I awaken from a cold sleep and wonder if I'm dreaming..? I must be. Because your everything I dreamt of in a person. Everything I dreamt of having. Everything I dreamt of but could never have. Could you possibly be my...no, this is only my delusional mind lying to me.
Back to my lifeless reality.
I awaken from a cold sleep and know I must face another day. Each moment is like having cement poured onto your already ice heart, and letting it harden as hours fly by. As seconds ticked away.
Tick tock tick tock.
The thought of you come across my mind. I can't help but continuously think of maybe my head is lying to me. Maybe your just simply another plastic human only created to tear more scars into my already chasted eyes.
Only a fool could think this way. Perhaps I'm simply opening another door that will be closed all too soon. Perhaps maybe I'm walking onto quick sand. Perhaps maybe this is my undeserving self misery speaking again making me drown in water.
Perhaps maybe a simple rose will be the answer to my twisted prayers.
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
But I know he loves me not. I'm simply way too fucked up