Welp, no better time than being in a self-quarantine to return to VR. :) How are you guys all doing? Ohio's officially ordered to stay at home effective tonight at 11:59PM until Monday, April 6th. I'm already on Day 6 of quarantine because I have asthma and am susceptible to contracting COVID-19. The first few days were rough on my anxiety, but I've been keeping busy in different ways. My husband is home too, so we're making sure we give each other space when needed but will always spend some time together throughout the day. We're both introverts anyway so staying home isn't too hard for us; but my anxiety makes me feel cooped up easily. Luckily we're still able to go outside - I just need it to stop raining!
Are any of you guys on quarantine or in lockdown mode? Are you all stocked up on food and supplies for a couple of weeks? Hope you're doing well!
18:02 Mar 23 2020
Coronavirus in Romania: Number of infection cases hits 433, two dead, 64 recovered. That is the latest here. But, we know thing will change. This is from my journal. I’ve been there, experiencing EXTREMELY unhelpful preoccupied thoughts that induce a state of discomfort (such as anxiety, sadness, or frustration). To change how you feel takes WORK. Lol ALL CAPS LOCK KIND OF WORK. What I’m about to say may seem odd, but I do this often. SPEAK OUT LOUD TO YOURSELF, and talk yourself out of your thought process. Lol obviously you don’t want to do this in public, so in those cases I write to myself on my notepad app (kind of like journaling). Create a new perspective and talk yourself out of your original one. Things to consider: 1) Can you do anything to change this circumstance NOW? If not, acknowledge that. 2) Do you know 100% that your thoughts are true? Is there evidence? If not, acknowledge that. 3) Is there another way to view this situation? If so, make them up. Most likely your thought process is a made up narrative, so might as well make up a new one that serves you better.
Then, FOCUS on what you’re actually doing. Are you driving? Eating? Working? If your default thoughts pop back up, focus on your new perspective then back to what you’re doing.
Then, take ACTION. If you’re dwelling or stewing, get up and do something else. Boredom feeds discomfort. Also, you can take action with your situation and find evidence that proves or disproves your old or new thoughts, that way you aren’t guessing (try to focus more on the new, more helpful perspective). OR, you can ACT how you’d like to feel or how you’d like to be. If you’re sad because your thoughts are making you that way, reframe those thoughts and ask yourself what would a person who is in a better place be doing right now? Go do that (socialize, hike, exercise, create something, meditate, make gains). If your emotions are strong, that’s OK. Feel them. Self-soothe. Get validation. But I still suggest doing these other techniques, too.
20:55 Mar 23 2020
Yep Northern California for the most part under lock down except for essentials at store, Mass run on TP no idea why except I see it is being sold a ridiculas prices. These people are being caught and sent to jail. The county I live in 10 dead 300 infected. we have been hard hit. stock up on essentials. sanitize everything and stay away from others for your sake and theres.