1 entry this month
Hell of a Day
02:54 Jan 24 2006
Times Read: 734
today was certainly very interesting. yesterday i had a birthday party and everything and invited a couple people over. one of them which this whole thing started about is amber. she and my neighbor used to be freinds, not sure if they are anymore or not, but anyways. when i got up to school, my neighbor came over and started yelling at me about amber going over to her place because her parents would end up calling the cops on her about something that i dont know about. well, i was abit mad at her because for the past couple weeks it seemed to me like she hated me for some odd reason i didnt know about, so i yelled back at her and told her off and pushed her away. a minute later she came back yelling at me again and i pushed her away and yelled at her again and apparently i got her in the ribs with my elbow, but this time she had some freinds around her that started getting in my face, namely her boyfreind. well, for the rest of the time before we had to go to class (me iss), everybody left me alone while i took a seat and did my best to calm myself down. so i was sitting in iss reading then around 10 or so we took our bathroom break and one of her redneck freinds passing by in the hallway started getting up all in my face about how it aint right to hit a girl and everything and if i wanted to hit anybody to see him after school. so, then we went back to the iss room...2:00 comes around and we go out for our afternoon bathroom break. i see one of my freinds walking by and i say hi and she tells me that somebody was talking about jumping my girlfreind. there was no part in any of this in the morning where my girlfreind was involved except that i was standing by her. so that was pretty much torture to sit there for the next 50 minutes worried about what somebody was going to do to her. so then the senior dismissal call sounds, technically im not supposed to go out with the senior call even though im a senior because im in iss. the teacher started to say something about it but i cut him off and said 'you can call my teacher to send me down tomorrow morning. im not sitting here while somebody is talking about jumping my girlfreind.' and walked out. im out there waiting for the rest of the school to be dismissed and thankfully she walks over unharmed. as im standing there, that same redneck kid walks up to me and gets up in my face with 'dont you tell me to stfu and call me a fucking liar.' i just blew him off with a 'shut up.' at that point i walked my girlfreind over to her bus because a bus pulled up and we thought the busses are leaving and if anything happened i didnt want her to get caught in the middle of it. so, im on the bus and i get home, there was already a SPECTATOR'S car parked there. then im standing there with my sister and two freinds (spectators as well) for a few minutes, then two more trucks pull up with more people. those being spectators too. (kinda, if the fight broke out they were going against me. also i found out that one of them had a fucking gun with him, the fucking dickweed.) around this time one of my freinds was saying that he should have sold some tickets for this. a few minutes later the kid who was going to fight me showed up and started talking up all in my face. he pushed me a few times and i just stood there laughing. i wasnt going to fight him. the whole deal wasnt between me and him. finally around 3:50 or so my neighbor finally showed up (the one where this all started with) and sent the 20-odd kids home. they were all her freinds. much of a chance i would have stood if i actualy faught the kid. after everybody went home we finally talked it all out and shit got straightened out. today certainly was exciting.
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