid things off. It's a little chilly to be going bare legged in an above the knee dress, but whatever, I can pull it off.

Class is done and I'm bent on getting home to change before I have to back at the school for another class.

I head out of the building and slip on the ice slide down the hill and through a bunch of people. Dress around my waist and my unds out there for the world to see.

Times like these there's nothing to do but curl up in a ball and laugh my ass off.

Oh lord the day is only halfway through. Hopefully it only gets better from here.



19:28 Jan 22 2009

heh another one who had a bad day, welcome to the club :)

00:16 Jan 23 2009


I have done that..

It sucks.

Never buy that brand again lol

what brand were they So I know to avoid them..

01:35 Feb 01 2009

Oi! Those kind of days make you want to dive under a mountain of blankets and not emerge for 2 days. Yes, you have to laugh your ass off about it or you'll go stark raving mad.

02:36 Feb 01 2009

Just remember, the other ppl probably've done a few worse! I know I hav! lol


Pity party's over

04:09 Jan 21 2009
Times Read: 664

So I was in a bit of a funk last night. Felt drank, sad and full of the poor me's. Thankfully that's out of my system.

Today's a good day. Discovered I'm better at Physics than I thought I'd be. Was worried this 30 somethin' brain wouldn't be up to learning a whole new set of information.

In fact it's so much fun I may just decide to become a Physics major. Huh, who woulda thunk?




The Blues

04:45 Jan 20 2009
Times Read: 674

Do you ever feel like no one's freakin' listing and no one freakin' cares? Oh of course you do, it's the human angst plague. Those bad days where life just isn't fair, you've got terrible hair, and you're falling through thin air. They'll pass, they always do, time stops for noone, but shit I'm blue.

A little drunk too.

*goes to cry in her beer*




Love is in the air...

03:09 Jan 19 2009
Times Read: 681

So twice in the last few months close friends of mine have met fell in love and gotten engaged. One of them is already married.

It's like there's something in the water. I'm gonna have to start buying bottled water.

Love birds everywhere. Yuk.



04:29 Jan 19 2009


00:34 Jan 20 2009

can you send me some of your water???


04:47 Jan 20 2009

Sure, I'll bottle up right away.

02:38 Feb 01 2009

Seriously, send me the water!


Cheap come ons

19:54 Jan 16 2009
Times Read: 690

So guys, since so far it has only been guys, what part of not into cyber do you have a problem understanding. Do you get off on being idiots talking dirty to girls who aren't into it?

Well just remember karma is a bitch and she always gets hers in the end.

Pathetic if you have nothing better to do than to try and talk dirty to people who just aren't interested.



10:24 Jan 17 2009

oh hunny...

I completely understand..

*grabs her M16A2 and her .50 CAL*

who we hunting hunny?




14:36 Jan 16 2009
Times Read: 693

TGIF people, TGIF! How sad am I? School back in session for just three days and I'm chomping at the bit for the weekend.

Typically I try not to wish my life away waiting for the weekend, but I have to tell you I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow morning and go out to breakfast with my kiddo and my bro. Catch a basketball game and raid the local thrift stores, are also on the agenda.

Have a good day all.





16:54 Jan 15 2009
Times Read: 714

We all have dreams, things we want to be when we grow up, even though we're already grown up and growing kids of our own. The times we say "one day I'll..." is beyond ken.

If we'd only persued it the first, second, third, any of those times we'd said it, how far we'd be by now.

It's time to quit making excuses, it's time to quit making time. Tomorrow will never come and it'll always be today, so don't wait.



23:42 Jan 15 2009

Yup! No time like the present, huh?


No more church home

15:14 Jan 14 2009
Times Read: 724

So my church, which I have loved, has come down with a new rule. If you hold a leadership position in the church, are on the worship team or otherwise involved in anyway other than just attending, you are not to be seen in a bar.

Now we live in a rural area, there is very little to do and most music is performed in bars. Personally I don't go out much, but when I do it's usually to hear a band play and that means going to a bar.

I don't think there's anything wrong with that, personally. I know my behavior isn't immoral and even if it was, that's between me and God, not me and the church.

So after a long time of being so happy in my spiritual home, I find myself having to leave. I can't bring myself to be affiliated with a church that participates in false doctrine or legalism. It represents everything I hate about organized religion.

Most sad.



15:32 Jan 14 2009

I hope you don't mind an outsider opinion.

I would continue to go to the church and argue the fact that there isn't anything wrong with bars in general. You aren't going to shame the church. You are going for personal enjoyment. So what if you are part of the face of the church? I've seen a lot worse happen than appearing at a bar for a few hours to enjoy a band or simply for group company.

As long as you aren't getting shitfaced drunk, beating people up, or screwing a hooker on the closest public table...what difference does it make?

15:32 Jan 14 2009

:( I wish you luck whereever it is you choose.

18:39 Jan 15 2009

"As long as you aren't getting shitfaced drunk, beating people up, or screwing a hooker on the closest public table...what difference does it make?"

You say that like those are BAD things...

19:31 Jan 15 2009

Ahh Sweety I am sorry, that truly sucks.

Perhaps if it brought up and they are willing to discuss the matter, maybe then something could be worked out..

but if not,

I truly am sorry hunny, I hope everything works out in the end for you lovely.

*hugs from your Keri Friend*

23:40 Jan 15 2009

So sad for you... but, I would have done the same thing. I wish you the best, hun..


ramblings about temptation

03:54 Jan 14 2009
Times Read: 732

There's something about her hair, her lips, her eyes. Something that makes me quiver deep inside. I love the breathlessness of the chase. The thrill of first contact and first kiss. To wrap myself around her and make her mine, now that my friends... would be just divine.

Wrong too, I suppose, I'm not built to last. My lust burns hot and fast, and then it's in the past. Some people can take it and some people can't. She's soft and sweet and made to love, and for some reason she wants to play with me. I can give her all the warnings and give her the full disclosure speech. But us girls know that's such a bunch of shit. You know when it means more to them than you and you know what you shouldn't do.

But what a cruel game of will power to refrain and not take.

Oh silly girls who want to fall in love, proceed with caution.




LSD - Lots of Sleep Deprevation

08:16 Jan 13 2009
Times Read: 734

Love the fuller phases of the moon, but darn it messes with my sleep. So here I am up too late at night messing around on the VR.




02:14 Jan 11 2009
Times Read: 738

Time passes, days pass, eternity in a casual glance. Casual encounters, caught up in a trance. Pain dull and throbbing on the corners of the light. Soft scent and graceful arms to hold me tight, but still I feel all alone tonight.



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