I am creating a new Card Game called "Mages and Monsters". It is similar to Yu-Gi-Oh (only by 10%) instead of having one type of monster, this game has many types... From Alien to Cartoon to Puppet to Vampire to Witch... Now the monsters can be more specific...
The gameplay is almost similar except for equipping. You can attach cards to the monsters, and attach as many as you want... The card copy limit is three.
I did make recent cards for a puppet deck: "Fiend Toybox", "Draculabox", "Mr. Checkers", "Puppet Girl" and "Toy Land".
I already finished a Plauge-Spread deck which have a sub-type of undead monsters known as "Plague-spread" which are a bunch of undead animals carrying maggots.
I also finished a Fairy Tale Deck, which includes some of the well-known fairy tales. (Still making more)
I also finished a Cartoon deck and a Clown Deck
The cartoon Deck consists of cartoon characters similar to the Toon Monsters, except there are many non-caricaturial characters. (Ex: Toon Ant, Mr. Bones, Dark Toad) as well with Caricaturial creatures, (ex: Toon Bone Dragon, Toon Wyverex Draconis, Bone Troll Toon, and Toon Dark Skull Dragon). These cartoons, live in a Television set known as `TV Land`` Similar to that of ``Toon World``.
The Circus Deck is a deck that revolves around the card, ``Clown Town``, a clown filled city with many of it`s residents.
I am now working on Music Themes, and two other Decks:
Gothicoral Reef
And Deck of the Damned (Vampire deck)
Uuggg! Today was so stressful, There was I site I used to go, Spellsofmagic.com. I liked it there, the people were nice, and stuff but I couldn't handle the stress of their rules. In the chat rooms, you cannot speak of any other topic except magic... Which pretty much sucks... So I don't know if I should stay or I should go... I just miss it at times...
if you are unhappy you have 3 solutions : 1: leave . 2: deal with it 3: try and see if it can be changed or altered.