I got these 2 girls that one day changed my life,I call them Shamrock and Siren
You keep me grounded and in check,you both put up with my incessant insanity and flirtations all in good humor,I love you girls with all my heart.
Some days are better than others,I messed up yesterday and not even realizing the effect it would have on you and even though you were mad as hell at me,you forgave me with explicit instructions of not doing this again.I just wanted you to see my point,maybe I went extreme,maybe not,but now you understand.I love you Ker,my beautiful Siren
Erin is my best friend,I have never in my life met someone who has totally in a brief time made me feel as comfortable as she has,you let me be me and then you tell me to behave..lol..Your beautiful and a crazy smart ass,remember..look out your window and see me walk on water.I'll be the short one holding a Shamrock.
Thank you for your kind words. I do come from a different era. I'm old and set in my ways.
Forgive me for expressing some envy in your relationship. Finding that one special someone is truly a miracle. I envy you both. From what little I have seen, you are both remarkable people. Don't ever forget that, and never let go.
I know; the last thing you need is a lecture from some old goat who doesn't know you. OK, lecture over.
On 14:54:37 Mar 05 2009 (-0 GMT) IcyRayne wrote:
Your profile is admirable,your very honorable,kinda took me backwards a bit.I can say finally someone's profile is the true epitome of Honor in America.(which is a rarity,I have met only one other person,my girl Keri..aka NocturnalMistress.)
Lol hellooooooooo lil lady, come here often? ;)
16:14 Mar 27 2009
awwww teheheee...
I would laugh if I saw you walk on water with a shamrock running towards Erin hehe
you two.. are most definitely the BEST.
tis why I loves you too =]
Khaos Triplets wo0t w0ot
(and mehhhh I get mad but it goes away quickly I dont know how to "stay mad" lol)
16:15 Mar 27 2009
I meant to write "two" not "too"
gah spelling error *slams head off of bed post*
15:12 Apr 30 2009
"we must summon, the magic... niiiinja"
Awwww that was so sweet *hugs* You're awesome, Anderson :)
I am so not a smart ass 0=)