HellChildDami's Journal

HellChildDami's Journal


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5 entries this month

Quizie Time ~ LOL~ Only Two this time

17:50 Jul 14 2005
Times Read: 768

The True You
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed.
With respect to money, you spend carefully and save your pennies.
You think good luck might come your way, but if it does you'll be so surprised you'll burst out laughing.
The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort.
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked.
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match.

Your Deadly Sins

Lust: 60%

Envy: 40%

Gluttony: 40%

Greed: 40%

Sloth: 40%

Pride: 0%

Wrath: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 31%

You'll die while in the throws of passion - the best way to go.





08:14 Jul 07 2005
Times Read: 782

Yes I'm whining so don't read it if you don't want to ..

I hurt so bad I could literally break down in tears right now.

Not just from the pain, though that is the biggest reason, but from the frustration .. I've dealt with pain literally ALL my life, not just my "adult" life, but from the day I was born, pure physical pain .. and it's not anything that's easy for a person to describe .. have you ever tried to explain your pain to someone and they say they know or they understand when truly you know that can't possibly because we all feel pain differently?

I'm frustrated because all the ways I used to deal with the pain when I was younger don't work, because the pain is too intense. And it's not a sharp stabbing pain, or a throbbing blood beating kind of pain .. it's not needle like pain, and it's not just in one area either... it's through my whole body, the only that really isn't in pain for the most part is my arms .. but even then some days my wrists and hands begin to hurt from the Carpel Tunnel ...

I'm frustrated too because there is absolutely nothing that any doctor can really do for me, save prescribe some heavy drugs .. at my age, I don't wish to be taking heavy drugs that I know I will just end up having to take the rest of my life .. if I start with one now, they in time, will only get stronger .. who wants to live the rest of their life doped up slowly having their mind destroyed by drugs ... I certainly don't

I want to cry because I hurt physically so badly that it effects my mental state of mind .. I want to cry because I know I will eventually have to either cut back my hours or do something like work two part time jobs with a lot of time in-between them just to recoup .. and that only drains me even more so ... I want to cry because I can't even afford to be seeing a doctor or something to try and do something to ease the pain ... I want to cry because I have no one to hold me to comfort me when I am hurting this much ... hard for someone to believe that just the mere arms of someone close, someone you love is holding you is enough to ease your mind, in turn then allowing your body to relax so that the muscles can un-wind and loosen up ..

That is my daily fight .. one that I will never win ... I believe that there is in all of us something that we fight daily knowing we can never win it ...





15:39 Jul 05 2005
Times Read: 787

Part Freaky Kisser

When you kiss, you want to experience something new

A new technique, a new partner, a new piercing...

And your own personal kissing style is very unpredictable

There's no saying where your tongue or hands will go
Part Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity

You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off

And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave

When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable




Space Ghost ~ My Hero ~ ROFLMFAO

09:21 Jul 04 2005
Times Read: 796

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I have no idea why .. but I love this show ... I think most times it's totally fucking hilerous ... I thought that it wasn't on anymore ... but I was babysitting for my sister again tonight and well once the kids go to bed there isn't a whole lot to do ... so I was flipping the chanels and inbetween watching Helter Skelter I was flipping back to Adult Swim ... and I found out that Space Ghost is indeed on still ... YAY!!!

This is a clip from tonights (Sunday) episode ...

Space Ghost

Here is another show ...

Space Ghost 2




Famous last name ~ Yet I'm broker then broke

00:20 Jul 01 2005
Times Read: 764

Well I was gonna write something last night about my job but I was too tired, sore and a bit peeved. But I figured this morning when I got up I should just shut up and deal with it because it's a job finally, I need it and I'll just see how things go. Well I got to work this morning at about 6:35 or so and waited till 7:00 to punch in. then I went looking for my lead (the person who's supposed to train me (like I need it, I did this same job at one of the other Wally World's I worked at, but this store is different so they do it different ... hence being trained by a lead. Well no sooner had I punched in really and I was ready to leave, and about did ... Because first I was still a bit peeved that they hadn't told me everything about the job to begin with or I wouldn’t have taken the job .. then the ones going to the warehouse friggin left without telling me .. and later said that they didn't know I was going over there ... duh!! it's my job isn't it?? Then my lead was late, she called in and no one told me till I had walked the back room like 6 times trying to find her, and those of you that know Wally World, know how big the stores are .. this one is as big as a Super Wal-Mart but isn't one. Then they put me out on the floor to tear plastic off the racks .. I was like this is BS! I called the other Wally World I had applied to and he said he was trying to get my references verified. .. all this time and he couldn't do that .... so I went back to the office and my immediate super was in so I told her I needed to talk to her. I told her what I thought about them not telling me everything about the warehouse not having air, and it being like 3 (big city) blocks away and all this other crap and I told her I said you need to let people know these things. I wouldn't have accepted the job and sought something else. She agreed that they should have. So she said that she would find me somewhere else to work in, and asked me where I'd like to move to. Since I had originally applied for registers to begin with, she moved me there. I trained with two ladies the rest of the day and tomorrow I work 8 to 5 and I train with someone else. then Friday on I work afternoon/evening hours from then on ... Which is a good thing as I'm up most all night and prefer to sleep in the day. The latest I'll be working is like 11:30 or so. Plus traffic that late will be nothing, as it's close to a 45 to hour long drive to get too and from right now due to me driving toward Chicago during rush hour. I've been trying to get on registers since I was at my first Wally World 2 years ago almost, but they kept giving me the run around I think it was because of how I dress. Mind you I don't dress overly punk/goth/whatever you wanna "label" it as, but I do wear all black, I do have pretty wild spikey hair, I do wear lots of silver crosses, skulls, things like that. So I broke down and I dressed really nice for my interviews and the last few days .. in a few more I'll dress more like me again ... it really sucks when ya gotta look a certain way in order to get a job somewhere but I guess that's life. But this Wally World is cool, they don't make people take their lip or tongue rings out, and they haven't said anything about my brow ring and cross. ... hell a colored girl there has her hair fire engin red for crying out loud ... it rocks!!!! I'm thinking of doing mine blue or green or purple like that LOL have been for awhile. So far ALL of the people I've met and talked to there have been great. Oh and they just love my last name ... they all wanna know if I related to a poker player of the same last name hehehehhe Oh how I wish .. hell I wouldn't mind being related to a certain actor or actress that has the same maiden name as I do ROFLMFAO famous last names and I'm so broke I can't pay attention, I'm broker then broke. I'm so broke you have ta sweep me up with a broom ...



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