No matter how bad a day, it seems that there is always someone here that can some how brighten it up.
So I guess here I go ... I'm gonna jump on the Daire Bandwagon >;^} MMUUWWAAHHAA
Gee if too many more people do this Daire's reputation for Resident Billy Bad Ass is gonna go right down the TOILET *wink wink* if you don't get that, well that's just too bad...
What you see next is an exchange of wits with the man ... ROFLMAO
I do believe I feel a might better having gotten that off my chest ... I think I should do that more often, I believe that I will ... I haven't wrote much here because at first I wasn't sure I wanted to share what was inside me to anyone, only certain people who really know me. But I guess that at times I can be a bit whiny like everyone else, so rather then whiny to everyone I'll just write in here. I used to keep a hand written journal, but that kinda fell by the way side, so let's see what happens here. I will alos be adding more to the rest of this here journal, so if you actually mange to read through all my rants and on to my poems / songs and the beginning of my stories (which eventually I'll finish the one I started) you'll find that I'm truly not a bitch, but there are certain things that I do bitch about. You're welcome to come back anytime ... thank's for bending me your ear....
These are my personal thoughts and opinion, having said that, if I piss you off, well I really don't give a shit anymore....
Ok this is a biggy for me ... maybe I'm just whining but I don't care ... WHAT IS SO GOD DAMN HARD ABOUT READING FAQ'S? Why is it so fucking difficult for people to take a NICE SUBTLE hint???? HHHMMMM??? You try to be nice, you don't say anything at first, you just subtly bump and grind Moreish's forum post to the front of the line each time some idiot posts a stupid forum ... now be friggin real people, some of those damn threads are stupid and idiotic ... Use so damn common sense .. hell it's spelled right out for you ... yes it's a "General Forum" but damn it use your head won't you please? You are on VAMPIRE RAVE!!!! IE.. the conjoined group of people having one major like in common, VAMPIRES .. HELLO!!! When it's spelled right out for you in the FAQ's, and then low and behold it's actually posted in THREAD form right there in black and white ... exactly what it says in the FAQ's??? I don't get it, are you blind, are you stupid, what?, What is it? Maybe I'm just missing something here. Don't give me that crap about people being young, I was young once too, and even I wasn't that idiotic. That's just plan think you're Billy Bad Ass once again, thinking you don't have to follow rules or use any common sense what so ever ... Well here's a little tip, some advice ... better learn how to follow the rules, and use your common senses now kiddies. Because once you GROW UP and get out there in the REAL WORLD ... how far do you think the Billy Bad Ass attitude will get you??? I'll give you a hint, it's surly not as far as you think it will ....
These are my personal thoughts and opinion, having said that, if I piss you off, well sorry...
I know my spelling isn't the greatest, most of the time it's just general type-o's that I miss as I'm typing. Which I have this thing, I CAN'T STAND WHEN I TYPE-O!!!!! GGRRRR I get so frustrated. I HAVE to go back and correct them right then and there, before I continue on. And usually if I'm typing something and I can't get a word spelled right I'll open up my "Word" program and type it in there and check it ... that's my gripe ... most computers now a days come built in with some sort of "Word" program, so it takes all of like 30 seconds to a minute to double check a word.
What kills me and makes me want to rip my hair out?? (and if you've looked at my pictures in my portfolio you'll see I don't have much hair anymore, but it's growing back) But any way's, what kills me is the little punk fuck nuts who try to act all cool, while saying "I can't stand stereo-types", you sit there and type words like you say them slang street style.
Ahh Duh!!! *smacks forehead*
Do you know how fucking stupid you not only look but sound when you do that.
Oh and then you sit there and bitch because you claim that you’re older in mind then you are in years.... Jesus Christ ... if you want to be taken seriously??!!?? Then by God learn how to speak, write, and type in proper English. And while you’re at it, learn how to use spell check.
This is in no way geared towards those of you who English is your secondary language, I know and understand that words translated from you’re language to English are different.
These are my personal thoughts and opinions, having said that, if I piss you off, well sorry...
I am so sick and tired of people being so friggin lazy when they join that they can't even take 5 or 10 minutes to say a little something about themselves. Or when they do they have this whole stupid cocky attitude. Makes me just want to walk up to them and slap the dog piss out of them. Oh yeah life sucks, it sucks for a lot of people in a lot of ways .. so here's a tip knock it off with the attitude, ohhh so you’re Billy Bad Ass, well here's a size 6 1/2 Billy Bad Ass, yeah i said 6 1/2 laugh all you want but while you’re picking your teeth off the ground realize that people come here to get to know other people, to make new friends. You say you’re here to do the same, well then by God act like a friggin human being and show a little respect for your self. Then maybe you might make a few friends, people might actually be interested in saying Hi.
This is the first time I've really used my journal to share anything like this ...
Well tonight as I was sitting here talking to some people on yahoo, when my cousin popped up. Well I got some rather sad news tonight. My cousin, her brother, has had Diabeties all his life basically, and the last few years he's gotten really bad. He's been on 6 hours of dialisis (sp?) a day. Well I just found out that they've had to cut him back to 3 hours every other day, but his kidney's and liver are failing badly. His body is slowly rejecting everything. He contracted a staph infection from the port in his neck and it has travled all through his blood stream. He's taking anti-biotics for it but it's really bad, and he may not recover from it. He's nearly died twice now in the last 3 weeks, and his younger brother flew out to see him and has said that he is all black and blue all over his body, and that his skin tone is very, very grey, that he looks to be 70 years old. And my cousin is only 48. I haven't seen him in probably close to 15 years, I had always hoped that I would be able to go out and see him again, but that's not looking possible. My Grandmother, who has always been very close to all of us; well she has conjenative heart failure and is slowly slipping from us. She's 90 years old and lived a long healthy life, but news like this will hurt her. But we can't keep it from her, because of how close she has always been to all of us. It wouldn't be right.
I'm just kinda down and really sad right now. I know there's nothing I can do for either one, it just hurts to know that I can't and that life must go on.