ok apparently there are three people stalking me and its driving me crazy...i wannna know who thery are!!!!!!!
well since i last wrote in this thing some things have happened. first my car got repoed which didnt help matters at all. they didnt even warn me that they were coming. i meen i knew i was behind on a few payments but it would have been nice to have been informed.
im still unemployed. and it sucks ass. i hope noone has to go through this. its not just that im jobless, its that my sister has a job and im reminded about this on a daly basis. i do get a check each month but it only goes so far. i pay as much on the rent groceries and electric as i can and mostly afterwards has no money left. my sister always talks about how she has to pay most of everything like shes rubbing it in my face and it makes me feel worse and worse all the time cause a cant help as much as i would like to.
my boyfriend moved out cause he and my sister dont get along very well and now i barley get to talk to or see him. its driving me insane.
other than that im at home trying to keep things tidied up but im bored as hell. theres nothing to do and nowhere to go. and if there was id have no way of getting there. lol well hey things can only get better right.
you see i dont have an eventful life. i dont have to go through as much hardship as some people do. i try not to complain just vent one good time and im done.
also i havent been able to watch t.n.a wrestling in a few months. the last thing i remember is sting coming back and beating jeff hardy at a apy per view. so if anyone can update me ill apprecaite it