The life of a child is precious to say the least. But when it is suddenly cut short by a black demon it is tragic. To know that the Death Angels can come and take the hand of a child and walk away with them without remorse is scary. It is said that things happen for a reason. What could the Death Angels possibly need with a child who had only reached 11 years? One not innocent to say the least, this child he was a hellion on wheels; yet he was angelic in his own ways. An older brother of one, he was blonde haired, and yes blue eyed. Short for his age, and skinny. What could the Death Angels need from this child that they did not already have from anyone else? Strange how an ear ache can reveal so much, he died of a tumor not known. I was once a believer of Heaven Vs. Hell, God vs. Satan; archangels vs. demons. Now, I know not what my heart believes ... before this I questioned many things, now I question more. What would the Death Angels want with an 11 year old boy who had givin his life to Christ? Why would they take him from his home and family, blood and church? My church family I know and love. Why? That is all I can ask ... as the tears flow down my face.
My heart and mind ache right now, today is not a good day for me. I want to cry, and scream and curse the God or God's and yet strangely I can't because I know not what to believe. I only know that I am sad and my heart hurts for a child and his family. Today is not a good day ... It is ironic to somehow that I received this email today, last night I couldn’t sleep, and something came to mind, so I sat here in silence and began to write. Look in the poetry section if you haven’t already, and you will see Death Of A Child... I’m just a little lost now, lonely and confused, too much on my mind, to many feelings running through me ...
You must read bottom to top, obviously. And obviously I have taken all refrence to this person's being away ... so just enjoy the conversation .. >;^} LOL
--- HellChildDami wrote ---
No hon, it's not nasty, just something to expierence with someone you truly care deeply about and love .. on day you will see ...
--- person wrote ---
--- HellChildDami wrote ---
Well there is nothing wrong with any of those positions, my favorite would be doggy style, there's alot that can be done that way, not to mention it can go a little wild too .. but I think the most sensual way to make love is on sides guy behind the girl. The most loving way would be missionary, looking in the persons eyes throughout, and kissing, nibbling ..
--- person wrote ---
ive had the sex, no table or wall though.
Ehm as for positions ive done it missionary, doggystyle, some kind of sideways thing and girl on top, and thats it. And no weird places, just my house.
--- On 20:08:10 - Apr 26 2005 - HellChildDami wrote ---
And who exactly is having this table and wall sex??? You? ... somehow I have a hard time picturing you have sex on a table .. against the wall .. well now maybe I can picture that a bit better ...
Ok since we're on the topic .. have you, or where is the most unusual place or position you had sex?
--- person wrote ---
It is exactly that simple which is what makes it so funny.
--- On 20:00:35 - Apr 26 2005 - HellChildDami wrote ---
Really, and what exactly then would be wall and table sex? please tell me it's not so obvious as to simply mean sex standing against a wall or on a table LOL
--- person wrote ---
lol i have a joke with someone about "wall sex" and "table sex".
--- On 19:54:22 - Apr 26 2005 - HellChildDami wrote ---
Not always, really I prefer to make love with a man on a "regular" basis, well like when I'm in a relationship with someone, which mind you has not been alot.... and to I guess , spice things up now and again doing something a little "off the wall"
--- person wrote ---
"make love" lol......yeahhhhh somehow i dont picture you as the crafts person, you are more hardcore stuff im guessing.
--- On 19:45:36 - Apr 26 2005 - HellChildDami wrote ---
No now that's not fair. I love walking in the rain late at night. In Georgia even on some rainy nights the sky is pretty clear. I've laid in the fields while it's raining.
But in order for the clothes to dry when we find shelter, it's best to take them off, and if possible build a small fire and let them dry infront of it. So of course when you do that you tend to get a bit chilled, and what better way to warm each other up the to make love by a warm fire LOL
--- person wrote ---
You just want the sex, you dont want to walk at all.
--- On 19:37:26 - Apr 26 2005 - HellChildDami wrote ---
ROFLMAO ... Well now a nice walk in the rain isn't too bad, we could go off and find some shelter somewhere and then dry off a bit before we head back *wink wink*
--- person wrote ---
Go where? Its raining out and its after 1am.
--- On 19:30:52 - Apr 26 2005 - HellChildDami wrote ---
*perks* OH really, hmmmmmm .. Oh you do so not want to go there ... LOL heheeh
Uhmm well unless you really do .. then uhmm well I can LOL
--- person wrote ---
Its ok i can HANDLE HARD THINGS just fine.
--- On 19:24:20 - Apr 26 2005 - HellChildDami wrote ---
LMAO you know what I mean ... hehehe
Usually it far and few between that you say something like that, but here the last week or so ... LMAO ... I'm just giving you a HARD time anyways LOL
--- person wrote ---
i think thats the third time i ever mentioned it.
--- On 19:19:54 - Apr 26 2005 - HellChildDami wrote ---
Hey ya know, they say you can get hairy palms by doing that. That's why it's always best to have a femal companion to help you with that task LMAO
Ok so what's up with all the porn inuendos in your messages LOL
--- person wrote ---
watching hardcore porn and jerking off
--- On 19:17:19 - Apr 26 2005 - HellChildDami wrote ---
Ok, i can do that.
So what are you up to now?
Ok so the two don't necessarily go together ...
I'm fixin to tell ya's a lill story about a man named Jed .. Er'k so naw I'm really not, jus gunna tell ya's a bit 'bout that there conver-sa-tion that I hads me early on this here mornin' ... Nows things is either don right funny at 3:turdy in the mornin, or we's was just a but outta r minds folks. I's a talkin to a friend a mine and we got to gigglin like little skool gurrls on that there playground over yonder .. and I swear by golly I ain't nevea laughed so hard in right on 5 yers, or since the las time I was stoned outta my gourd. Ummm hmmm .. I jus killed a man .. I kin jus magine what it'd be like talkin ta this person flyin' high ... I's damn near cryin big croc tears ....
Ok Southern lingo has got to be one of the hardest to write. ROFLMAO
There really is a point to this here entry, so I'll get on ta it ... LOL
Well after we kind of settled down a bit and we were talking my friend started telling me about tattoos and artist, and they introduced me to one that I have never seen his work. Now I love to look art, I can write, but I sure can not paint or draw worth a squat. But I love to look at art and imagine what the artist was thinking or feeling at the time. So as my friend knew I would, at 4:30 or so in the morning I went back online and looked up an artist by the name of Michael Parkes. I was in awe ... of the many different sites I went to to see his different works, these pieces are my favorites ... I can only dream of affording art like this ... damn I wish my lotto numbers would come in LMAO So without saying anymore, meaning I shall shut up now and let the artist speak .....
I found a picture of your house in Georgia on the internet.
I was serp...sirpr...serpriz...shokd to see it, but yep it was thar.
I am a bitch, I make men cry, I make them laugh, I make them .. well you know .. but mostly I make them cry. I don't deserve anyone, but then again how many people say that... Uhm.. let's see, just about everyone. I have an ex - husband I can’t even make an ex because I can't afford the filing fee's. And he is too friggin .. I don't know what .. stubborn, lonely, what I don’t know to let me go. He has the means to end it, he can file the papers .. but will he?? NOOOOOO he won't. He hangs on, hoping I'll return. But I can't, I can't return to the life I was living. Staring at four walls, running to the mail box everyday before the mail man even got there, getting my hopes up there would be a letter coming, only to be let down when yet again there was nothing. Or when there is something, only for it to be a letter accusing me of being out and about drinking, smoking dope, hanging around men, for Christ sake being out right accused of having another man living in my home, my bed. I lived a Christian life there. I read my bible, I went to church, I was INVOLVED in my church .. I had witness's there to see how I lived. Hell I wouldn't even go to the movies with female friends of mine for fear it would be taken the wrong way. But did I get anything for that, any credit for living a life true to my husband. A man who I might add was sent to prison 4 months into the relationship. Who I bent over backwards trying to prove that I was there for him, who I let rant and cry and tell everything that he was feeling and going through in there. A man whom I stupidly married 2 ½ years into the relationship WHILE he was in prison, a man who in the end believed a 350+ pound woman telling him lies all along over me, the one who within the same letter could tell me oh how much he loved me, and how he'd kill himself or die if anything ever happened to me. Who claimed to believe me and trust me with his life and then two sentences later accuse me of shaking up with someone. Talk about a fuckin yo-yo, I swear I don't know how I managed to survive with my emotions and mind constantly going up and down. Oh wait yeah I remember now .. I stupidly trusted in people, confided in them, only to have everything I talked about turned completely against me with this guy. And at the time when I needed his support, his love, his comfort the most, you know what I got? I got shit, I got nothing but whining because I wasn't writing, because I couldn't take his $10 for 15 minute calls, bitching because I wasn't there for him. When at this point I had Carpel Tunnel so bad in my wrists, I had to cut back on my work hours, I couldn't even drive a fucking car with out crying. and he's bitching because I'm not sitting on the computer typing him even a 4 word letter.. WTF is that, yeah baby thanks for the love, thanks for the caring, thanks for the understanding, thanks for being there for me when I needed you most... So I had enough, I left. He knew I would, he knew he was driving me away. So then, WHY THE FUCK WON'T HE LET ME FUCKING GO????? Why is it that I can't ever find someone for me for once? Am I being selfish? Yeah I am and God Dammit it's about fucking time .. so why do I make them cry, when I just need to be me for a while? Why do I hurt them? Why do I hurt? ~ Oh I may add more to this later, but for now, I'll shut up and stop whining .. Maybe now that' it's out I can move o? Yeah right, maybe pigs will fly sometime in my life too..........