The Calling of the Undead Gods and Goddesses, though always possessing more power in a Community gathering or Group, it can also be performed “Solo”, the Vampire on his own is also the Magickian. In any way, whether the ritual is performed in group or alone, it is necessary that the Vampire (Magickian) goes through the Seven Steps of the prescribed ritual.
The Seven Steps of the Ritual are:
1. Entering the Chamber
2. The Calling of the Four Winds
3. The Declaration of the Self
4. The Sacrifice
5. The Vampiric Communion
6. The Restoration of Power
7. Leaving the Chamber
1. Entering the Chamber
The place of magickal ritual may be located indoors or outdoors, but must be secure from interference of the profane. Be sure you are on your own, therefore lock the doors and windows. Disconnect telephones, close shades, curtains, etc. Have all ceremonial tools prepared and positioned ahead of time.
Entering the place of magick enables you to separate yourself from the human world, and the man in the street. The physical act of going into the chamber enhances the mental and emotional decision to enter the Vampiric Communion of the Undead Gods and Goddesses, “Those Who Have Risen”, and gone before us. It is best to be able to use the same room for magickal purposes, meditation and prayer, as this further sanctifies the room, but it it is better to have Communion than not in every case. Outdoors, cast a circle great enough to be able to perform the ritual. Within the circle will be your sanctified space for the ritual. You do not simply enter a physical chamber or space outdoors, but enter a chamber free of disbeliefs. You need to have the proper intention. Intent is most important.
Here you choose to fully believe in and accept the realities of magick and the Undead Gods and Goddesses (archetypes) you shall summon.
Here, you leave behind your doubting skepticism and open yourself fully to the celebration of that which you are: a Living Vampire, a Master of the Worlds both Seen and Unseen, a Supreme Magickian, and a Dedicated Worshipper as well, and while on Earth in the physical body, a Servant to “Those Who Have Risen.”
2. The Calling of the Four Winds
The Vampire (Magickian) of the solo ritual faces each of the four points of the compass in the following order: south, east, north and west. At each direction, the vampire always acting as magickian raises either a wand, a sword, a knife, or any other sanctified ritual implement toward the horizon and, in his own words preferably, calls the Undead Gods and Goddesses to come forth in the ceremony. The Calling must be honest, direct and filled with emotional power and intent. Here is an example:
Facing the South
“Oh Great Undead Gods! Oh most powerful and Ancient Vampires! Oh true Masters of the world! Join me here! Be with me in this place! I call You now!”
Facing the East
“Oh Great Undead Gods! Oh most powerful and Ancient Vampires! I call to You, the only true gods, and offer up to You my life essence! Come! Feed upon me! I call You now!”
Facing the North
“Oh Great Undead Gods! Oh most powerful and Ancient Vampires! I seek Your Company! I seek Your Wisdom! I seek Your Power! Enter freely into this place for You are most welcome! I call You now!”
Facing the West
“Oh Great Undead Gods! Oh most powerful and Ancient Vampires! Set aside Your doubts about me, for I am sincere! I offer up to You my life! Take! Eat! Drink of me! For I am Yours to use as You will! I call you now!”
3. The Declaration of Self
Facing West toward the mirror (the dominant focus of the direction of the ritual should normally be toward the west if at all possible), the vampire conducting the solo ritual briskly claps hand twice in rapid succession. This is a sign even for himself that his attention be directed fully upon the performance. Then, the Vampire (Magickian) declares his status as a Living Vampire and the purpose of the ceremony in his own words. An example, used by the writer of this manuscript:
“Hear me now! I am a Vampire, I am a Vampire, I am a Vampire, a predator of humans! I am a Vampire, therefore, “I am the Power, I am the Glory, I am another god! I have entered this sacred place, to offer the Lifeforce taken from the humans today for the Undead Gods and Goddesses, “Those Who Have Risen”, and gone before me and us all. I am filled to overflowing! The Undead Gods and Goddesses are also here to help me through my transformation time, to teach me, and reprove, me, and also protect me not only in this place but even beyond wherever I am, in doing or saying. The Undead Gods and Goddesses are my best protection. I am here to feed and be drained! I am here to die and be reborn. I am here to strengthen my bond with the true gods and goddesses of this world and cosmic hierarchy! I am a Vampire, nothing else but a Vampire!”
4. The Sacrifice
Here, the Vampire Magickian directs the accumulated Lifeforce to the Undead Gods and Goddesses Who are present. If the Vampire (Magickian) has not developed sufficient astral awareness to directly sense the Presence of Those Who Have Answered the Calling, he should direct the force through the mirror. The mirror acts as a Gateway to the other world, the astral world and universe.
In a group ceremony, the other participants should direct their Lifeforce sacrifice to the celebrant conducting the ceremonial ritual, focusing upon the midsection near the solar plexus. In such a group and ceremonial ritual, the celebrant acts as a lens to further focus and project the stream of life to the Undead Gods Who may first visually manifest as images in the mirror. Now, all depends on the “intent” of the celebrant.
The Lifeforce is exhaled through the mouth with a long, slow and controlled hissing sound. The Living Vampire literally pumps the Lifeforce out of his body in a continuous stream of power by repeating this sequence of (1) inhaling deeply through the nostrils and then (2) exhaling slowly and completely through the mouth.
The effort to expel energy must continue with no though of personal comfort. Exhaustion is to be expected. (Consult a doctor first if you have health concerns).
The effort needs to continue until there is good evidence that the Undead Gods and Goddesses are accepting the Sacrifice.. The more one can give and the more one empties the self of the Lifeforce, the more return flow of transformation and aid can be received.
Remember the law of “giving and receiving”, nothing is free and the Undead Gods and Goddesses must be moved by your offering before They may choose to assist in True Initiation.
Some of the signs that indicate the Presence of the Undead Gods and Goddesses, “Those Who Have Risen”, and gone before us:
1. The feeling of moving air, as in a cool breeze (The Coming of the Minds).
2. Tingling sensations in the fingertips and face in particular.
3. Unusual pulling sensations at the solar plexus.
4. Sudden upsurge of mixed emotions of joy, love, worship, fear, etc.
5. Feeling of cobweb strands being laid over face or hands.
6. Ringing in ears.
7. Visual sense of the room filling with misty vapour.
8. Sensations of being touched or stroked.
9. Hearing one’s name spoken aloud.
10. Classic poltergeist effects (levitation of yourself or objects in the chamber).
11. Visually sighting the Undead present first in the mirror, then in the chamber.
12. Dreams of flying, falling or travelling through tunnels after the ritual.
13. Astral projection following ritual into the Presence of the Undead.
5. Vampiric Communion
As the Undead Gods and Goddesses accept the “Blood” of sacrifice (the Lifeforce), and exhaustion nears or arrives, there comes a subtle shift. The Vampire Gods and Goddesses present having taken Their fill, judge the Vampire (Magickian) as to his or her worthiness for transformation and Higher Initiation. Even to simply be in the Presence of the Elder Gods and Goddesses (the Hierarchy), however, does accelerate personal evolution.
To those found worthy in their efforts, the Gods and Goddesses may choose to release the rarefied higher energy of Their Own Essence in a return flow. If this happens, then the Vampire (Magickian) will discover a renewal of energy and vitality. This Rain of Mercy may be weak or strong and may take place at any time during the ceremony.
6. The Restoration of Power
As Communion ends, the Vampire (Magickian) drinks from the chalice and declares again his chosen status as a dedication. Here is an example:
Raise the Chalice before the mirror.
“This is the blood of my victims past, present, and yet to be. I drink the life essence of those who exist only to serve my will. I drink this in remembrance of that which I am, Vampire, the predator of humans.”
Drink from the chalice. Lower the chalice to altar. Face the mirror and clap again twice, briskly.
7. Leaving the Chamber
The wand, or sword or knife is drawn and directed to each of the four points of the compass in memory of the Most Ancient Pact, the Mystery of the Ancient Egyptian Priesthood. The Vampire (Magickian) extinguishes all remaining fire and proclaims the Closure with words such as:
“So it is done, ” or “Amen, Amen, Amen”.
Without another word, leave the chamber and go into a place of brighter lights. Eat and drink to restore a more normal sense of life. But, in a group, celebrate and make merry.
The Ritual is at an End.
The Archetypal “Undead Gods”, “Those Who Have Risen.” (part of a new manuscript of mine in the make.)
About the “Undead Gods”, “Those Who Have Risen”, and gone before us, we must see the teaching in the perspective of psychology, and psychosynthesis. In order words, nothing is ever lost, whether our lives past, present and future, our words and deeds, everything being recorded, using the words of the Book of Revelation (the last mysterious book in the Christian Bible), where mention is made of “the Open Book of good and evil.” The “Open Book” is called by our psychologists as Carl Gustav Jung and Roberto Assagioli (with whose staff I have worked for a number of years), “the collective unconsciousness and its archetypes.”
The phenomenon of consciousness is fundamental to our existence, yet somehow it remains the most profound mystery we can imagine.
Down through the ages, generations of scientists, philosophers, mystics and poets have gone in search for a deeper understanding of consciousness and the true nature of reality, whether through scientific research, reasoning or introspection.
Western biologists and neuroscientists have studied brains down the atomic level, but so far an enduring theory of consciousness that combines the physical with the phenomenological remains tantalizingly elusive.
The ancient Eastern contemplative traditions use the mind as an instrument of exploration, perfecting methods such as meditation to explore what has been called our true inner nature.
Some theorists even speculate that consciousness is a fundamental property of the universe, that consciousness may be all there is, and the mind/matter divide is an illusion - albeit a compelling one - something that Einstein alluded to.
It may be that we will never fully comprehend what consciousness is. But the quest to know itself remains irresistible to the inquiring human mind.
We bring here a tribute to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Carl Gustav Jung, and Roberto Assagioli.
The contents of the collective unconscious, we know, are called "archetypes," which means they are original (i.e., primal), inherited patterns, or forms of thought and experience. They are the ancient, unconscious source of much that we think, do, and say as human beings. They are the "givens" in our psychological makeup, the patterns that shape our perceptions of the world, the furnishings that are present in our psychological home from the moment of birth. We inherit the same forms, but each of us fills in the content by the way we experience our lives. Thus, Father might be a positive archetype to one person, but it might be filled with negative meaning for another.
Archetypes can be loosely compared to the instincts of animals. For example, birds instinctively know how to build nests and all the birds of a species build the exact same kind of nest. The bird is unaware that it has a special instinct for a particular form of nest building. Nevertheless, it does. Or we could say that dogs, as a species, are psychologically patterned to be loyal and obedient to the archetype of Master. Master is an archetype that is strongly developed in dogs; however, it does not appear to be an archetype that exists in the psyches of giraffes, snails, or buffaloes.
Humans or Vampires are the same way. Archetypes that exist in humans include Male and Female, God and the Devil, Goddess and Witch, Father and Brother, Mother and Sister, Dragon, Lion, Priest, Lover, Hero, Tree, Snake, and so on. We humans automatically inherit the outlines of these archetypes, fill them in with colours and details of our individual human or vampiric experiences, attach meaning to them, and project them into the outer world.
Archetypes are in this way the “Undead Gods”, who are neither good nor bad. They simply are as they were on Earth, and now live in the astral (the collective unconsciousness). Archetypes are not susceptible to being sugar-coated or tamed by civilization; they live an autonomous existence at the root of our psyches in their original raw and primitive states. To most humans, with their limited awareness of the natural cycles of life and our fear of suffering, certain archetypal qualities seem good and others seem bad. We are attracted to the "positive," creating, nurturing aspects of Mother, for example, but terrified of her "negative" qualities such as her terrible fierce possessiveness, or her power of life and death over us.
Because of our fascination with, and fear of, these unknown qualities within us, when an archetype appears in a dream it can have an especially powerful impact. If a positive or likeable aspect of Lion, Dragon, Mother, Father, Goddess, or God appears in a dream, we may wake up feeling fascinated with the dream - it feels mysterious and meaningful. The meaning behind this kind of dream is often more profound than the meanings behind dreams that have to do with our daily lives. An archetypal dream may have something to do with our life’s journey: our striving for individuation, the unification of our masculine and feminine potential, or our initiation into the sacred and mysterious realm.
But when an archetype appears in a dream in its negative or most primitive guise, it can disrupt our sleep in terrifying nightmares. Then we want to run and hide. We want to forget the dream as soon as we can, for it feels dangerous and threatening to our well-being. We cannot prevent these contents of the collective unconscious from appearing in our dreams, nor can we domesticate them, but we can diminish their power to interfere with our waking lives by paying attention to what they tell us about ourselves. Accepting the fact that we contain the potential for vile and inhuman behaviour can be a humbling experience that teaches us tolerance, compassion, and empathy; when we know that the archetypal evil lives within ourselves, we are far less apt to point an accusatory finger at someone else.
The undead gods, all our dead, are now archetypes we can call forth at wish as it were, through clairvoyance, clairaudience, as well as invocation and evocation.
By becoming conscious of these archetypes in your dreams and rituals, you help to shed light on any unconscious identification with this character you may hold in your dreams and even rituals as well as in waking life.
When you discover your personal archetypal pattern, you can learn to transform your weaknesses into strengths and become your best self for any given circumstance. Then, you will begin to discern the archetypes that other people function through, so you can relate to them in a more effective and compassionate way. This is very powerful, and actually life-changing.
© November 2011, Hagur, Ghent, Belgium
"True vampirism is far beyond what the Hollywood aesthetics that filmmakers like to portray. In reality, it is an ancient way of magick and manipulation that predates all known religions. Yes, psychic vampires and others do exist! So sacrifice your Lifeforce taken from the humans during the day unto the Undead Gods, “Those Who Have Risen”, and have gone before us, while you read and meditate on these conjurations. You know you must, and it is what you should do.!"
First of all, there is a difference between Vampires and Sorcerers. To understand what the difference actually is, lays significant towards one’s approach to Vampirism as well as Sorcery. Both are different from each other, and in a way have different functions, but both are magical. The vampire has the human as victim or prey, draining Lifeforce, while the sorcerer encircles, ensnares and controls spirit or mind Sorcery is the art of controlling subconsciousness and non-subconsciousness.
Primordially, the real vampires were found in Ancient Egypt, which was a land of magick, religion and temples. Vampirism as mentioned above is a thought subject to confusion and misinterpretation, but what is exactly a vampire other what the filmmakers are bringing forth?
Egyptian vampires and similar beings, aware of their astral body, but using the human body (flesh and bones), to live, move and have their being on earth. In fact, vampires are found in every culture around the world.
The real vampire is a real being on Earth, and not the concept found around the word “vampire” and in history and legends and myths created by man. Real vampirism has its roots in Ancient Egypt but also in Ancient Greece. As we know, to refer to vampiric concept, is the sort of being that drains Lifeforce from others. We are called “Psychic Vampires”, and are by no means “bloodsuckers”.
The human energy system constantly draws energy, even at different rates and speed, first of all from the cosmic or universal source, to maintain its own system, first of all astrally. However, the vampiric system is something more, deeper, as it cannot be kept sane and stable under the regular cosmic energies. While this regular or normal energy cycle does not stabilise fully the astral, and can be used in a variety of energy manipulation techniques as healing, for instance, it does not support the own internal energy metabolism. The vampire’s need for Lifeforce and the action of draining it comes from the human beings.
While we have mentioned above that a vampire is not a sorcerer, the irresponsible actions of a predatory being can be devastating. In this way, caution is by all means recommended when contact is being made with an unknown vampire. And, never upset a vampire in any way. Their metaphysical or occult mastery as psychical vampires can be potentially harmful when compared to the human ability to manipulate and control energy. While the vampire, mostly or always drains Lifeforce, which can have positive effects, it can also be dangerous if uncontrolled and, in some cases, even fatal.
The power of the vampire is related with the ability to channel and manipulate mind energy, affecting its vibrations and even frequencies, manifesting under different levels, behind the vampire myth of invisibility. It is possible for the vampire to channel and manipulate variously “energy” as reading the mind, and so on and forth.
In the vampiric subculture, it is common to see the vampire divided in two different categories of beings, the psychics and the sanguinarians a prohibited and dangerous practice. The psychic vampire feed by draining vital energy, Lifeforce, from living human beings, and do not need to draw blood. Psychic vampirism does not need human contact in the first place, while human contact as shaking hands, kissing or having sex can also make the rapport. However, the sanguinarian vampire can also drain vital energy through psychic means.
To us, vampirism is not a religion but an accepted way of life, though they draw much knowledge from religion of Ancient Egypt and even Greece, and occultism. However, a vampire can be a Christian, a Buddhist, a Satanist etc., even if those beliefs and others are against vampirism and the like. Vampirism draws much knowledge from the comparative study of world religions.
Vampires easily find different ways to harness their psychic abilities and powers, and fuel their abilities with the dark energies, as he is a representative of chaos. The vampire is in continuous transformation, as his own existence continuously promotes change, attracts new energies while repelling old ones, braking stagnation among people. The absence of chaotic energies implies a vampiric stagnation.
In the Egyptian civilization the Vampire were held in high esteem. Some of these Vampires even became kings, this can be seen in Egyptian art, as are cat people and werewolves. These races were extremely powerful and the people treated them as gods, and there features showed how powerful they were. The race of the werewolves were called Ammut and Anubis, and with the race of the cat people they were called Sekmet and Bastet. These races worked together with Vampires in this period of History.
Osiris was the most popular Vampire, he and his brother Set had been abandoned by their Vampiric parents. The people who brought them up practiced magic, as well as having to human daughters of their own Isis and Nephytus. While under their care Osiris and his brother Set were taught in the ways of magic as were Isis and Nephytus.
When Osiris became king he used all of his abilities and knowledge of magic to teach the humans to work the land and gain a good knowledge of agriculture. He ruled together with his wife Isis.
“Set” wanted to become more powerful because of his jealousy towards his brother and the position Osiris had attained, to gain this power he began to feed on the humans infecting them in order to create more Vampires. Together with these newly created Vampires he murdered his brother Osiris, making himself king of Egypt.
Isis could not accept the fact that her husband had been murdered and began searching ways of bringing him back from the dead.
Horus her son with help of a powerful sorcerer Ra had placed a curse on Set and his human-Vampires. The cursed that had laid on them was they could go into the sunlight or they would be destroyed, because of this curse Horus managed to defeat Set and his army.
Isis in the meanwhile had managed to bring back Osiris from the dead by using magic, but he remained bonded with the Netherworld or Underworld.
There were many factions in Egypt that worshipped magic, one of these factions was created by Vampire Priest who was wrongly identified as the Egyptian god of wisdom Thoth. He used the Book of the Dead to sanctify Vampires. He found ways of teaching Vampires to sleep without feeding from humans. Many Vampires managed to learn how to hibernate until it was time to waken.
Through magic, ways were found to strengthen the defenses of Vampires when they slept, this was desperately needed for when the werewolf race returned.
The god of the desert was associated with desert caravans and sandstorms. He was regarded as the highest god because of his immense powers. Because he was associated with the desert it was thought that he was infertile, but he could be considered one of the first homosexuals in recorded history. His partner was the Libyan god Ash, he was of the gender as Set.
Set was associated to anything being the color red. As well as gazelles and donkeys, both lived at the edges of the desert.
The Set animal
Images of Set mostly depict him as a Typhonic beast, with square ears, curved snout, forked tail and canine body. This depiction resembles the aardvark which also had a reddish appearance.
Osiris, King of the Underworld
When Osiris had been murdered by tricking him to get into a coffin, which was sealed and thrown in the Nile. Isis had managed to recovered the coffin containing the remains of Osiris, but unfortunately Typhon found out about this and cut the corpse of Osiris into 14 pieces and spread them throughout the land. Isis did not give up and searched until she found almost all the pieces of her husband's body, except for one that were his genitals. With the pieces she had found she wrapped them in linen, and performed a magical ceremony to bring her husband back from the land of the dead. This succeeded and now he was crowned the king of the dead.
(This is to be continued, manuscript in the make by Hagur.)
© November 2011, Hagur, Ghent, Belgium