Oct 3 marked the beginning of my third year on VampireRave....
Wow.... I can’t believe I’m still here….. :P
In the last three years, I made friends, lost friends, made enemies, and watched enemies disappear.
I’ve done things I never would’ve done, and missed opportunities to do things I wanted to do.
I've achieved the goals I set, and found new goals to strive for.
I've been surrounded by those who created drama, and watched as their drama made them fall.
I created a place where I can laugh and find peace.
I've questioned everything, including myself.
I searched for answers, and found even more questions.
I have walked the road less traveled, gotten lost, and still found my way back.
I have fallen into the abyss, and climbed back out.
I made mistakes, and have a few regrets, but I would not try to redo anything.
Now I enter this next year, and I wonder what it has in store.....