5 entries this month
20:29 Oct 31 2012
Times Read: 457
Getting a call from the school nurse is a scary thing. I may have panicked for just a moment before she started harassing me.
My answers went something like this..
Yes she has a heart condition. It's documented in her file.
Yes, you have a note from her cardiologist, it's in her file.
Yes, she can participate in P.E. and if she couldn't finish the running its because she has a heart condition and knows to self limit.
Yes, she knows she has a heart condition and when to slow down.
The name of her cardiologist is in her file. The one your looking at.
Yes, she's allergic to milk.... It's in her file.
Do you have her file?
Yes there is a note in her file about the milk. (How else would you know).
No... I'm not filling out the school approved form letter or taking it to her Dr. There is already a note from her Dr. in her file.
Then the nurse said she would need her medical records. I'm not sure this is legal. I think my child has a right to medical privacy. Everything the school needs to know is documented by her Dr.'s.
The whole thing just annoyed the hell out of me. She's in second grade, not applying to military to be a jet pilot. She is fully aware of when her heart is beating too fast or she has shortness of breath. If she informed her teacher that she needed to sit down for a minute you would think the teacher might say ok since she too has already been given a note this year from the Dr. If your making her run... her heart might get to beating too fast. It's not hard to understand.
Last year I got three calls about her not having her shots. Three times I had to drive to the school and show her on the paper that she already had a copy of in her hand that her shots were indeed current. And the milk form requires me to pay a copay to see her regular Dr. as well as a form fee. These things add up quick and they want me to do this every year? This is her third year at this school... You'd think they might have their shit together by now.
20:05 Oct 31 2012
Times Read: 458
Burning e pumpkin seeds is just sad.... Must run out and buy another pumpkin!
15:12 Oct 31 2012
Times Read: 467
I am not loving Halloween. I was sooooo excited as I scooted out the door this morning to pick up the supplies for our party. I found all the shades of blue and green tulle and picked up the food. I knew I had a huge day ahead of me but hey... This whole party has been a last minute thing a I multitask with ease.
I started laying out the tulle for my tutu and naturally a tripped over a pile of it and ended up falling, scissors in hand. I didn't have the big fiskars (which I later switched to) no, I had those super sharp pointy scrap booking scissors. Two inches from my eye. I was so scared I don't think I noticed initially that my ankle was shooting pain all the way to my hairline. I hobbled about and then worked on my gorgeous tutu while sitting squarely on my bottom.
I was almost done tying it on when I heard the loudest crack and watched two huge shelves of canned food empty out into my hallway. It just kept piling out and I was almost ready to cry. But when I stood up to go investigate it became so impossible to walk. I pulled up the leg of my pants and my ankle was sporting a golf ball sized lump. It didn't really hurt to sit but standing... Holy hell. I thought maybe I should go get an X-ray but now I had a new mess to deal with, besides the huge list of things I need to accomplish by tomorrow. Look up! Is that a knee? Nooooo. It's my bulging ankle.
I called my sister in law and she laughed and told me to stop whining... She would come help me after work. I called my daughter but she wasn't having anything to do with me.
I called my cousin... No dice. There is no way I can get this all done by tomorrow and have clean floors as well. No way.
Moving on the the chex mix... I make the best ya know! Today, however I'm short on time so instead of cooking it in the oven like I always do, I tried the microwave. Six minutes, the recipe said. I stirred every two but the first batch ended up somewhat burned. More crying.
I picked out the really burned pieces and just kept going. I cubed the cheese and the summer sausage. I cut up all the veggies. My sister and law texted me to see if I still needed help and I said no. I know she's going to the tattoo convention tonight and honestly, I knew my husband would be home in a couple hours.
Not even two minutes after I declined her help... The husband called to say he has to close up tonight and will be four hours late. I'm not even kidding. I told him about my ankle hoping for some pity and an excuse to get him home and all he said was " call 911 if its broken... Do you want me to call for you?" Thank god he wasn't here or Imight have chucked some of those cans laying in the hallway at his head. My golf ball now looks more like an orange and I will be the party girl with cankles ( well... Cankle, only one is swollen). Cry.
I moved on to the candy apples and with a wariness. Boiling sugar while standing like a flamingo on my one good foot. The apples came out lovely and I crossed myself twice for no mishaps. No, I'm not catholic but there must have been an angel on my shoulder since I didn't pour the whole mess down the front of my pants.
My daughter called again to tell me she was taking Breezy to Olive Garden and what should she order. I almost hung up. Breezy can in fact read and has had every menu memorized since she was old enough to choose her own food. I almost thought for just a second that she was calling to tell me she would help me out.
Hahahahahaha. I imagine she will have to bring her sister home since her dad is working late and there is no chance in hell I'm driving over there. This will be fussed about like she's done me a huge favor. Cry a little more... It's ok.
So.... I'm sitting on the bed icing the stupid ankle and waiting for some of the swelling to go down so I can finish the kitchen and get the floors done. I hate everyone right now. Not my sister in law... She's awesome. Everyone else can kiss my ass. There will be no Jell-O shots, goody bags and the pumpkins probably won't even get carved. This is Halloween and just likei say every year... I am Never having another party.
.......well, it's after 11 and he's still not home. My hallway is still a canned food obstacle course and the swelling has gone down and been replaced with a pinking color. I think this is the beginning of some bruising. I'm kind of hoping for a bluish green to match my awesome costume tomorrow night.
Anna offered to come over early and help me tomorrow. I'm so glad I didn't go all psycho mom on her when she dropped Breezy off. Maybe she will bring her boyfriend to carve my pumpkins. Where's my silver lining? Oh, I mean my silver shower curtain? That was supposed to become part of my Lady of the Lake costume for tomorrow but my tutu came out more like a bustle so I don't want to cover it up. It's huge!
I'm definitely feeling better. The Caramel corn keeps calling to me. Everyone should make caramel popcorn from scratch. It makes the house smell like Christmas. The boy just called to tell me about his fourteen hour day... Whoopee. Joy. and a happy happy fuck you sir!
00:02 Oct 16 2012
Times Read: 482
It's like Christmas. Ten zillion journal entries to read. I've missed this place. I deleted most everything. New beginnings are good. Being so long without a Facebook, twitter or any of that other fun stuff can be a great lesson. I realized I wasn't as important as I thought I was. The world didn't end because I opted out. I had long quiet months and now... Well, I just miss seeing what's going on in people's lives. It looks like there have been some changes around here. Yay :)
07:26 Oct 15 2012
Times Read: 495
Let's do this again!
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20:39 Oct 31 2012
Unfortunately I now how this feels and my son's not even in first grade yet, people like that at times I wish it was legal to shoot. I don't get why they have you fill out all the paper work and then act like there was never any information filled out for them. Sorry to hear that you had to deal with this.
22:41 Oct 31 2012
I actually just came from the school after a meeting with the nurse. It's amazing how much nicer they are when your sitting across the desk from them. I even brought my hi lighter just in case she needed me to highlight all the pertinent information. Maybe some parents can't be bothered but I am my daughters advocate and now I can safely say she will have a better disposition when dealing with me. What I didn't know before our meeting is how many parents refuse to interact with the school concerning their children's medical needs. Now I can see that she deals with those kind of parents all day. I can't imagine her job is easy but I'm glad we had our talk.
00:51 Nov 01 2012
I'm happy to hear everything worked out.