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It's summer, and i'm happy. I love this time of year, i can do more, and get out more often rhan any other time of year. This summer, i want a new love in my life, and i hope i find he, or she, it dosesn't matter, i love both genders equally.
Great time of year to rock out hard and loud, great season to write too, and i did find a love in my life, the only thing is it didn't work out, for either of us. But, i do now have a love partner in my life and it's special for both of us.
07:18 Oct 09 2016
Great time of year to rock out hard and loud, great season to write too, and i did find a love in my life, the only thing is it didn't work out, for either of us. But, i do now have a love partner in my life and it's special for both of us.