Me, Eli, and Cassy decided to take a trip to West Virgina. It sounded like a good idea we would take a road trip to see Eli's family.
So anyways we start our trip about lest say 5:00pm on friday. We hustle on down the road in Eli's two door Cutlass with noting but our clothes and enthusiasm.
It wasnt until our third hour of driving did i regret the decsion to come. It was getting quite cramp in the backseat with me and Rosco(Eli's dog) and all our stuff. I didnt really mind the discomfort so i tride to make the best of it and go to sleep.
Then it happend the car overheated. So here we are stuck in some backwoods town in Virgina with a broke car and no phone. I know what your thinking scary movie right. But luckly we got Eli's mom to come help us fix the car. She gave it some water and told us it would be alright, and we took her word for it (none of us knew shit about cars).
So once agin we were on our mary way. When all the sudden the car breaks down and it even worse now its spraying water and everthing. So we got off the highway and pulled into an all night store. We told the lady what was up and she let us sit there unitl we got everthing straight. So Eli calls his dad and he tells us that he is on his way.