ImageMaker's Journal

ImageMaker's Journal


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7 entries this month

Super easy potato soup!

02:26 Dec 29 2010
Times Read: 549


a friend of mine told me this recipe and it absolutely rocks!

1 bag of frozen southern style hashbrowns (basically cubed potatoes)

1 box of swanson chicken broth

1 package of instant country gravy

1 chopped onion

1/2 tbsp of garlic salt

Boil potatoes in chicken broth with onions and garlic salt for twenty minutes. prepare instant gravy add to soup simmer for a minute or two. Season to taste. add your favorite toppings and call it george.




Sex and money...

02:28 Dec 27 2010
Times Read: 553

I wonder if trading sex for rent would be considered prostitution? And why is prostitution even illegal? Immoral... well that depends on your values, but why illegal? And sodomy? How does one regulate which hole the boy part finds? Who freaking cares anyway?

My mind is wandering a tad tonight...




Productive Day

22:48 Dec 08 2010
Times Read: 572

1. Move 200+ lb cherry entertainment Armoire across living room all by myself. - Check (thank you to Maria, Jason and their family for giving that to me)

2. Disassemble table outside in 30F weather - Check

3. Reassemble said table in bedroom to turn into a desk - Check

4. Make extra yummy chili - Check

5. Clean house and rearrange living room to set up Christmas stuff - Check (Thank you to Lisa, Sarah, and Karla for giving us all the lovely decorations.)

6. Decorate with said decorations - Pending

7. Flopping exhausted on the couch - commenced





17:52 Dec 08 2010
Times Read: 579

It's amazing how something as minor as a sore tooth can make your whole body feel like it's in a funk... I feel so exhausted and achy... all because I broke my stupid tooth, oh well, bring on the salt water.





01:47 Dec 07 2010
Times Read: 583

I came home to a mailbox full of Christmas Cards!!! Yay, VR!!!!





01:41 Dec 05 2010
Times Read: 604

I love how folks on here can use their journals for all manner of shenanigans but I try to use mine for something constructive like research to write better characters and I get crap for it. Lovely.




question for the guys...

19:19 Dec 02 2010
Times Read: 620

I am a woman, I understand how we work as much as it's possible to anyway, my female characters are strong and diverse as a result. However, I find that my male characters are a bit bland and weak. So maybe some of you guys can help me out.

How does love feel to you? If you're in love does your world revolve around that person? Is there a clear difference between love and lust for you?



23:40 Dec 02 2010

Men are pigs,, just very few will admit to it. ALL men. there are just different levels of how''piggish'' they are. I used to be a horrible pig. Now not so much. Love and lust used to be the very same thing. Now I see that there is a difference. I pray you find that which you seek,, and find a man who has matured past the "love and lust equill the same" point. I lost that which I loved and know I wont feel the same again. So, my child, may Goddess bless you with that which you seek

04:56 Dec 03 2010

I'm with NavajoStray on this one, must guys are total pigs, lucky for me I had a soulmate who helped me grow out of it and appreciate a woman for who and what she is.

13:21 Dec 03 2010

Just so we're clear I'm asking so that I can write better male characters, not because of any kind of need to find a man. I'm gay. I prefer women.

19:37 Dec 03 2010

smart girl, the answer is no, in my case it was like...so she loves me..no biggie, I'll love here for awhile or until something better comes along. And was little differance between love and lust.

03:04 Dec 05 2010

Picture it like this. Men are exactly the same as women except we care about sex more. If we're dignified men, we realize that it doesnt matter, but if we're the low life that the majority of the world sees us all as, we'll take it at any cost, anywhere, the more the work the more it's enjoyed.

13:57 Dec 06 2010

Not to disagree with the other males who have posted here but, I find in my life that there are just as many female pigs as there are male pigs.

I hear females say all the time, "Men only want one thing."

I wonder, what "one thing" are they talking about? If it is sex that they are referring to, that is pretty shallow thinking. Sex, as you may well know, isn't all that fantastic. And is certainly not worth all the fuss that Hollywood likes to make it out to be.

I will tell you this much, the very first time I had sex and all was said and done, the only thought I had was, "That's it? That's what all the fuss is about?"

I may never understand why people make such a fuss over it and the only real difference I see is women want it just as bad as men, they just are trained to hide that fact better.

As far as love is concerned...You must keep your identity. In that I mean, if your world revolves around the one which you claim to love, you may very well lose yourself.

I have been truly in love twice in my life and found that it is not wrong to want to keep your own personal identity.

There is a definite difference between love and lust. Lust, is wanting someone so badly that you're willing to have them at ANY cost.

Love, is wanting someone yet, you would give up what it is that you want most for their happiness and well being.

19:57 Dec 08 2010

I disagree with any statement that uses the phrase "all" Yes some men are "pigs" and only care about sex. This however greatly depends on their age and place in life. Younger men are usually more concerned with having sex with as many girls as possibly then older men are. I do agree with RZ that there are just as many females who are "pigs" as males; females just tend to hide it better. The prior experiences with girls will usually dictate just how a male will interact with a new female. If he has been hurt he will most likely be jaded and thus further the stereotype of a "pig."

As for your original question love from a males prospective is just as complex as from a females. Love cannot be defined by one person or one set of circumstances. For me love has caused me to do stupid things and put myself out there to be hurt. I have been hurt and my heart stepped on before as well, if it were just lust as some people say men are incapable of love, I would have felt nothing for the girl. Also for me is the want, no driven desire to protect her from everything, shelter her and give her everything to is to give in this world.

I hope that helps out a little. Any questions just let me know.

20:31 Dec 08 2010

Thank you all, this is great.

03:58 Dec 09 2010

Lust in my opinion is something I could do without, it never lasts as I prefer love. Love is something I feel I could never live without, just knowing that someone is there that I can share my life with makes it worth living. Lust in my view is for the childish and immature while love is something more real.

08:07 Dec 09 2010

When I was 14 I don't think I knew there was a difference, but as I grew older the edges began to form between them. Love and lust became separated as I went through my 30s, and realized it was not necessary to be in love with those whom I shared myself.

I think the love vs lust concept may be related to age and the wisdom to know the difference, still this may only be true in my own circumstances. What starts out as lust may become love with that special someone. I have learned elevating someone to be the centre of my solar system is a romantic delusion which leads to discord and misunderstanding.

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